66 research outputs found

    Finite Volume vs.vs. Streaming-based Lattice Boltzmann algorithm for fluid-dynamics simulations: a one-to-one accuracy and performance study

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    A new finite volume (FV) discretisation method for the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) equation which combines high accuracy with limited computational cost is presented. In order to assess the performance of the FV method we carry out a systematic comparison, focused on accuracy and computational performances, with the standard streamingstreaming (ST) Lattice Boltzmann equation algorithm. To our knowledge such a systematic comparison has never been previously reported. In particular we aim at clarifying whether and in which conditions the proposed algorithm, and more generally any FV algorithm, can be taken as the method of choice in fluid-dynamics LB simulations. For this reason the comparative analysis is further extended to the case of realistic flows, in particular thermally driven flows in turbulent conditions. We report the first successful simulation of high-Rayleigh number convective flow performed by a Lattice Boltzmann FV based algorithm with wall grid refinement.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures (discussion changes, improved figure readability

    Rayleigh and Prandtl number scaling in the bulk of Rayleigh-Benard turbulence

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    The Rayleigh (Ra) and Prandtl (Pr) number scaling of the Nusselt number Nu, the Reynolds number Re, the temperature fluctuations, and the kinetic and thermal dissipation rates is studied for (numerical) homogeneous Rayleigh-Benard turbulence, i.e., Rayleigh-Benard turbulence with periodic boundary conditions in all directions and a volume forcing of the temperature field by a mean gradient. This system serves as model system for the bulk of Rayleigh-Benard flow and therefore as model for the so called ``ultimate regime of thermal convection''. With respect to the Ra dependence of Nu and Re we confirm our earlier results \cite{loh03} which are consistent with the Kraichnan theory \cite{kra62} and the Grossmann-Lohse (GL) theory \cite{gro00,gro01,gro02,gro04}, which both predict Nu∼Ra1/2Nu \sim Ra^{1/2} and Re∼Ra1/2Re \sim Ra^{1/2}. However the Pr dependence within these two theories is different. Here we show that the numerical data are consistent with the GL theory Nu∼Pr1/2Nu \sim Pr^{1/2}, Re∼Pr−1/2Re \sim Pr^{-1/2}. For the thermal and kinetic dissipation rates we find \eps_\theta/(\kappa \Delta^{2}L^{-2}) \sim (Re Pr)^{0.87} and \eps_u/(\nu^3 L^{-4}) \sim Re^{2.77}, also both consistent with the GL theory, whereas the temperature fluctuations do not depend on Ra and Pr. Finally, the dynamics of the heat transport is studied and put into the context of a recent theoretical finding by Doering et al. \cite{doe05}.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Particle-laden two-dimensional elastic turbulence

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    The aggregation properties of heavy inertial particles in the elastic turbulence regime of an Oldroyd-B fluid with periodic Kolmogorov mean flow are investigated by means of extensive numerical simulations in two dimensions. Both the small and large scale features of the resulting inhomogeneous particle distribution are examined, focusing on their connection with the properties of the advecting viscoelastic flow. We find that particles preferentially accumulate on thin highly elastic propagating waves and that this effect is largest for intermediate values of particle inertia. We provide a quantitative characterization of this phenomenon that allows to relate it to the accumulation of particles in filamentary highly strained flow regions producing clusters of correlation dimension close to 1. At larger scales, particles are found to undergo turbophoretic-like segregation. Indeed, our results indicate a close relationship between the profiles of particle density and fluid velocity fluctuations. The large-scale inhomogeneity of the particle distribution is interpreted in the framework of a model derived in the limit of small, but finite, particle inertia. The qualitative characteristics of different observables are, to a good extent, independent of the flow elasticity. When increased, the latter is found, however, to slightly reduce the globally averaged degree of turbophoretic unmixing.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to EPJ

    Lagrangian single particle turbulent statistics through the Hilbert-Huang Transform

