1 research outputs found
Heart Failure in Women
- Author
- A Greenberg
- A Hjalmarson
- A Schatzkin
- AJ Proudler
- AL Hinderliter
- AS al-Khadra
- AV Ng
- B Pitt
- B Pitt
- BG Crandall
- C Kimmelstiel
- CD Kimmelstiel
- Clinical Quality Improvement Network Investigators. Mortality risk and patterns of practice in 4606 acute care patients with congestive heart failure
- CP Weiner
- D Grady
- D Grady
- D Johnstone
- D Levy
- D Liao
- D Wolbrette
- DD Schocken
- DK Foot
- DL Dries
- DM Shindler
- E Barrett-Connor
- E Guarda
- EF Philbin
- EJ Benjamin
- EO Wienberg
- F Grodstein
- G Nickenig
- G Olivetti
- G Simone
- GD Giraud
- GD Pearson
- Ghali JK
- GM Rosano
- GS Francis
- H Huikuri
- H Schunkert
- HC Mcgill
- HC Mcgill
- Health Care Financing Review
- J Kajstura
- JA Schaer
- JB O’Connell
- JB Schwartz
- JD Carroll
- JD Gardner
- JD Hosenpud
- JE Udelson
- JJV Mcmurray
- JK Ghali
- JM Foody
- JM Pfeffer
- JZ Ayanian
- K Kubota
- K Yamamoto
- KD Aaronson
- KF Adams
- KKL Ho
- KKL Ho
- KKL Ho
- KT Weber
- L Mosca
- LK Koniaris
- M Packer
- MA Konstam
- MA Pfeffer
- MB Higginbotham
- MC Petrie
- ME Mendelsohn
- MH Lehmann
- N Kucher
- NK Wenger
- P Charney
- P Jong
- PA Mckee
- PA Thurmann
- PJM Best
- PS Douglas
- R Garg
- R Maria
- R Myerburg
- RG Mckay
- S Ebert
- S Goldstein
- S Hulley
- S Kenchaiah
- SA Hunt
- SE Reis
- T Pelzer
- T Pelzer
- T Simon
- The Beta-Blocker Evaluation of Survival Trial Investigators
- The CONSENSUS Trial Study Group
- V Vaccarino
- WB Kannel
- WB Kannel
- WB Kannel
- WB Kannel
- WS Aronow
- Y Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study