32 research outputs found

    An Overview of English Language in Indonesian Advertising in Printed Media

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    The aim of this paper is looking on the impact of English as a global language from an angle of how English language is used in local printed advertising media in Jakarta particularly on fliers. Discussion takes place by comparing two different brands in the city: a local brand advertisement and an international/multinational brand advertisement which sells similar product. Linguistic elements such as lexical category (verbs, nouns, etc.) are the focal point of the discussion. It can be said, at the end, that the local brands try to get brand power and position in the market through the usage of English language (as language choice), product name, logo, and even the content message in brochures and menus. Meanwhile it seems that the international brand uses adaptation technique to call for Indonesianisation of their product. Keywords: English as global language, advertisement, linguistic element

    Translation Theories in Computer Translation

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    There have been changes in recent years in the study of translation and languages due to advancement and development of technology including language processing for translation tools. Therefore, translation theories should raise an awareness of the needs for technology and software as parts of translators’ workbench. This paper provides insights into computer translation through the viewpoint of translation theory. It felt that the modern-day translators - professionals and amateurs as well as translator-researchers and language specialists – should be informed about this, aiming to increase awareness on the relationship between translation technology and translation theory. At the end, the journey arrives at the conclusion that both human translators and machine translation come upon problems during the process of translation. Keywords: translation theory, computer translation (CT), Transtoo

    Annotated Figure of Speech in Westall’s Falling Into Glory: A Short Review

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    This paper illustrates an approach to linguistic annotation task to translating a text particularly on translating figure of speech in an English fiction novel Falling into Glory. Attaining factual information concerning problems faced by the writer/translator herself in translating source text and giving plausible solutions to the difficulties are the purpose of this annotated translation. Four figures of speech to be discussed respectively originate from two chapters of the novel that the writer found them rather difficult to translate; those difficulties became translation problems for the writer/translator. The solutions to these problems were attained by the annotation or analysis done relevant to the translation strategies and translation theories. Keywords: annotation, figure of speech, translation, introspectiv

    FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS IN TRANSLATION PROCESS: A Preliminary Insight of Translation Theory

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    Generally, the primary activity of translators in translating a text is transferring source language (SL) into target language (TL). This transferring action includes a language replacement process between the two different languages as consequence, conflicts often take place. Such conflicts happen when the meaning of a language is not transferrable due to non-equivalence or might not have the equivalent meaning yet. This writing is focusing on the translation process in general and influencing factors on its process. This process is the prominent foundation for translators and language learners when it comes to understanding selected text as well as its influencing factors.Key words/phrases: Target Language (TL), Source Language (SL), language, culture


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    Translators often encounter challenges in choosing the best meaning from source text into target text during translation process, in this case, transferring from English language into Indonesian language. One of the influential factors in word or phrase choice in such action is the translator’s understanding of the source language and text. Word formation atau ‘pembentukan kata’ is one of the knowledge the translators have to learn since translation definitely engages with meanings in words and phrases that are mostly related to word formation. This paper merely describes ten word formations in English language, which can be applied to Indonesian language, the translators need to know that will surely help them to have the right meaning and finally decide the best language choice in translating.Keywords : word formation, lexical items, suffix, prefi

    Seni, Sastra, dan Imajinasi untuk Pengembangan Emosi dalam Pandangan Martha Nussbaum

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    Kehidupan publik erat kaitannya dengan emosi yang dialami setiap orang dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Martha Nussbaum hadir dengan pandangannya tentang emosi yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan politik ekonomi. Melalui kajian pustaka yang membedah beberapa buku dan jurnal karya Nussbaum, tulisan ini hendak memaparkan tentang peran emosi dalam hidup politik untuk membentuk masyarakat demokratis. Bagi Nussbaum, imajinasi dibutuhkan untuk mengolah emosi yang melahirkan empati dan bela rasa. Imajinasi dalam pandangannya adalah kemampuan untuk membayangkan bagaimana rasanya berada dalam posisi orang lain. Kemampuan ini membantu setiap orang untuk dapat menghargai dan menghormati martabat kemanusiaan setiap orang. Saat setiap orang memiliki kemampuan ini, diharapkan tidak ada lagi orang yang akan mau serakah dan egois pada sesama maupun lingkungannya. Kehidupan politik yang stabil bisa terwujud bila kehidupan ekonomi yang adil sungguh-sungguh tercipta dalam masyarakat. Imajinasi membantu setiap orang untuk lebih peka dan peduli kepada sesama, saat mereka dapat membayangkan bila berada dalam posisi orang lain, terutama yang tidak seberuntung mereka. Emosi yang diolah dengan bantuan imajinasi mengembangkan dalam diri seseorang kemampuan untuk berempati dan berbela rasa kepada sesamanya, baik dalam lingkungan yang dekat maupun yang jauh. Masyarakat demokratis yang setara membantu untuk mewujudkan kehidupan politik yang stabil dan ekonomi yang adil


