139 research outputs found

    Continuing midwifery education beyond graduation : student midwives' awareness of continuous professional development

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    Midwifery education plays an important role in educating graduates about engaging in continuous professional development (CPD) but there is a lack of empirical research analysing student midwives’ awareness of CPD beyond graduation. We aimed to explore student midwives’ awareness of the need to become lifelong learners and to map their knowledge of CPD activities available after graduation. Therefore, forty-seven reflective documents, written in the last week of student midwives’ training programme, were analysed in a thematic way. Content analysis confirmed student midwives’ awareness of the importance of CPD before graduation. They mentioned different reasons for future involvement in CPD and described both, formal and informal CPD-activities. Respondents were especially aware of the importance of knowledge, to a lesser degree of skills-training and still less of the potential value of the Internet for individual and collective learning. Respondents perceived a need for a mandatory preceptorship. Supporting learning guides were highly valued and the importance of reflection on CPD was well-established. This could have resulted from an integrated reflective learning strategy during education

    A Delphi study to validate competency-based criteria to assess undergraduate midwifery students' competencies in the maternity ward

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    Background: workplace learning plays a crucial role in midwifery education. Twelve midwifery schools in Flanders (Belgium) aimed to implement a standardised and evidence-based method to learn and assess competencies in practice. This study focuses on the validation of competency-based criteria to guide and assess undergraduate midwifery students’ postnatal care competencies in the maternity ward. Method: an online Delphi study was carried out. During three consecutive sessions, experts from workplaces and schools were invited to score the assessment criteria as to their relevance and feasibility, and to comment on the content and their formulation. A descriptive quantitative analysis, and a qualitative thematic content analysis of the comments were carried out. A Mann-Whitney U-test was used to investigate diferences between expert groups. Findings:eleven competencies and fifty-six assessment criteria were found appropriate to assess midwifery students’ competencies in the maternity ward. Overall median scores were high and consensus was obtained for all criteria, except for one during the first round. Although all initial assessment criteria (N=89) were scored as relevant, some of them appeared not feasible in practice. Little difference was found between the expert groups. Comments mainly included remarks about concreteness and measurability. Conclusion: this study resulted in validated criteria to assess postnatal care competencies in the maternity ward

    Inventarisasi Jenis Pohon Pada Cagar Alam Gunung Ambang, Sulawesi Utara

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    Pohon sebagai penyusun utama kawasan hutan berperan penting dalam pengaturan tata air, cadangan plasma nutfah, penyangga kehidupan, sumber daya pembangunan dan sumber devisa Negara. Peranan pohon-pohon dalam komunitas hutan semakin sulit dipertahankan mengingat tekanan masyarakat terhadap kelompok tumbuhan dari waktu ke waktu terus meningkat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji jenis-jenis pohon yang berada di kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Ambang, Sulawesi Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode garis berpetak yang merupakan modifiksi dari metode petak atau plot ganda dan metode jalur. Tipe habitat yang dijadikan titik pengambilan sampel adalah hutan primer dan hutan sekunder. Hasil pengamatan diperoleh sebanyak 38 jenis pohon penyusun hutan di Gunung Ambang yang termasuk dalam 22 suku. Pada hutan primer disusun oleh 37 jenis dan 22 suku, sedangkan pada hutan sekunder terdiri dari 28 jenis yang termasuk dalam 18 suku. Jenis pohon yang mendominasi setiap lokasi penelitian yaitu suku Magnoliaceae dan Arecaceae.Tree as the main constituent of forests play an important role in water regulation, germplasm reserves, life support, development resources and the country's foreign exchange resources. The role of trees in the forest communities are difficult to be sustained because the people pressure increase on the trees day by day. This study aims to assess the types of trees that are in the nature reserve area of ​​Gunung Ambang, North Sulawesi. The method used is the line transect plots that is modified  from the plot method or a double plot and track method. The type of habitat that is used as the starting sampling point is the  primary forests and secondary forests. Result of observations showed that Gunung Ambang is composed by 38 species of plant in 22 family. In the primary forest composed by 37 species and 22 Family, whereas in secondary forest consists of 28 species in 18 family. Types of trees that dominate each research location are Family Magnoliaceae and  Family Arecaceae

    Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa di SMK Negeri 4 Makassar

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian asosiatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan metode pembelajaran terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran SMK Negeri 4 Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat dengan populasi penelitian seluruh siswa kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran yang berjumlah 153 siswa. Penentuan sampel menggunakan proporsional random sampling sebanyak 30 persen atau 45 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan observasi, kuesioner (angket) dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 4 Makassar tergolong ‘sesuai’ diukur dengan indikator yang meliputi metode ceramah, metode diskusi, metode tanya jawab, dan metode demonstrasi. Motivasi belajar siswa khususnya siswa kelas X Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK Negeri 4 Makassar tergolong ‘tinggi’, diukur dengan indikator kemauan, waktu, kewajiban dan ketekunan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan metode pembelajaran terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK Negeri 4 Makassar dengan tingkat kategori ‘sedang’, maka hipotesis diterima

