4 research outputs found
Cultivo do mangostĂŁo no Brasil
- Author
- Carlos Hans MĂŒller
- CĂ©lio Kersul do Sacramento
- Enio Coelho JĂșnior
- José Edmar Urano de Carvalho
- Walnice Maria Oliveira do Nascimento
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Caracterização morfológica da semente e da plùntula de bacurizinho (Rheedia acuminata (Ruiz et Pav.) Plachon et Triana - Clusiaceae)
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
A European survey of antibiotic management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection: current clinical opinion and practice.
- Author
- A. Voss
- A.T. Andrasevic
- Abrams
- Addo-Yobo
- Alder
- American Thoracic Society
- Andes
- Arbeit
- Avorn
- Barlow
- Baughman
- Bayer
- Bhattacharya
- Bonhoeffer
- Boucher
- Cafferkey
- Campanile
- Cauda
- Centers for Disease Control an dPrevention
- Cepeda
- Cercenado
- Chang
- Charbonneau
- Chary
- Chastre
- Chastre
- Coia
- Combes
- Combes
- Conte
- Cosgrove
- Cruciani
- Cunha
- D. Nathwani
- Davey
- Davis
- Dean
- Dellit
- Depuydt
- Depuydt
- DeRyke
- Desai
- Drew
- Drinkovic
- Drugeon
- Dryden
- Dupont
- Dworkin
- E. Bouza
- Enoch
- Esposito
- European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System
- Eykyn
- Fagon
- Falagas
- Fantin
- Fauconneau
- Fauconneau
- Ferrara
- Foldes
- Fowler
- Fox
- Fridkin
- G. Cornaglia
- G. French
- Galani
- Garau
- Garrouste-Orgeas
- Gastmeier
- Gemmell
- Giantsou
- Goetz
- Goldmann
- Goodman
- Gopal
- Gorelick
- Gould
- Gould
- Grau
- H. Giamarellou
- Hair
- Harada
- Hashimoto
- Hau
- Hayon
- Henry
- Heyland
- Hidayat
- Hidron
- Houlihan
- Howden
- Howden
- Huang
- Huang
- I.C. Gyssens
- Ibrahim
- Iregui
- Itani
- Itani
- J. Chastre
- Jang
- Jensen
- Jernigan
- John
- Jorda
- Kaka
- Kalenic
- Kallweit
- Kang-Birken
- Kessler
- Kollef
- Kollef
- Kollef
- Kollef
- Kono
- Korzeniowski
- Laing
- Lam
- Lam
- Lamer
- LaPlante
- Leibovici
- Leone
- Levine
- Li
- Liu
- Lodise
- Lodise
- Lodise
- Lodise
- Loeb
- Luna
- Luna
- Luyt
- M. Bassetti
- M. Dryden
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- Malanoski
- Markowitz
- Martinez-Aguilar
- Masterton
- Matthews
- McGowan
- McLaughlin
- Mensa
- Micek
- Michel
- Moise
- Moise-Broder
- Monnet
- Muder
- Mulazimoglu
- Muscedere
- Naber
- Nathwani
- Nathwani
- Nathwani
- Nathwani
- Nathwani
- Nathwani
- Navarro
- Ntziora
- Oztoprak
- Palmer
- Patel
- Pearson
- Perdikaris
- Perlroth
- Pertel
- Proctor
- Raad
- Rello
- Rello
- Rello
- Rello
- Rello
- Riedel
- Robicsek
- Rodriguez-Morales
- Rose
- Rubinstein
- Ruhe
- Rupprecht
- Rybak
- Rybak
- S. Esposito
- S. Unal
- Safdar
- Sakoulas
- Samore
- Sander
- Schmitt
- Schramm
- Scottish Medicines Consortium
- Seaton
- Seaton
- Sharpe
- Shorr
- Shorr
- Shorr
- Silverman
- Simor
- Singh
- Sintchenko
- Soriano
- Stefani
- Steinkraus
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stone
- Swinney
- Swoboda
- Tanaka
- Tice
- Torres
- Trouillet
- Tsuji
- Turnidge
- Vidaur
- Vouloumanou
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Wang
- Watanakunakorn
- Watanakunakorn
- Weigelt
- Weigelt
- Wertheim
- Whitby
- Whitby
- Wilcox
- Wunderink
- Wunderink
- Wunderink
- Yaldo
- Zervos
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2010
- Field of study
Item does not contain fulltex
Absorption and Transport of Dietary Lipid
- Author
- Alaupovic P.
