162 research outputs found

    Half dose of prostaglandin F2a is effective to induce luteolysis in the synchronization of ovulation protocol for fixed-time artificial insemination in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of half dose of PGF2alpha in the synchronization of ovulation protocol (GnRH/PGF2alpha/GnRH) for fixed-time artificial insemination in buffalo. Two hundred and sixty two buffaloes (³40 days postpartum) were divided in 2 groups (Group 1, n = 125, GnRH/ ½ dose de PGF2alpha/GnRH; Control Group, n = 137, GnRH/PGF2alpha/GnRH). Animals in Group 1 received 25mg of GnRH IM (Lecirelin, Gestran-plus®) and, seven days later, half dose of PGF2alpha IM (75mg d-cloprostenol, Preloban®). Two days after PGF2alpha injection, all animals received 25mg of GnRH IM (Lecirelin). Animals in Control Group received the same treatment, except for the dose of PGF2alpha(150mg, IM, d-cloprostenol, Preloban®). All animals were fixed-time inseminated 16 hours after the second GnRH injection. Blood samples were collected from 35 buffaloes in Group 1 and 30 buffaloes in Control Group on day of PGF2alpha and second GnRH injections to measure plasma progesterone concentrations. Conception rate was not influenced by PGF2alpha dosage (P>;0.05). Conception rates were 48.00% (60/125) and 40.90% (56/137) in Group 1 and Control Group, respectively. It was observed that 88.60% (n = 35) of the buffaloes in Group 1 and 90.00% (n = 30) in Control Group presented luteolysis 48 hours after the PGF2alpha injection (P>;0.05). In summary, present data show that both treatments result in acceptable conception rates. Therefore, the recommended dose of PGF2alpha can be reduced in 50.00% in the synchronization of ovulation protocol for fixed-time artificial insemination in buffalo.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eficiência da meia dose de PGF2alfa no protocolo de sincronização da ovulação (GnRH/PGF2alfa/GnRH) para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em bubalinos. Foram utilizadas 262 búfalas (³ 40 dias pós-parto), divididas em dois grupos (Grupo 1, n = 125, GnRH/ ½ dose de PGF2alfa/GnRH; Grupo Controle, n = 137, GnRH/PGF2alfa/GnRH). Os animais do Grupo 1 receberam 25 mg de GnRH IM (Lecirelina, Gestran-plus®) e, após sete dias, receberam 75mg de PGF2alfaIM (d-cloprostenol, Preloban®). Dois dias após a aplicação da PGF2alfa, esses animais receberam 25mg de GnRH IM (Lecirelina). Os animais do Grupo Controle receberam o mesmo tratamento, à exceção da dose de PGF2alfa (150mg de d-cloprostenol, Preloban®). Todos os animais foram inseminados em tempo fixo 16 horas após a segunda aplicação de GnRH. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 35 búfalas do Grupo 1 e de 30 do Grupo Controle nos dias da aplicação de PGF2alfa e da segunda dose de GnRH. As colheitas de sangue foram realizadas para avaliar as concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona. Os resultados demonstraram que a taxa de concepção não foi influenciada pela dose de PGF2alfa (P>;0,05). As taxas de concepção dos Grupos 1 e Controle foram de 48,00% (60/125) e 40,90% (56/137), respectivamente. Observou-se que 88,60% (n = 35) das búfalas do Grupo 1 e 90,00% (n = 30) do Grupo Controle apresentaram luteólise 48 horas após a aplicação de PGF2alfa (P>;0,05). Em conclusão, os resultados indicaram que ambos tratamentos proporcionaram aceitáveis taxas de concepção. Dessa forma, a dose recomendada de PGF2alfa pode ser reduzida pela metade no protocolo de sincronização da ovulação para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em bubalinos

    Avaliação da sincronização da ovulação para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis)