    Inventarisasi Jenis Pohon Pada Cagar Alam Gunung Ambang, Sulawesi Utara

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    Pohon sebagai penyusun utama kawasan hutan berperan penting dalam pengaturan tata air, cadangan plasma nutfah, penyangga kehidupan, sumber daya pembangunan dan sumber devisa Negara. Peranan pohon-pohon dalam komunitas hutan semakin sulit dipertahankan mengingat tekanan masyarakat terhadap kelompok tumbuhan dari waktu ke waktu terus meningkat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji jenis-jenis pohon yang berada di kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Ambang, Sulawesi Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode garis berpetak yang merupakan modifiksi dari metode petak atau plot ganda dan metode jalur. Tipe habitat yang dijadikan titik pengambilan sampel adalah hutan primer dan hutan sekunder. Hasil pengamatan diperoleh sebanyak 38 jenis pohon penyusun hutan di Gunung Ambang yang termasuk dalam 22 suku. Pada hutan primer disusun oleh 37 jenis dan 22 suku, sedangkan pada hutan sekunder terdiri dari 28 jenis yang termasuk dalam 18 suku. Jenis pohon yang mendominasi setiap lokasi penelitian yaitu suku Magnoliaceae dan Arecaceae.Tree as the main constituent of forests play an important role in water regulation, germplasm reserves, life support, development resources and the country\u27s foreign exchange resources. The role of trees in the forest communities are difficult to be sustained because the people pressure increase on the trees day by day. This study aims to assess the types of trees that are in the nature reserve area of ​​Gunung Ambang, North Sulawesi. The method used is the line transect plots that is modified from the plot method or a double plot and track method. The type of habitat that is used as the starting sampling point is the primary forests and secondary forests. Result of observations showed that Gunung Ambang is composed by 38 species of plant in 22 family. In the primary forest composed by 37 species and 22 Family, whereas in secondary forest consists of 28 species in 18 family. Types of trees that dominate each research location are Family Magnoliaceae and Family Arecaceae

    Moderate Heat Application Enhances the Efficacy of Nanosecond Pulse Stimulation for the Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Nanosecond pulse stimulation as a tumor ablation therapy has been studied for the treatment of various carcinomas in animal models and has shown a significant survival benefit. In the current study, we found that moderate heating at 43°C for 2 minutes significantly enhanced in vitro nanosecond pulse stimulation-induced cell death of KLN205 murine squamous cell carcinoma cells by 2.43-fold at 600 V and by 2.32-fold at 900 V, as evidenced by propidium iodide uptake. Furthermore, the ablation zone in KLN205 cells placed in a 3-dimensional cell-culture model and pulsed at a voltage of 900 V at 43°C was 3 times larger than in cells exposed to nanosecond pulse stimulation at room temperature. Application of moderate heating alone did not cause cell death. A nanosecond pulse stimulation electrode with integrated controllable laser heating was developed to treat murine ectopic squamous cell carcinoma. With this innovative system, we were able to quickly heat and maintain the temperature of the target tumor at 43 degrees C during nanosecond pulse stimulation. Nanosecond pulse stimulation with moderate heating was shown to significantly extend overall survival, delay tumor growth, and achieve a high rate of complete tumor regression. Moderate heating extended survival nearly 3-fold where median overall survival was 22 days for 9.8 kV without moderate heating and over 63 days for tumors pulsed with 600, 100 ns pulses at 5 Hz, at voltage of 9.8 kV with moderate heating. Median overall survival in the control groups was 24 and 31 days for mice with untreated tumors and tumors receiving moderate heat alone, respectively. Nearly 69% (11 of 16) of tumor-bearing mice treated with nanosecond pulse stimulation with moderate heating were tumor free at the completion of the study, whereas complete tumor regression was not observed in the control groups and in 9.8 kV without moderate heating. These results suggest moderate heating can reduce the necessary applied voltage for tumor ablation with nanosecond pulse stimulation


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    Latar Belakang: Masa remaja merupakan masa transisi dari kanak-kanak menuju dewasa. Pada masa ini terjadi berbagai perubahan, yang meliputi perubahan fisik, mental, emosional dan sosial. Perubahan ini dpat terjadi pada remaja putri maupun laki-laki. Adanya perubahan ini dapat menimbulkan masalah. Perubahan yang dapat dijumpai pada masa remaja khususnya remaja putri adalah perubahan bentuk tubuh, adanya jerawat atau acne, gangguan emosional, gangguan miopi, adanya kelainan kifosis, penyakit infeksi, dan keputihan. Keputihan ada yang bersifat normal dan ada yang abnormal sehingga dapat berdampak pada gambaran dan harga diri remaja putri tersebut. Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dan upaya pencegahan keputihan pada remaja putri di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Semarang. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah remaja putri / siswi SMA kelas X dan XI seluruhnya berjumlah 141. Sampel sebanyak 73 responden dengan teknik stratified proportionate random sampling. Hasil Penelitian: Persepsi remaja putri terhadap keputihan sebagian besar negatif sebanyak 40 responden (54,8%) dan persepsi positif sebanyak 33 responden (45,2%). Upaya pencegahan keputihan pada remaja putri di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Semarang sebagian besar cukup sebanyak 31 responden (42,5%). Upaya pencegahan baik sebanyak 29 responden (39,7%) dan kurang sebanyak 13 (17,8%). Simpulan: Remaja putri perlu dilakukan pemberian informasi bagaimana cara membersihkan organ reproduksiyang baik dan benar. Selain itu juga perlu diberikan dorongan untuk secara aktif mencari tahu informasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi terutama memberikan pelajaran tentang perawatan organ genetalia seperti teknik cebok, menggunakan celana dalam yang tidak ketat, mengganti celana dalam, dan menggunakan sabun non parfum.Kata kunci: Persepsi, upaya pencegahan keputiha
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