- Alaupovic P.
- Albers J.J.
- Anderson D.
- Barbaras R.
- Barbaras R.
- Barter P.J.
- Bauchart D.
- Berry E.M.
- Beynen A.C.
- Beynen A.C.
- Beynen A.C.
- Bierman E.L.
- Blaton V.
- Bradley W.A.
- Brenner R.R.
- Brown M.S.
- Brown M.S.
- Brown M.S.
- Brown M.S.
- Calvert G.D.
- Caselli C.
- Cavallero E.
- Cheung M.C.
- Clarkson T.B.
- Coates M.E.
- Connor W.E.
- Cortese C.
- Daugherty A.
- Deckelbaum R.J.
- Department
- Department
- Dietschy J.M.
- Dietschy J.M.
- Dobiasova M.
- Durrington P.N.
- Edelstein C.
- Edgington J.
- Edwards-Webb J.D.
- Eisenberg S.
- Eisenberg S.
- Eisenberg S.
- Enoch H.G.
- Enoch H.G.
- Fidge N.H.
- Fielding C.J.
- Gillett M.P.P.
- Gjone E.
- Glickman R.M.
- Goldberg J.L.
- Goldstein J.L.
- Goldstein J.L.
- Goldstein J.L.
- Goodnight S.H.
- Gotto A.M. Jr.
- Green P.H.R.
- Grojec M.
- Grundy S.M.
- Gurr M.I.
- Gurr M.I.
- Havel R.J.
- Havel R.J.
- Havel R.J.
- Havel R.J.
- Ho Y.K.
- Ho Y.K.
- Hojackni J.L.
- Holloway C.T.
- Holloway P.W.
- Illingworth D.R.
- Johnson F.L. St.
- Johnston J.M.
- Johnston J.M.
- Jones D.P.
- Joshi V.C.
- Kasturi R.
- Krause B.R.
- Krauss R.M.
- Kwiterovich P.O. Jr.
- Larsson O.M.
- Le Fanu J.
- Liepa G.U.
- Lippiello P.M.
- Mahley R.W.
- Mattson F.H.
- McClean L.R.
- McGill H.C.J. Jr.
- McGill H.C.J. Jr.
- McNamara D.J.
- Mengheri E.
- Miller J.P.
- Miller N.E.
- Miller N.E.
- Moilanen T.
- Morris C.J.
- Morrisett J.D.
- Morrisett J.D.
- Mulvihill B.J.
- Musliner T.A.
- Nicoll A.
- Nikkila E.A.
- Norum K.R.
- Oliver M.F.
- Oram J.F.
- Owen J.S.
- Patsch J.R.
- Paul R.
- Phillips M.C.
- Pitas R.E.
- Polonovski J.
- Prasad M.R.
- Price G.M.
- Quarfordt S.H.
- Quintao E.C.R.
- Rifai N.
- Rinninger F.
- Rogers M.J.
- Rothblat G.H.
- Rudel L.L.
- Rudel L.L.
- Scanu A.M.
- Schaefer E.J.
- Schneider W.J.
- Schonfeld G.
- Segrest J.P.
- Shen M.M.S.
- Shepherd J.
- Shepherd J.
- Shepherd J.
- Shepherd J.
- Shepherd J.
- Sinclair H.M.
- Sinclair H.M.
- Smith L.C.
- Smith L.C.
- Sniderman A.
- Sniderman A.D.
- Sparks J.D.
- Spritz N.
- Sreekrishna K.
- Stehbens W.E.
- Stein Y.
- Steinberg D.
- Steinberg D.
- Strain J.J.
- Strittmatter P.
- Tall A.R.
- Tall A.R.
- Tall A.R.
- Thompson G.R.
- Thompson G.R.
- Thomson A.B.R.
- Tollefson J.H.
- Tso P.
- Vergroesen B.J.
- Welch V.A.
- Wells I.C.
- Wu A.L.
- Zilversmit D.B.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study