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar eficiência do protocolo de sincronização da ovulação (GnRH/PGF2alfa/GnRH) para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em bubalinos. No Experimento 1, trinta e três búfalas com 60 dias pós-parto, foram separadas em dois grupos para avaliação da dinâmica folicular (Grupo 1, n = 16, 10mg de GnRH/15mg de PGF2alfa/10mg de GnRH; Grupo 2, n = 17, 20mg de GnRH/PGF2alfa/10mg de GnRH). Exames ultra-sonográficos foram realizados de 12 em 12 horas para verificar a resposta ovariana à primeira aplicação de GnRH. Outras avaliações foram realizadas nos dias da aplicação da PGF2alfa e do segundo GnRH. Em seguida, foram realizados exames de 6 em 6 horas até o momento da ovulação. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue nos dias das aplicações para avaliar as concentrações de progesterona no momento das administrações hormonais. No Experimento 2, foi verificada a eficiência da sincronização da ovulação para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (16 horas após o segunda dose de GnRH, n=1053), durante as estações reprodutiva favorável e desfavorável, nos anos de 1998 e 1999. Os animais receberam 20mg de GnRH/PGF2alfa/10mg de GnRH. Ainda, foi analisada a influência da condição corporal, ordem de partos, período pós-parto ao início do tratamento, ano e a estação reprodutiva (favorável ou desfavorável), sobre a taxa de concepção. No Experimento 1, verificou-se que 33,0 ± 8,3h após a primeira aplicação de GnRH, 60,60% dos animais ovularam (Grupo 1 = 70,5 vs. Grupo 2 = 50,00%; P>;0,05). A dose de GnRH (10mg vs. 20mg) e a concentração de progesterona no início do tratamento não interferiu na ovulação (P>;0,05). Os animais que ovularam (n = 20) após a primeira aplicação de GnRH apresentaram maior diâmetro folicular (P;0,05). No Experimento 2, observou-se taxa de concepção de 45,40% (n = 1053). Animais sincronizados durante a estação reprodutiva favorável apresentaram melhores taxas de concepção quando comparados ao período desfavorável (48,80% vs. 6,90%; P < 0,05). A taxa de concepção foi influenciada pela condição corporal dos animais e pela ordem de partos durante a estação reprodutiva favorável (P;0,05). Em conclusão, os Experimentos indicaram que a utilização da sincronização da ovulação para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo, durante a estação reprodutiva favorável, apresenta resultados satisfatórios em bubalinos, podendo ainda ser melhorados quando utilizadas búfalas multíparas com bom estado corporal no início do tratamento.The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of synchronization ovulation protocol (GnRH/PGF2alpha/GnRH) for fixed timed insemination in buffalo. In Experiment 1, thirty-three female buffaloes with 60 days postpartum, were divided in two groups for evaluation of the follicular dynamics (Group 1, n = 16, 10mg of GnRH/15mg of PGF2alpha/10mg of GnRH; Group 2, n = 17, 20mg of GnRH/15mg of PGF2alpha/10mg of GnRH). Ultrasonography exams were performed every 12 hours to verify the ovarian response to the first GnRH injection. Another evaluations were performed on PGF2a injection and second GnRH injection. After last hormonal injection, ultrasonography exams were performed every 6 hours to verify the moment of the ovulation. Blood samples were collected on Days 0, 7 and 9 to evaluate the progesterone concentrations at the moment of the hormonal injections. In Experiment 2, the efficiency of the synchronization of ovulation was verified for fixed timed insemination (16 hours after second GnRH injection, n=1053), during the favorable and unfavorable reproductive season, in the years of 1998 and 1999. Animals received 20mg of GnRH/15mg of PGF2alpha/10mg of GnRH. Besides, also recorded and evaluated aspects like body condition score, parity, postpartum period, year and the reproductive season (favorable or unfavorable season), on the conception rate. In Experiment 1, it was verified that 33.0 ± 8.3h after the first GnRH injection, 60.60% of the animals ovulated (Group 1 = 70.5 vs. Group 2 = 50.00%; P>;0.05). The dose of GnRH (10mg vs. 20mg) and the progesterone concentration did not interfere in ovulation in the beginning of the treatment (P>;0.05). Animals that ovulated (n = 20) after the first GnRH injection presented larger follicular diameter (P ;0.05). In Experiment 2, it was observed conception rate of 45.40% (n = 1053). Animals synchronized during the favorable reproductive season presented better conception rate than the unfavorable season (48.80% vs. 6.90%; P ;0.05). In summary, the Experiments indicated that the use of synchronization of the ovulation for fixed timed insemination, during the favorable reproductive season, presents satisfactory results in buffalo and could still be better when used multiparous buffaloes with good body conditon score in the beginning of the treatment

    Chronic Hepatitis B Finite Treatment: similar and different concerns with new drug classes

