28 research outputs found

    Bioroznorodnosc mikocenoz jamy ustnej, gardla i nosa dzieci w wieku 6-15 lat

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    Biodiversity of mycocoenoses of oral cavity, throat and nose of children aged 6-15 years. The purpose of this study was analysis of biodiversity of mycoflora in selected ontocenoses of healthy children. The material for the study was consisted of swabs taken from oral cavity, pharynx, and nose of healthy children: 128 girls and 142 boys. The material for the study was collected in May and November, dividing the children into two age groups: 6-9 years and 10-15 years. A total of 13 species representing 5 genera: Candida, Rhodotorula, Saccharomyces, Saccharomycopsis and Trichosporon were found in the material studied. The dominant group were yeasts-like fungi. Candida albicans, the basic etiological factor of the majority of mycotic diseases in humans, was found most frequently. Appearance of Candida glabrata and C. krusei is a reason for concern, as increasing numbers of their strains are resistant to basic antimycotic drugs, as weil as relatively frequent appearance of Trichosporon beigelii, Saccharomycopsis capsularis, and Saccharomyces sp. - the fungi showing increasing expansiveness and enzymatic activity. The fungi were most frequently isolated from oral cavity and pharynx. No phenological changes in fungal prevalence were found in the pharynx. In the other ontocenoses fungi were found much more frequently in the spring than in the autumn. Regardless of the season, the largest fluctuations in biodiversity and numbers of the studied mycocoenoses were observed in the oral cavity and nose - the organs that come into direct contact with environmental contaminants and many agents of transmission for potentially pathological fungi

    Grzyby izolowane z pomieszcze艅 szkolnych

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    The aim of the study was to determine the species composition of fungi occurring on wall surfaces and in the air in school buildings. Fungi isolated from the air using the sedimentation method and from the walls using the surface swab technique constituted the study material. Types of finish materials on wall surfaces were identified and used in the analysis. Samples were collected in selected areas in two schools: classrooms, corridors, men鈥檚 toilets and women鈥檚 toilets, cloakrooms, sports changing rooms and shower. Examinations were conducted in May 2005 after the heating season was over. Fungi were incubated on Czapek-Dox medium at three parallel temperatures: 25, 37 and 40掳C, for at least three weeks. A total of 379 isolates of fungi belonging to 32 genera of moulds, yeasts and yeast-like fungi were obtained from 321 samples in the school environment. The following genera were isolated most frequently: Aspergillus, Penicillium and Cladosporoium. Of the 72 determined species, Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium chrysogenumoccurred most frequently in the school buildings. Wall surfaces were characterised by an increased prevalence of mycobiota in comparison with the air in the buildings, with a slightly greater species diversity. A certain species specificity for rough and smooth wall surfaces was demonstrated. Fungi of the genera Cladosporium andEmericellawith large spores adhered better to smooth surfaces while those of the genus Aspergilluswith smaller conidia adhered better to rough surfaces. The application of three incubation temperatures helped provide a fuller picture of the mycobiota in the school environment.Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie sk艂adu gatunkowego grzyb贸w wyst臋puj膮cych na powierzchniach 艣cian i w powietrzu budynk贸w szkolnych. Materia艂em do bada艅 by艂y grzyby uzyskane z powietrza metod膮 sedymentacji i ze 艣cian technik膮 wymazu powierzchniowego, bior膮c pod uwag臋 r贸偶ne materia艂y wyko艅czeniowe 艣cian. Pr贸by pobierano z wybranych pomieszcze艅 dw贸ch szk贸艂: sali lekcyjnej, korytarza, toalet damskiej i m臋skiej, szatni og贸lnej, szatni sportowej oraz prysznica. Badanie przeprowadzono w maju 2005r., po zako艅czonym okresie grzewczym. Grzyby hodowano na pod艂o偶u Chapek-Doxa r贸wnolegle w trzech temperaturach: 25, 37 i 40掳C, przez co najmniej trzy tygodnie. W 艣rodowisku szkolnym z 321 pr贸b uzyskano 379 izolat贸w grzyb贸w z 32 rodzaj贸w grzyb贸w ple艣niowych, dro偶d偶y i grzyb贸w dro偶d偶opodobnych. Najcz臋艣ciej izolowano rodzaje: Aspergillus, Penicillium i Cladosporium. Z oznaczonych 72 gatunk贸w grzyb贸w najcz臋艣ciej w pomieszczeniach szkolnych wyst臋powa艂: Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus i Penicillium chrysogenum. Powierzchnie 艣cian charakteryzowa艂y si臋 zwi臋kszon膮 prewalencj膮 mikobioty w stosunku do powietrza tych pomieszcze艅, przy nieco wi臋kszej r贸偶norodno艣ci gatunkowej. Wykazano pewn膮 specyficzno艣膰 gatunkow膮 grzyb贸w dla szorstkich i g艂adkich powierzchni 艣cian. Do powierzchni g艂adkich lepiej przylega艂y grzyby o du偶ych zarodnikach z rodzaju Cladosporium i Emericella, natomiast do szorstkich o mniejszych konidiach, z rodzaju Aspergillus. Zastosowanie trzech temperatur inkubacji pozwoli艂o na nakre艣lenie pe艂niejszego obrazu mikobioty 艣rodowiska szkolnego

