8 research outputs found

    Investigation of fossil resins and amber

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    Fossil resins and amber are a product of lithogenesis of resinous substances of higher plants – resinite. These components of plants, like other lipoid ingredients (suberins, coutines, sporinins, natural rubbers) are resistant to microbial action, so they are well preserved in bacterial processing of organic matter in the stages of sedimento- and diagenesis, and are well diagnosed in microscopic studies. They occur in a rather wide age range of sedimentary rocks. The amber of the Baltic region of the Eocene age is most fully studied. The article presents the results of a study of the collection of fossil resins and amber from various regions of the world. Samples were studied microscopically; carbon isotope analysis, infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy) were performed. The most informative analysis of high-molecular polymeric compounds is IR spectroscopy. It was found that in the analyzed samples of fossil resins of different ages, aromatic compounds are not observed, most of which are first volatilized in fossilization processes. The possibility of influencing the group composition of amber and amber-like resins for sedimentation, diagenesis and catagenesis is discussed. The IR spectra of fossil and modern resin conifers are compared. Using the IR spectroscopy method, an attempt was made to identify the botanical origin of fossil resins

    The possibility of developing methane-coal deposits in the Korotaikha depression of the Pechora basin

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    The Pechora coal basin is considered to be one of the promising targets for the extraction of unconventional hydrocarbon raw materials – coalbed methane. Korotaikha depression is a structural subdivision of two basins – the Timano-Pechora oil and gas basin and Pechora coal basin. Currently, there is a favorable situation for the development of coalbed methane resources: on the one hand, the construction of new coal enterprises is postponed indefinitely, on the other hand, oil producing companies come with technologies close to the technologies for self-extracting methane from coal seams.The issue of perspective methane-coal fields of the Korotaikha depression in the Pechora coal basin is considered in the article. Favorable conditions and significant (about 900 billion cubic meters) methane resources predetermine the prospects of this territory for its independent production. The geological characteristics of the fields are considered and their ranking is carried out taking into account the preliminary selection of the most promising methane-coal objects. Due to the different degree of exploration of fields and the lack of (complete or partial) necessary data, some of the geological indicators served as evaluation criteria, and the preliminary assessment carried out. The prospects of four fields for the experimental work on the methane extraction opportunities are justified

    Carbonate reservoirs of subsalt deposits of the Caspian syneclise

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    The Caspian syneclise is one of the most promising hydrocarbon regions in Russia and Kazakhstan, which is confirmed by the discovery in recent years of large oil and gas fields within its borders. The presence in the Caspian syneclise at several stratigraphic levels of clay-carbonate deposits enriched with dispersed organic matter, a sufficiently high degree of their catagenetic transformation, the passage of the so-called «oil window» – all indicates a favorable situation for the generation of hydrocarbons in the region under consideration. The spread of possible accumulations of oil and gas in the subsalt sediments of the syneclise is mainly controlled by the quality of the reservoirs and impermeable layers. The proposed article illustrates the authors’ attempt to create a generalized model for the formation of subsalt strata and to develop a scheme for the interrelationship between the processes of accumulation of carbonate sediments and their hydrocarbon productivity. The application of the obtained results to the practice of oil and gas prospecting can be of great importance, since the evaluation of the hydrocarbon productivity of the subsoil is impossible without the prediction of the spatial distribution of differentfacial deposits playing the role of accumulating and preserving strata. The revealed regularities of the space-time relationships of the formation of the main elements of natural reservoirs responsible for the oil and gas content in the subsalt sediments can serve to some extent as a base for the growth of hydrocarbon reserves, which is so necessary for the Caspian region

    Geology and coal bearing capacity of the Russian Arctic in connection with prospects of development of the region

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    Detailed geologic information can be priceless for oil- and gas- oriented geologic exploration in Arctic aquatic basins. Exploration reports on coal basins and deposits located along the Arctic coast are highly detailed and can be used for reconstruction of facies and thermobaric conditions of the poorly explored offshore areas. The article summarizes information on the Russian Arctic coal basins geology: geological structure, tectonic settings, coalforming environments and coal quality parameters. Coal basins of the region contain not only brown and bituminous coals for energetics, but include valuable coking coal (Pechorskiy, Tungusskiy, Beringovskiy basins), anthracite, thermoanthracite and graphite (Taimyrskiy, Tungusskiy basins, Dolgozhdannoye deposit), related coal methane (Pechorskiy basin, coal deposits of Spitzbergen) and trace elements (Lenskiy basin, coal basins and deposits of Chukotka and Frantz Josef Land). It is also can be used for production of advanced materials (adsorbents, sunthetic graphites, etc)


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    Dietotherapy along with medicinal and external treatment is one of components of complex treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children. Severe forms of alimentary allergy are treated with special formulas based on casein hydrolisates. Clinical effectiveness of such formula was studied in 20 patients 2–7 months old intolerant to proteins of cow’s and goat’s milk. Treatment resulted in remission achievement, lessening of external therapy and cancellation of medicinal one in all children including those with cutaneous and gastrointestinal symptoms of AD.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, dietotherapy, casein hydrolysate, SCORAD.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(3):97-101)</p


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    Dietotherapy along with medicinal and external treatment is one of components of complex treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children. Severe forms of alimentary allergy are treated with special formulas based on casein hydrolisates. Clinical effectiveness of such formula was studied in 20 patients 2–7 months old intolerant to proteins of cow’s and goat’s milk. Treatment resulted in remission achievement, lessening of external therapy and cancellation of medicinal one in all children including those with cutaneous and gastrointestinal symptoms of AD.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, dietotherapy, casein hydrolysate, SCORAD.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(3):97-101