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    Translating cultures and other specific, context-based terminologies are never easy to perform as language structures, circumstances, readerships, and translators’ perspectives come to play. The text is set in the context of a specific society that is closely related to its origin culture. In the text, culture can take the form of norms, values, habits, materials, or natural conditions. Although stated differently, source and target text are conceptually and logically comparable. The concepts or meanings of the source and target text are not always the same. The process requires the translators’ adaptability skills to select necessary translation methods and techniques considered appropriate to the target readership. Therefore, the present study would like to examine translation methods and techniques employed in the treatment of cultural terms in the novel. The English translation of ‘Sukreni’ and the original Indonesian novel are the foci of this current study. This is a qualitative study that makes use of the content analysis approach. The data analysis technique categorizes the translation results based on cultural concepts, techniques, and methods. The fourteen translation techniques of Molina & Albir and the six translation methods of Hervey & Higgins are the frameworks of analysis in this study. Espindola & Vasconcellos’s concept of cultural elements distinguishes the types of cultural concepts portrayed in the original novel. The results show that the translation methods adopted to accommodate the cultural terms are adaptation and communicative methods. At the same time, the commonly used translation techniques are modulation, transposition, and adaptation. It can be concluded that the translator’s ideology also came to play alongside the choice of the translation methods and techniques when it comes to the readership of the target language. Methods and techniques of translations that are more inclined to the target language positively impact the translation results. Anthroponymy is the dominant cultural term in the original novel in the cultural category

    Readers’ Responses to The Reading of Translations of Children’s Story

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    The goals of this paper are to seek the readers’ reactions, having gone through the two versions of English-to-Indonesian translations of children’s short story, and to explain the readers’ reactions to the two versions of the translations. The interview questions focus on the loanword or borrowing translation strategies employed by the student translators. Ten parents with children volunteered to read and respond to translation reading. The results show that the readers thought it would be better for the translators not to apply the borrowing procedure in translating children’s stories as it will hinder the meanings resulting in an uneasy feeling of reading the story to their children. Keywords: reader reaction, children story translation, borrowing, equivalence

    Stimulation of Anxiety Management for Instagram Followers @najwashihab by Comparing the Credibility of Quraish Shihab and Najwa Shihab

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    This research explores the reactions of Instagram followers @najwashihab after watching content featuring Najwa Shihab with Quraish Shihab on Najwa Shihab's YouTube channel. This research uses a quantitative approach with survey methods. Data was obtained from survey results among followers of the Instagram account @najwashihab regarding the credibility of Quraish Shihab and Najwa Shihab in conveying messages. The results of this research show that the communicants or audience, namely Instagram followers @najwashihab, show the influence that these two sources have on the management of anxiety. Exciting findings from this research show the reactions of communicants after seeing the messages delivered by Quraish Shihab and Najwa Shihab. Instagram followers @najwashihab can manage anxiety through mindfulness, namely being aware of their surroundings and being able to accept emotions openly. Further research should consider variables such as attitude, quality of life, mental health, self-love, quarter-life crisis, and anxiety management and consider questionnaires for comprehensive research

    Gaya Bahasa Aliterasi pada Puisi Pilihan Karya Li Qing

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    Gaya bahasa dan penggunaannya dalam puisi selalu menarik untuk dikaji, selain karena gaya bahasa selalu memiliki makna yang terselubung bagi pembacanya, gaya bahasa yang sama ini pun juga memiliki maksud dan tujuan tertentu yang tergantung dari cara si pemapar puisi tersebut memakainya dalam konteks. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penggunaan gaya bahasa dan gaya bahasa yang dominan pada puisi terpilih karya Li Qing. Karya Li Qing belum banyak dikaji dalam konteks pemahaman gaya bahasa Bahasa Indonesia sehingga bisa memperkaya kajian gaya bahasa puisi asing dengan pemahaman konteks Indonesia. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dalam menganalisis puisi terpilih karya Li Qing. Acuan teori gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah teori dari Keraf (2004). Setelah menganalisis gaya bahasa dalam puisi tersebut, penulis dapat menyampaikan tentang hasil temuan, diantaranya: terdapat 10 gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam puisi ini yaitu simile, metafora, hiperbola, personifikasi, aliterasi, repitisi, alerogi, metonimia, apostrof dan satire. Gaya bahasa yang dominan adalah aliterasi