28 research outputs found

    LH prevents cisplatin-induced apoptosis in oocytes and preserves female fertility in mouse

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    Premature ovarian failure and female infertility are frequent side effects of anticancer therapies, owing to the extreme sensitivity of the ovarian reserve oocytes to the damaging effects of irradiation and chemotherapy on DNA. We report here a robust protective effect of luteinizing hormone (LH) on the primordial follicle pool of prepubertal ovaries against the cisplatin (Cs)-induced apoptosis. In vitro LH treatment of prepubertal ovarian fragments generated anti-apoptotic signals by a subset of ovarian somatic cells expressing LH receptor (LHR) through cAMP/PKA and Akt pathways. Such signals, reducing the oocyte level of pro-apoptotic TAp63 protein and favoring the repair of the Cs-damaged DNA in the oocytes, prevented their apoptosis. Noteworthy, in vivo administration to prepubertal female mice of a single dose of LH together with Cs inhibited the depletion of the primordial follicle reserve caused by the drug and preserved their fertility in reproductive age, preventing significant alteration in the number of pregnancy and of delivered pups. In conclusion, these findings establish a novel ovoprotective role for LH and further support the very attracting prospective to use physiological 'fertoprotective' approaches for preventing premature infertility and risks linked to precocious menopause in young patients who survived cancer after chemotherapy


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    Our results show that the measurement of serum Tg concentrations after rhTSH has a higher diagnostic value than whole-body scanning in detecting the persistence of thyroid tissue. Therefore, rhTSH should be administered in TSH-suppressed patients with basal serum Tg concentrations of <2 ng/mL because the increment in serum Tg concentrations may reveal the persistence of thyroid tissue in these patients

    Clinical value of different responses of serum thyroglobulin to recombinant human thyrotropin in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma

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    In the present study we examined the clinical value of a differential response of thyroglobulin (Tg) concentration after recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) stimulation (rhTSH Tg testing) and its correlation with (131)I uptake and whole-body scanning (rhTSH-WBS) in 104 patients who had previously undergone near-total thyroidectomy and (131)I ablation for differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). rhTSH Tg testing was considered negative for rhTSH-Tg less than 0.9 ng/mL, low positive for rhTSH-Tg of 1-5 ng/mL and high positive for rhTSHTg greater than 5 ng/mL. rhTSH Tg testing was negative in 70 patients, 1 of whom had a lymph-node metastasis, but no (131)I uptake. Seven patients had low positive rhTSH Tg testing and no (131)I uptake, but 2 of these patients had cervical lymph node metastases. Twenty-seven patients had high positive rhTSH Tg testing and (131)I uptake was detected in lung, bone, or mediastinum in 11. Imaging techniques (computed tomography [CT], magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], fluorine-18 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography [FDGPET]) documented metastatic disease in 22. In conclusion, our results suggest that any rise in rhTSH-Tg, even at low level, should raise the suspicion of persistent or recurrent DTC. Patients with rhTSH-Tg at high level should be carefully evaluated, because DTC persistence is highly probable. TSH-WBS provides little adjunctive information

    Somatostatin Inhibits the Dermorphin-Stimulated Thyrotropin Release in Man

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    We have studied the effect of the intravenous administration of somatostatin (SRIF) on the thyrotropin (TSH) response to intravenous dermorphin (D), a new potent opioid peptide, in 7 healthy men. D significantly increased the serum TSH concentration. SRIF administration prior to, during and after D completely prevented the D-induced rise in serum TSH. These results confirm that D stimulates TSH release in man and that this stimulatory effect can be prevented by SRIF