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    Chronic hepatitis B, a major cause of liver disease and cancer, affects over 250 million people worldwide. Currently there is no cure, only suppressive therapies. Efforts to develop finite curative HBV therapies are underway, consisting of combinations of multiple novel agents +/- nucleos(t)ide reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The HBV Forum convened a webinar in July 2021, and subsequent working group discussions to address how and when to stop finite therapy for demonstration of sustained off-treatment efficacy and safety responses. Participants included leading experts in academia, clinical practice, pharmaceutical companies, patient representatives and regulatory agencies. This Viewpoint outlines areas of consensus within our multi-stakeholder group for stopping finite therapies in chronic Hepatitis B investigational studies, including trial design, patient selection, outcomes, biomarkers, pre-defined stopping criteria, pre-defined retreatment criteria, duration of investigational therapies, and follow up after stopping therapy. Future research of unmet needs are discussed

    The combination of dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy increases the diagnostic confidence of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna

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    The dermoscopic diagnosis of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna/lentigo maligna melanoma (AHLM/LMM) may be very difficult in its early stages because of lack of pigment. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is an imaging technique that is especially helpful for the diagnosis of lentigo maligna. To determine the diagnostic performances of dermoscopy and RCM in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs we evaluated dermoscopic and RCM images of consecutive cases of histopathologically confirmed AHLM/LMMs, amelanotic/hypomelanotic basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (AHBCCs/AHSCCs), amelanotic/hypomelanotic benign lesions (AHBLs), and actinic keratoses (AKs) from five participating centers. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, predictive values, and level of diagnosis confidence were calculated for both diagnostic procedures. Both dermoscopy and RCM showed diagnostic performance >97% in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBCC/AHSCCs and their combination slightly improved diagnostic performance, with accuracy increasing from 98.0% to 99.1%. Similarly, RCM in combination with dermoscopy showed a tiny increase in the diagnostic performance in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs (accuracy increased from 87.2% to 88.8%) and versus AKs (accuracy increased from 91.4% to 93.4%). Although the increase in diagnostic performance due to RCM was modest, the combination of dermoscopy and RCM greatly increased the level of confidence; high confidence in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs increased from 36.2% with dermoscopy alone to 76.6% with dermoscopy plus RMC. Based on our results, dermoscopy and RCM should be complementary to improve not only diagnostic accuracy but also the level of diagnostic certainty in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs

    Uso do hCG, GnRH ou 17²-Estradiol e progesterona associados ao acetato de melengestrol e prostaglandina f2± em novilhas cruzadas (Bos taurus indicus x Bos taurus taurus)

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    Objectives of the present experiment were to evaluate the reproductive performance and estrus characteristics in cross-bred beef heifers (Bos taurus indicus x Bos taurus taurus) treated with a MGA/prostaglandin (PG) protocol in association with other hormones. On day 0 (Day 0 = beginning of MGA intake), heifers were randomly allocated to receive 2mL saline solution (Saline group), 2500IU hCG (hCG group), 20µg buserelin acetate (GnRH group) or 5mg 17²-estradiol + 100mg progesterone (E2-17²+P4 group). Blood samples were obtained at days - 7, 0, 7 and 10 to evaluate progesterone plasma concentrations. Heifers from all groups received 0,5mg MGA/animal/day from days 0 to 7 and PG (Day 7). Heifers were observed for heat for 120h using the "Heat-Watch" system, starting immediately after the PG injection. Heifers were inseminated 12 hours after observed heat or timed inseminated 72 hours after PG injection. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed 35 days after insemination by transrectal ultrasonography. Estrus response in each group was 50,0%, 22,2%, 59,5% and 71,8% for Saline, hCG, GnRH and E2-17²+P4 groups respectively (P<0,01). Average interval from PG to estrus was 72,8 ± 22,2, 102,0 ± 22,7, 84,6 ± 19,0 and 72,5 ± 24,4 hours (P<0,01) and the degree of synchronization was similar among groups. Conception rates were 57,9%, 37,5%, 40,9% and 39,3%, and pregnancy rates were 29,0%, 11,1%, 27,0% and 28,2% respectively, for Saline, hCG, GnRH and E2-17²+P4 groups. There was no treatment effect on estrus duration (10,4 ± 5,7 hours), number of mounts (23,0 ± 16,9), and duration of mounts (2,7 ± 0,3 seconds). Values in parenthesis represent pooled mean ± standard error for each variable. In conclusion, reproductive performance was not altered by adding hCG, GnRH or E2-17²+P4 to the MGA/PG synchronization protocol.O objetivo do presente experimento foi avaliar a performance reprodutiva e as características de estros em novilhas cruzadas de corte (Bos taurus indicus x Bos taurus taurus) tratadas com o protocolo MGA/Prostaglandina (PG) em associação a outros hormônios. No dia 0 (Dia 0 = início da ingestão do MGA) as novilhas foram distribuídas ao acaso para receber 2mL de solução salina (grupo Salina), 2500UI de hCG (grupo hCG), 20µg de acetato de buserelina (grupo GnRH) ou 5mg de 17²-estradiol + 100mg de progesterona (grupo 17²-E2+P4). Amostras de sangue foram colhidas nos dias - 7, 0, 7 e 10 para a mensuração das concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona. Independentemente do tratamento, todas as novilhas receberam 0,5mg MGA/animal/dia durante 8 dias (Dia 0 ao 7) e PG (Dia 7). Os estros foram observados durante 120h, a partir da injeção de PG, pelo sistema "Heat-Watch". As novilhas foram inseminadas 12 horas após o início dos estros ou 72h depois da injeção de PG. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado 35 dias após a última inseminação, por ultra-sonografia. As respostas em estros foram de 50,0%, 22,2%, 59,5% e 71,8% para os grupos Salina, hCG, GnRH e 17²-E2+P4, respectivamente (P<0,01). O intervalo médio da injeção de PG ao estro foi de 72,8 ± 22,2, 102,0 ± 22,7, 84,6 ± 19,0 e 72,5 ± 24,4 horas (P<0,01), sendo o grau de sincronização similar entre os grupos. As taxas de concepção foram de 57,9%, 37,5%, 40,9% e 39,3% e as taxas de prenhez de 29,0%, 11,1%, 27,0% e 28,2%, para os grupos Salina, hCG, GnRH e 17²-E2+P4, respectivamente. Não houve efeito do tratamento na duração dos estros (10,4 ± 5,7 horas), número de montas (23,0 ± 16,9) e duração das montas (2,7 ± 0,3 segundos), sendo os valores entre parênteses correspondentes às médias gerais e desvios padrão. Em conclusão, a performance reprodutiva não foi alterada pela adição do hCG, GnRH ou 17²-E2+P4 ao protocolo de sincronização MGA/PG

