3 research outputs found

    Drinking water sludge of the Moroccan capital: Statistical analysis of its environmental aspects

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    This paper uses a statistical approach to evaluate the degree of metal pollution, trace element concentrations, and seasonal evolutions of various physicochemical parameters of Moroccan drinking water sludge. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to analyze these physicochemical parameters (including water temperature (Tw), volatile suspended solids (VSS), and suspended matter (SM)) in liquid raw sludge, the conductivity (Cond(s) and pH(s)) in addition to the trace element content of the supernatant (e.g., Cd(s), Pb(s), Cr(s)), pH and heavy metal and trace element contents (e.g., Pb, Cr, Cd, Fe, Al, Cu, Zn, P, N, K and C) in dried hydroxide sludge. The measured quantities of Cd and Cr in the supernatant did not exceed their recommended limits in wastewater treated for irrigation; however, the amount of Zn, Pb and Cu measured in dried hydroxide sludge exceeded their limits as defined by international standards. PCA reveals that the principal component F1 indicates that 25.20% of all variance can be mostly attributed to Zn content and conductivity, while the principal component F2 demonstrates that 21.00% of all variance is likely caused by the previously mentioned physicochemical parameters, most significantly C and pH(s). Finally, this paper analyses the merits of this analytical approach and discusses its important applications for solving crucial environmental issues

    Les oiseaux de rivage hivernants (Aves, Charadrii) en Mauritanie: principales espèces et zones humides d'importance majeure

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    The analysis of the distribution wintering waders in Mauritania demonstrated that most of these birds (77 %) are distributed on the Atlantic coast. In fact, this is mainly along this coast that the habitat preferences of this group (sand, mudflats, and near wet grassland) are relatively well represented. Also, the main shorebird populations in Mauritania can be classified into three categories based on their geographical distribution method: Species whose distribution is spread all along the Atlantic coast; these waders seem to favor any latitude. The Mauritanian coast for these species represents continuity between their wintering grounds in Western Europe and those of West Africa. Populations whose distribution is restricted to the northern region of Mauritania; the southern limit of their wintering areas is for these populations. Populations confined mainly in the southern coastal areas the southeastern coast of Mauritania represents, consequently, the northward extension of the main areas of these populations winter in West Africa. From this point of view, the Mauritanian territory constitutes, along through the migration east – Atlantic, a transition zone between Western Europe and West Africa; the northern part of the country plays a role analogous to that of Western Europe, while its southern part is similar to West Africa. The dividing line between the two sectors is represented by the line up of Nouakchott-Nema.L'analyse de la distribution des limicoles hivernants en Mauritanie a montrĂ© que la plupart de ces oiseaux (77 %) sont rĂ©partie sur la cĂ´te Atlantique. En fait, principalement le long de cette cĂ´te que les prĂ©fĂ©rences d'habitat de ce groupe (sable, vasières et près de : prairie humide) sont relativement bien reprĂ©sentĂ©s. En outre, les populations d'oiseaux de rivage principal en Mauritanie peuvent ĂŞtre classĂ©es en trois catĂ©gories selon leur mode de distribution gĂ©ographique: espèces dont la rĂ©partition s'Ă©tend tout au long de la cĂ´te Atlantique; ces Ă©chassiers semblent privilĂ©gier toutes les latitudes. La cĂ´te Mauritanienne pour ces espèces reprĂ©sente la continuitĂ© entre leurs aires d'hivernage en Europe occidentale et celles de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Les populations dont la distribution est restreintes Ă  la rĂ©gion du Nord de la Mauritanie ; la limite Sud de leur aire d'hivernage est pour ces populations. Les populations principalement confinĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions cĂ´tières du Sud, que la cĂ´te sud-est de la Mauritanie reprĂ©sente, par consĂ©quent, l'extension vers le nord des zones principales de ces populations hivernent en Afrique de l'Ouest. A ce point de vue, le territoire Mauritanien constitue, au long de la migration dans l’Est– Atlantique, une zone de transition entre l'Europe occidentale et d'Afrique de l'Ouest ; la partie septentrionale du pays joue un rĂ´le analogue Ă  celui de l'Europe occidentale, tandis que sa partie mĂ©ridionale est similaire Ă  l'Afrique de l'Ouest. La ligne de dĂ©marcation entre les deux secteurs est reprĂ©sentĂ©e par la ligne de transition de Nouakchott Ă  Nema.   &nbsp