15 research outputs found

    The effects of herbicide metsulfuron-methyl on litter invertebrate communities in a coastal dune invaded by Chrysanthemoides monilifera spp. rotundata

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    We investigated the impacts of application of the sulfonylurea herbicide, metsulfuron-methyl, on soil and litter invertebrates in coastal vegetation where the weed Chrysanthemoides monilifera has invaded. We followed changes in litter invertebrates for 125 days following treatment to investigate direct toxic and indirect effects of treatment. Overall we found no effect of treatment on abundance, taxonomic richness or composition of litter invertebrates. In general, abundance and richness declined with time in both treated and untreated sites, suggesting that climatic factors were far more important in determining invertebrate communities than the effects of the treatment. Even changes in cover of vegetation as a result of death of the weed resulted in few measurable effects on invertebrates. It is concluded that metsulfuron-methyl had no impact on invertebrate communities up to 125 days following treatment