    Role played by the environment in the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the food chain

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    [EN]The role of food-producing environments in the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in EU plant-based food production, terrestrial animals (poultry, cattle and pigs) and aquaculture was assessed. Among the various sources and transmission routes identified, fertilisers of faecal origin, irrigation and surface water for plant-based food and water for aquaculture were considered of major importance. For terrestrial animal production, potential sources consist of feed, humans, water, air/dust, soil, wildlife, rodents, arthropods and equipment. Among those, evidence was found for introduction with feed and humans, for the other sources, the importance could not be assessed. Several ARB of highest priority for public health, such as carbapenem or extended-spectrum cephalosporin and/or fluoroquinolone-resistant Enterobacterales (including Salmonella enterica), fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and glycopeptide-resistant Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis were identified. Among highest priority ARGs blaCTX-M, blaVIM, blaNDM, blaOXA-48-like, blaOXA-23, mcr, armA, vanA, cfr and optrA were reported. These highest priority bacteria and genes were identified in different sources, at primary and post-harvest level, particularly faeces/manure, soil and water. For all sectors, reducing the occurrence of faecal microbial contamination of fertilisers, water, feed and the production environment and minimising persistence/recycling of ARB within animal production facilities is a priority. Proper implementation of good hygiene practices, biosecurity and food safety management systems is very important. Potential AMR-specific interventions are in the early stages of development. Many data gaps relating to sources and relevance of transmission routes, diversity of ARB and ARGs, effectiveness of mitigation measures were identified. Representative epidemiological and attribution studies on AMR and its effective control in food production environments at EU level, linked to One Health and environmental initiatives, are urgently required.S

    Efeito do eCG ou benzoato de estradiol associado ao norgestomet na taxa de concepção de vacas de corte submetidas à IATF no pós-parto

