6 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Measurements of Ossicular Velocity and Intracochlear Pressure Leading to the Cochlear Input Impedance in Gerbil

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    Recent measurements of three-dimensional stapes motion in gerbil indicated that the piston component of stapes motion was the primary contributor to intracochlear pressure. In order to make a detailed correlation between stapes piston motion and intracochlear pressure behind the stapes, simultaneous pressure and motion measurements were undertaken. We found that the scala vestibuli pressure followed the piston component of the stapes velocity with high fidelity, reinforcing our previous finding that the piston motion of the stapes was the main stimulus to the cochlea. The present data allowed us to calculate cochlear input impedance and power flow into the cochlea. Both the amplitude and phase of the impedance were quite flat with frequency from 3 kHz to at least 30 kHz, with a phase that was primarily resistive. With constant stimulus pressure in the ear canal the intracochlear pressure at the stapes has been previously shown to be approximately flat with frequency through a wide range, and coupling that result with the present findings indicates that the power that flows into the cochlea is quite flat from about 3 to 30 kHz. The observed wide-band intracochlear pressure and power flow are consistent with the wide-band audiogram of the gerbil

    Altered Traveling Wave Propagation and Reduced Endocochlear Potential Associated with Cochlear Dysplasia in the BETA2/NeuroD1 Null Mouse

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    The BETA2/NeuroD1 null mouse has cochlear dysplasia. Its cochlear duct is shorter than normal, there is a lack of spiral ganglion neurons, and there is hair cell disorganization. We measured vertical movements of the tectorial membrane at acoustic frequencies in excised cochleae in response to mechanical stimulation of the stapes using laser doppler vibrometry. While tuning curve sharpness was similar between wild-type, heterozygotes, and null mice in the base, null mutants had broader tuning in the apex. At both the base and the apex, null mice had less phase lag accumulation with increasing stimulus frequency than wild-type or heterozygote mice. In vivo studies demonstrated that the null mouse lacked distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and the cochlear microphonic and endocochlear potential were found to be severely reduced. Electrically evoked otoacoustic emissions could be elicited, although the amplitudes were lower than those of wild-type mice. Cochlear cross-sections revealed an incomplete partition malformation, with fenestrations within the modiolus that connected the cochlear turns. Outer hair cells from null mice demonstrated the normal pattern of prestin expression within their lateral walls and normal FM 1-43 dye entry. Overall, these data demonstrate that while tonotopicity can exist with cochlear dysplasia, traveling wave propagation is abnormally fast. Additionally, the presence of electrically evoked otoacoustic emissions suggests that outer hair cell reverse transduction is present, although the acoustic response is shaped by the alterations in cochlear mechanics