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    The Hilbert-Huang transform is applied to analyze single particle Lagrangian velocity data from numerical simulations of hydrodynamic turbulence. The velocity trajectory is described in terms of a set of intrinsic mode functions, C_{i}(t), and of their instantaneous frequency, \omega_{i}(t). On the basis of this decomposition we define the \omega-conditioned statistical moments of the C_{i} modes, named q-order Hilbert Spectra (HS). We show that such new quantities have enhanced scaling properties as compared to traditional Fourier transform- or correlation-based (Structure Functions) statistical indicators, thus providing better insights into the turbulent energy transfer process. We present a clear empirical evidence that the energy-like quantity, i.e. the second-order HS, displays a linear scaling in time in the inertial range, as expected from dimensional analysis and never observed before. We also measure high order moment scaling exponents in a direct way, without resorting the Extended Self Similarity (ESS) procedure. This leads to a new estimate of the Lagrangian structure functions exponents which are consistent with the multifractal prediction in the Lagrangian frame as proposed in [Biferale et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 93, 064502 (2004)].Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Velocity gradients statistics along particle trajectories in turbulent flows: the refined similarity hypothesis in the Lagrangian frame

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    We present an investigation of the statistics of velocity gradient related quantities, in particluar energy dissipation rate and enstrophy, along the trajectories of fluid tracers and of heavy/light particles advected by a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow. The Refined Similarity Hypothesis (RSH) proposed by Kolmogorov and Oboukhov in 1962 is rephrased in the Lagrangian context and then tested along the particle trajectories. The study is performed on state-of-the-art numerical data resulting from numerical simulations up to Re~400 with 2048^3 collocation points. When particles have small inertia, we show that the Lagrangian formulation of the RSH is well verified for time lags larger than the typical response time of the particle. In contrast, in the large inertia limit when the particle response time approaches the integral-time-scale of the flow, particles behave nearly ballistic, and the Eulerian formulation of RSH holds in the inertial-range.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; Physical Review E (accepted Dec 7, 2009

    Quantifying microbubble clustering in turbulent flow from single-point measurements

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    Single-point hot-wire measurements in the bulk of a turbulent channel have been performed in order to detect and quantify the phenomenon of preferential bubble accumulation. We show that statistical analysis of the bubble-probe colliding-times series can give a robust method for investigation of clustering in the bulk regions of a turbulent flow where, due to the opacity of the flow, no imaging technique can be employed. We demonstrate that micro-bubbles (radius R_0 ~ 0.1 mm) in a developed turbulent flow, where the Kolmogorov length-scale is, eta ~ R_0, display preferential concentration in small scale structures with a typical statistical signature ranging from the dissipative range, O(eta), up to the low inertial range, O(100 eta). A comparison with Eulerian-Lagrangian numeri- cal simulations is also presented to further support our proposed way to characterize clustering from temporal time series at a fixed position.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Impact of trailing wake drag on the statistical properties and dynamics of finite-sized particle in turbulence

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    We study by means of an Eulerian-Lagrangian model the statistical properties of velocity and acceleration of a neutrally-buoyant finite-sized particle in a turbulent flow statistically homogeneous and isotropic. The particle equation of motion, beside added mass and steady Stokes drag, keeps into account the unsteady Stokes drag force - known as Basset-Boussinesq history force - and the non-Stokesian drag based on Schiller-Naumann parametrization, together with the finite-size Faxen corrections. We focus on the case of flow at low Taylor-Reynolds number, Re_lambda ~ 31, for which fully resolved numerical data which can be taken as a reference are available (Homann & Bec 651 81-91 J. Fluid Mech. (2010)). Remarkably, we show that while drag forces have always minor effects on the acceleration statistics, their role is important on the velocity behavior. We propose also that the scaling relations for the particle velocity variance as a function of its size, which have been first detected in fully resolved simulations, does not originate from inertial-scale properties of the background turbulent flow but it is likely to arise from the non-Stokesian component of the drag produced by the wake behind the particle. Furthermore, by means of comparison with fully resolved simulations, we show that the Faxen correction to the added mass has a dominant role in the particle acceleration statistics even for particle with size in the inertial range.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure
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