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    This study aimed to compare conception rates at the postpartum period (PPP) in beef cows which were administered either Equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin (eCG) or Estradiol Benzoate (EB) after Norgestomet and submitted to fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). The hypothesis was that the administration of eCG or EB enhances the conception rate. Lactating Nelore cows (n=138) and Brangus (n = 63), between 26 and 118 days of post partum period (PPP) were divided into three homogeneous groups, and subdivided in two blocks, inside each group one of them with a PPP d" 45 days (PPP1; n=107) and another with a PPP >; 45 days (PPP2; n=94). All cows received an auricular implant containing 3mg Norgestomet (Crestar®), followed by the administration of 5mg Estradiol Valerate. The auricular implants were kept during 10 days. Cows received 1mL saline solution (n=68, Control Group) or 500IU eCG (Folligon®; n=67; eCG Group) or 1mg Estradiol Benzoate (Index, n=66; EB Group) 24 hours after the removal of the implant. FTAI was made 54 hours after the implant removal. The pregnancy diagnosis was carried through ultrasonography 30 days after FTAI. There was an interaction between treatments and PPP. In the PPP1, the conception rate was higher in the eCG Group than in the EB Group (47.22% vs. 15.38%; Pd"0.01). In the PPP2, the conception rates of the eCG and EB Groups were higher than in the Control Group (41.93%, 44.44% vs. 22.22%: Pd"0.01). It was concluded that in cows up to 45 days of PPP, the eCG associated with Norgestomet enhances the conception rates.Este estudo objetivou comparar as taxas de concepção, em vacas de corte no período pós-parto (PPP), tratadas com Gonadotrofina Coriônica Eqüina (eCG) ou Benzoato de Estradiol (BE), após o uso de Norgestomet submetidas à inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). A hipótese é que a administração de eCG ou BE aumenta as taxas de concepção. Vacas Nelore (n=138) e Brangus (n=63), lactantes, entre 26 e 118 dias do PPP, foram divididas em três grupos homogêneos e dentro de cada grupo subdivididas em dois blocos, um com um PPP < 45 dias (PPP1; n=107) e outro >; 45 dias (PPP2; n=94). Todas as fêmeas receberam um implante auricular contendo 3mg de Norgestomet (Crestar®), seguido pela administração de 5mg de Valerato de Estradiol. Os implantes auriculares foram mantidos durante 10 dias. Na retirada dos implantes, as fêmeas receberam 1mL de solução fisiológica (n=68; Grupo Controle) ou 500UI de eCG (Folligon®; n=67; Grupo eCG) ou 1mg de Benzoato de Estradiol (Index; n=66; Grupo BE) 24 horas após a retirada do implante. A IATF foi realizada 54 horas após a retirada do implante. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado por ultra-sonografia 30 dias após a IATF. Houve interação entre os tratamentos e o PPP. No PPP1, a taxa de concepção foi maior no grupo eCG comparado ao BE (47,22% vs. 15,38%; P<0,01). No PPP2, as taxas de concepção dos grupos eCG e BE foram maiores que no grupo controle (41,93%, 44,44% vs. 22,22%; P<0,01). Conclui-se que vacas, com até 45 dias do PPP, o eCG associado ao Norgestomet aumenta as taxas de concepção

    Efeito do eCG ou benzoato de estradiol associado ao norgestomet na taxa de concepção de vacas de corte submetidas à IATF no pós-parto