    Bior贸偶norodno艣膰 mikocenoz jamy ustnej, gard艂a i nosa dzieci w wieku 6-15 lat

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    Biodiversity of mycocoenoses of oral cavity, throat and nose of children aged 6-15 years. The purpose of this study was analysis of biodiversity of mycoflora in selected ontocenoses of healthy children. The material for the study was consisted of swabs taken from oral cavity, pharynx, and nose of healthy children: 128 girls and 142 boys. The material for the study was collected in May and November, dividing the children into two age groups: 6-9 years and 10-15 years. A total of 13 species representing 5 genera: Candida, Rhodotorula, Saccharomyces, Saccharomycopsis and Trichosporon were found in the material studied. The dominant group were yeasts-like fungi. Candida albicans, the basic etiological factor of the majority of mycotic diseases in humans, was found most frequently. Appearance of Candida glabrata and C. krusei is a reason for concern, as increasing numbers of their strains are resistant to basic antimycotic drugs, as weil as relatively frequent appearance of Trichosporon beigelii, Saccharomycopsis capsularis, and Saccharomyces sp. - the fungi showing increasing expansiveness and enzymatic activity. The fungi were most frequently isolated from oral cavity and pharynx. No phenological changes in fungal prevalence were found in the pharynx. In the other ontocenoses fungi were found much more frequently in the spring than in the autumn. Regardless of the season, the largest fluctuations in biodiversity and numbers of the studied mycocoenoses were observed in the oral cavity and nose - the organs that come into direct contact with environmental contaminants and many agents of transmission for potentially pathological fungi

    艢rodowisko szkolne jako potencjalne miejsce transmisji mi臋dzyosobniczych

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    The purpose of examinations was defined role of environment of school in interindyvidual transmisions. The yeast and yeast - like fungi isolated from the oral cavity, troat and nose from 270 healthy children, at the age of 6 to 15 years, from country and municipal schools. The frequency of occurrence of fungi in country was higher than in minicipal schools by the resambling biodifferentiation. Totally 13 species belonging to 5 genera were detected in the examined material: Candida, Rhodotorula, Saccharomyces, Saccharomycopsis i Trichosporon. Increasing part of S. capsularis was noted in ontocenoses of healthy children. The qualitative and quantitative changes testify about changes of environment. Simultaneously, they inform about timely condition of mycoflora of the examined ontocenosis and surroundings

    Srodowisko szkolne jako potencjalne miejsce transmisji miedzyosobniczych

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    The purpose of examinations was defined role of environment of school in interindyvidual transmisions. The yeast and yeast - like fungi isolated from the oral cavity, troat and nose from 270 healthy children, at the age of 6 to 15 years, from country and municipal schools. The frequency of occurrence of fungi in country was higher than in minicipal schools by the resambling biodifferentiation. Totally 13 species belonging to 5 genera were detected in the examined material: Candida, Rhodotorula, Saccharomyces, Saccharomycopsis i Trichosporon. Increasing part of S. capsularis was noted in ontocenoses of healthy children. The qualitative and quantitative changes testify about changes of environment. Simultaneously, they inform about timely condition of mycoflora of the examined ontocenosis and surroundings

