16 research outputs found

    Advanced Train Positioning/Communication System

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    In the past, in order to ensure train positioning as well as ground-to-train information exchange, railways have adopted various technologies. Over time, each new generation of equipment enriched the global information exchange but, as a consequence, necessitated higher data rate transfers. For the positioning functionality, the existing localisation systems are still limited, since most of them require an infrastructure installation with constraints such as laying equipment between the rails or having high database maintenance requirements and computational costs. Moreover, some of them accumulate errors (odometers and inertial sensors) or offer limited coverage in shadowed areas (GNSS, etc.). Currently, in railway applications, a widely used localization system is based on proprioceptive sensors embarked in the train. This on-board system is coupled to the use of balises located at ground between the rails. These balises are kilometre markers. They are used to compensate for the drift of the localization information computed using the proprioceptive sensors alone, when the train moves. The balises provide absolute localization information whenever the train passes over them. They can also provide spot communication during the short period of time when trains are passing over them. In the first part of this chapter, techniques for achieving train positioning and data exchanges between trains and infrastructure are introduced. In the second part, a new balise is proposed. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of this new solution in terms of localization error and communication performances

    Analysis and Evaluation of Pattern Division Multiple Access Scheme Jointed With 5G Waveforms

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    Nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) techniques represent a key feature for 5G systems in order to increase multiple users' systems' capacity. In particular, we propose, for study, a pattern division multiple access (PDMA) technique, which denes a pattern matrix used for mapping the users to a group of resource elements that might be shared by multiple users. The contribution of this paper is the analysis of the performances, in terms of bit error rate (BER), of 5G candidate waveforms, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), lter bank multi-carrier (FBMC), and generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), in the PDMA scheme. Regarding the detection of different users' data, the successive interference cancellation algorithm is performed at the receiver side. The simulation results, consolidated by the analytic study, exhibit that OFDM and FBMC could be used in the NOMA context, while the BER related to GFDM is very high

    DS-UWB and TH-UWB Energy Consumption Comparison, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 1

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    The energy consumption of the wireless communication systems is starting to be unaffordable. One way to improve the power consumption is the optimization of the communication techniques used by the communication networks and devices. In order to develop an energy efficient UWB multi-user communication system, the choice of modulation and multi access technique is important. This paper compares two Ultra-wideband multi-user techniques, i.e. the DS-UWB and the TH-UWB in the case of the Nakagami-m fading channel. For the DS-UWB technique, the orthogonal (T-OVSF, ZCD) and non-orthogonal (Kasami) codes are used. For TH-UWB, authors consider different modulations (PPM, PSM, PAM). This comparison allows choosing the best solution in terms of energy consumption, data rate and communication range. Two different studies are realized to find the most efficient technique to use. In the first study, the same number of users for the different type of codes (data rate values) is chosen and the total energy consumption for several distances and path-loss coefficient is computed. In the second one, the multiusers effects (same data rate) for various values of distances and path-loss are evaluated

    Time-Reversal UWB Wireless Communication-Based Train Control in Tunnel

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    This paper reports an evaluation of UWB radio technology and Time-Reversal (TR) technique in tunnel environments for train-to-wayside communication. UWB technology has the potential to offer simultaneous ground-totrain communication, train location and obstacle detection in front of the trains. Time-Reversal channel pre-filtering facilitates signal detection and helps reduce interference. Thus, UWB-TR combination provides a challenging, economically sensible, as well as technically effective alternative solution to existing signaling technologies used in urban transport systems. This paper deals with deterministic channel modeling and its characterization in tunnel environment. It reports simulation performance evaluation of UWB-TR combinations in the developed channel model

    V2X Wireless Technology Identification Using Time-Frequency Analysis and Random Forest Classifier

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    Signal identification is of great interest for various applications such as spectrum sharing and interference management. A typical signal identification system can be divided into two steps. A feature vector is first extracted from the received signal, then a decision is made by a classification algorithm according to its observed values. Some existing techniques show good performance but they are either sensitive to noise level or have high computational complexity. In this paper, a machine learning algorithm is proposed for the identification of vehicular communication signals. The feature vector is made up of Instantaneous Frequency (IF) resulting from time-frequency (TF) analysis. Its dimension is then reduced using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique, before being fed into a Random Forest classifier. Simulation results show the relevance and the low complexity of IF features compared to existing cyclostationarity-based ones. Furthermore, we found that the same accuracy can be maintained regardless of the noise level. The proposed framework thus provides a more accurate, robust and less complex V2X signal identification system

    Performance Analysis of LDS Multi Access Technique and New 5G Waveforms for V2X Communication