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    Este estudo objetivou comparar as taxas de concepção, em vacas de corte no período pós-parto (PPP), tratadas com Gonadotrofina Coriônica Eqüina (eCG) ou Benzoato de Estradiol (BE), após o uso de Norgestomet submetidas à inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). A hipótese é que a administração de eCG ou BE aumenta as taxas de concepção. Vacas Nelore (n=138) e Brangus (n=63), lactantes, entre 26 e 118 dias do PPP, foram divididas em três grupos homogêneos e dentro de cada grupo subdivididas em dois blocos, um com um PPP < 45 dias (PPP1; n=107) e outro >; 45 dias (PPP2; n=94). Todas as fêmeas receberam um implante auricular contendo 3mg de Norgestomet (Crestar®), seguido pela administração de 5mg de Valerato de Estradiol. Os implantes auriculares foram mantidos durante 10 dias. Na retirada dos implantes, as fêmeas receberam 1mL de solução fisiológica (n=68; Grupo Controle) ou 500UI de eCG (Folligon®; n=67; Grupo eCG) ou 1mg de Benzoato de Estradiol (Index; n=66; Grupo BE) 24 horas após a retirada do implante. A IATF foi realizada 54 horas após a retirada do implante. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado por ultra-sonografia 30 dias após a IATF. Houve interação entre os tratamentos e o PPP. No PPP1, a taxa de concepção foi maior no grupo eCG comparado ao BE (47,22% vs. 15,38%; P<0,01). No PPP2, as taxas de concepção dos grupos eCG e BE foram maiores que no grupo controle (41,93%, 44,44% vs. 22,22%; P<0,01). Conclui-se que vacas, com até 45 dias do PPP, o eCG associado ao Norgestomet aumenta as taxas de concepção.This study aimed to compare conception rates at the postpartum period (PPP) in beef cows which were administered either Equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin (eCG) or Estradiol Benzoate (EB) after Norgestomet and submitted to fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). The hypothesis was that the administration of eCG or EB enhances the conception rate. Lactating Nelore cows (n=138) and Brangus (n = 63), between 26 and 118 days of post partum period (PPP) were divided into three homogeneous groups, and subdivided in two blocks, inside each group one of them with a PPP d" 45 days (PPP1; n=107) and another with a PPP >; 45 days (PPP2; n=94). All cows received an auricular implant containing 3mg Norgestomet (Crestar®), followed by the administration of 5mg Estradiol Valerate. The auricular implants were kept during 10 days. Cows received 1mL saline solution (n=68, Control Group) or 500IU eCG (Folligon®; n=67; eCG Group) or 1mg Estradiol Benzoate (Index, n=66; EB Group) 24 hours after the removal of the implant. FTAI was made 54 hours after the implant removal. The pregnancy diagnosis was carried through ultrasonography 30 days after FTAI. There was an interaction between treatments and PPP. In the PPP1, the conception rate was higher in the eCG Group than in the EB Group (47.22% vs. 15.38%; Pd"0.01). In the PPP2, the conception rates of the eCG and EB Groups were higher than in the Control Group (41.93%, 44.44% vs. 22.22%: Pd"0.01). It was concluded that in cows up to 45 days of PPP, the eCG associated with Norgestomet enhances the conception rates

    Role played by the environment in the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the food chain

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    The role of food-producing environments in the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in EU plant-based food production, terrestrial animals (poultry, cattle and pigs) and aquaculture was assessed. Among the various sources and transmission routes identified, fertilisers of faecal origin, irrigation and surface water for plant-based food and water for aquaculture were considered of major importance. For terrestrial animal production, potential sources consist of feed, humans, water, air/dust, soil, wildlife, rodents, arthropods and equipment. Among those, evidence was found for introduction with feed and humans, for the other sources, the importance could not be assessed. Several ARB of highest priority for public health, such as carbapenem or extended-spectrum cephalosporin and/or fluoroquinolone-resistant Enterobacterales (including Salmonella enterica), fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter spp., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and glycopeptide-resistant Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis were identified. Among highest priority ARGs blaCTX-M, blaVIM, blaNDM, blaOXA-48-like, blaOXA-23, mcr, armA, vanA, cfr and optrA were reported. These highest priority bacteria and genes were identified in different sources, at primary and post-harvest level, particularly faeces/manure, soil and water. For all sectors, reducing the occurrence of faecal microbial contamination of fertilisers, water, feed and the production environment and minimising persistence/recycling of ARB within animal production facilities is a priority. Proper implementation of good hygiene practices, biosecurity and food safety management systems is very important. Potential AMR-specific interventions are in the early stages of development. Many data gaps relating to sources and relevance of transmission routes, diversity of ARB and ARGs, effectiveness of mitigation measures were identified. Representative epidemiological and attribution studies on AMR and its effective control in food production environments at EU level, linked to One Health and environmental initiatives, are urgently required.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neuroinflammation, Mast Cells, and Glia: Dangerous Liaisons

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    The perspective of neuroinflammation as an epiphenomenon following neuron damage is being replaced by the awareness of glia and their importance in neural functions and disorders. Systemic inflammation generates signals that communicate with the brain and leads to changes in metabolism and behavior, with microglia assuming a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Identification of potential peripheral-to-central cellular links is thus a critical step in designing effective therapeutics. Mast cells may fulfill such a role. These resident immune cells are found close to and within peripheral nerves and in brain parenchyma/meninges, where they exercise a key role in orchestrating the inflammatory process from initiation through chronic activation. Mast cells and glia engage in crosstalk that contributes to accelerate disease progression; such interactions become exaggerated with aging and increased cell sensitivity to stress. Emerging evidence for oligodendrocytes, independent of myelin and support of axonal integrity, points to their having strong immune functions, innate immune receptor expression, and production/response to chemokines and cytokines that modulate immune responses in the central nervous system while engaging in crosstalk with microglia and astrocytes. In this review, we summarize the findings related to our understanding of the biology and cellular signaling mechanisms of neuroinflammation, with emphasis on mast cell-glia interactions