    Priorytetowe technologie i kierunki bada艅 w polskich projektach foresight

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    Foresight projects have been used across the world in the process of anticipating the future by governments, regional authorities, companies, and S&R institutes. Foresight, together with its specific research tools and terminology, is also becoming increasingly important in Poland. From nearly 50 foresight projects implemented in Poland, most of them are related to technology and research development. The essential issue of foresight methodology is to identify the key technology/priority line of research. The paper presents a results of identified key technologies and research in Polish 47 foresight initiatives and is also an attempt to organise the identified technology and research directions into the following four classifications, using NABS classification for research and development activities and Frascati classification: Key Enabling Technologies, the technology division of the system, transversal, and sector.Foresight jest coraz cz臋艣ciej wykorzystywany przez instytucje naukowe, administracj臋 oraz przedsi臋biorstwa jako narz臋dzie antycypowania przysz艂ych stan贸w. R贸wnie偶 w Polsce mo偶na zaobserwowa膰 rosn膮ce zainteresowanie wykorzystaniem tego narz臋dzia. Niespe艂na 50 zrealizowanych w Polsce projekt贸w foresight dotyczy艂o wyznaczania przysz艂o艣ci bada艅 i rozwoju technologii. G艂贸wnym celem zrealizowanych projekt贸w by艂o wyznaczenie priorytetowych kierunk贸w bada艅 lub technologii. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki bada艅 dotycz膮cych zidentyfikowanych kluczowych technologii/kierunk贸w bada艅 w 47 projektach foresight. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoli艂y na przyporz膮dkowanie priorytetowych technologii/kierunk贸w bada艅 zgodnie z klasyfikacjami: podzia艂 technologii kluczowych (Key Enabling Technologies); podzia艂 na technologie systemowe, transwersalne i sektorowe; klasyfikacja NABS dla dzia艂alno艣ci badawczo-rozwojowej; klasyfikacja na podstawie podr臋cznika Frascati wyodr臋bniaj膮cego dziedziny i specjalno艣ci nauki i techniki

    Dzia艂alno艣膰 naukowo-badawcza w dziedzinie nanotechnologii w Polsce

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    Nanotechnology is a relatively new field of science and technology, but nevertheless more and more popularized in the modern world, focused on minimization. As a new field, it requires a number of regulations in legal, ethical, social and above all scientific and technical aspects. Therefore, most countries prepare appropriate strategic documents governing the development of research in the field of nanotechnology and indicate directions and methods of funding as well as conducting research. For the purposes of this study, the authors examined the strategic documents indicating the importance of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Poland in the research system, referring to the documents of the European Union. In addition, basing on statistical data of all Polish regions and the number of projects in the nano area, they evaluated the national scientific and research potential in the field of nanotechnology.Nanotechnologia jest stosunkowo m艂od膮 dziedzin膮 wiedzy i techniki, nie mniej jednak coraz bardziej rozpowszechnian膮 we wsp贸艂czesnym 艣wiecie d膮偶膮cym do minimalizacji. Jako nowa dziedzina potrzebuje szeregu uregulowa艅 aspekt贸w prawnych, etycznych, spo艂ecznychi przede wszystkim naukowo-technicznych. W zwi膮zku z tym wi臋kszo艣膰 kraj贸w przygotowuje odpowiednie dokumenty strategiczne reguluj膮ce rozw贸j bada艅 w zakresie nanotechnologii oraz wskazuje kierunki i sposoby finansowania i prowadzenia bada艅 naukowych. Na potrzeby niniejszego opracowania autorki przeanalizowa艂y dokumenty strategiczne wskazuj膮ce na znaczenie nanonauki i nanotechnologii w Polsce w systemie bada艅 naukowych, odnosz膮c je do dokument贸w Unii Europejskiej. Ponadto dokona艂y oceny krajowego potencja艂u naukowo-badawczego w obszarze nanotechnologii, w oparciu o dane statystyczne poszczeg贸lnych region贸w Polski i liczb臋 realizowanych projekt贸w w dziedzinie nano

    Lichens in continental Scots pine forest near the Pluski village in the Pojezierze Olsztynskie Lakeland

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