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    Low Density Signature (LDS) is an emerging non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique that has never been evaluated under a vehicular channel in order to simulate the environment of a vehicle to everything (V2X) communication. Moreover, the LDS structure has been combined with only Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Filter-Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC) waveforms to improve its performances. In this paper, we propose new schemes where the LDS structure is combined with Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC) and Filtered-OFDM waveforms and the Bit Error Rate (BER) is analysed over a frequency selective channel as a reference and over a vehicular channel to analyse the effect of the Doppler shift on the overall performance

    DS-UWB and TH-UWB Energy Consumption Comparison

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    The energy consumption of the wireless communication systems is starting to be unaffordable. One way to improve the power consumption is the optimization of the communication techniques used by the communication networks and devices. In order to develop an energy efficient UWB multi-user communication system, the choice of modulation and multi access technique is important. This paper compares two Ultra-wideband multi-user techniques, i.e. the DS-UWB and the TH-UWB in the case of the Nakagami-m fading channel. For the DS-UWB technique, the orthogonal (T-OVSF, ZCD) and non-orthogonal (Kasami) codes are used. For TH-UWB, authors consider different modulations (PPM, PSM, PAM). This comparison allows choosing the best solution in terms of energy consumption, data rate and communication range. Two different studies are realized to find the most efficient technique to use. In the first study, the same number of users for the different type of codes (data rate values) is chosen and the total energy consumption for several distances and path-loss coefficient is computed. In the second one, the multiusers effects (same data rate) for various values of distances and path-loss are evaluated

    Performance Evaluation of 5G Waveforms for Joint Radar Communication over 77 GHz and 24 GHz ISM Bands

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    The V2X environment poses many challenges to emerging wireless communication systems, while it is crucial to ensure the efficiency and safety of road users. Requiring continual localization of the surroundings and accurate obstacle detection while providing high reliability in dense networks and low latency in high-mobility environment communication systems imposes a challenge to the driver-assistance field given that we are overly limited in terms of frequency bands and resources. Hence, pooling of the available frequency resources between different applications can help increase the spectral efficiency. A new collaborative approach multiplexed in the time domain, namely RadCom, which can be described as a joint radar and communication system that performs both vehicle-to-everything communication and detection of the neighboring obstacles in the vehicular environment, has been proposed to overcome the limitations of the existing conventional radar system. Based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), this RadCom system proved to be suitable up to now for V2X. Moreover, a new RadCom system based on universal frequency multi-carrier (UFMC), an advanced fifth-generation (5G) waveform, has been proposed to enhance the spectral efficiency and surmount the shortcomings induced by the OFDM waveform. This recent RadCom system has been studied in the new frequency range of 76–81 GHz; precisely, 77 GHz. Hence, in this paper, we propose to compare both subsystems of the proposed RadCom system over two different frequency carriers, 24 GHz and 77 GHz, and to adopt the proper system parametrization in order to meet appropriate wireless solutions for automotive RadCom systems

    Energy Consumption Models For MISO-UWB and TR-MISO-UWB Systems

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    this paper, an energy consumption model is developed and exploited to evaluate the electrical energy consumption of ultra-wideband impulse radio (UWB-IR) systems. We develop the energy consumption models and our comparative study, on the one hand, for a system based single-input singleoutput (SISO) configuration and a multiple-input single-output (MISO) and, on the other hand, for a time reversal TR-MISO configuration and for MISO alone configuration. We consider an indoor propagation environment based on the 802.15.4a channel model. The results show very different behaviors depending on the propagation conditions, the number of antennas used, or on the number of transmitted symbols. Using such a model, a radiofrequency designer can obtain significant inputs to optimally select an adequate configuration to design an adaptive energyaware UWB-IR system

    On the cyclostationarity of Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier UFMC

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    In order to meet the explosion of connected devices with their heterogeneous applications, the upcoming 5G systems focus on the design of spectrally efficient waveforms. Universal Filtered Multicarrier (UFMC) is one of the major waveforms contenders that offers low out of band emissions, compatibility with the existing Multiple Input Multiple Output techniques as well as multiple services support. In this paper, we propose to couple UFMC with Cognitive Radio (CR) to make better use of the available spectral resources. To perform spectrum sensing for the CR, we rely on cyclostationary detection. UFMC cyclostationarity characteristics have not been researched before. Hence in the present work, we first derive the explicit theoretical m-th order cyclic cumulants of UFMC, considering a multipath channel, frequency and timing offsets. Our analysis reveals that the per-subband filtering used in this waveform produces distinctive cyclostationary signatures. Then we exploit these signatures for signal detection. The obtained results are compared to those of the well studied Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). Detection probability of UFMC outperforms the one of OFDM specially when the used Cyclic Prefix (CP) is low