8 research outputs found

    On the role of Konstantin G. Gofman in establishing "economics of nature management" in Russia

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    Abstract: Статья написана в качестве предисловия к публикации в журнале «Social Ecology Working Paper» перевода статьи К.Г. Гофмана, М.Я. Лемешева и Н.Ф. Реймерса «Экономика природопользования: задачи новой науки» (Наука и жизнь, № 6, 1974). Представлены основные направления научной деятельности проф. К.Г. Гофмана, внесшего значительный вклад в развитие экономики природопользования

    On the role of Konstantin G. Gofman in establishing "economics of nature management" in Russia

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    Abstract: Статья написана в качестве предисловия к публикации в журнале «Social Ecology Working Paper» перевода статьи К.Г. Гофмана, М.Я. Лемешева и Н.Ф. Реймерса «Экономика природопользования: задачи новой науки» (Наука и жизнь, № 6, 1974). Представлены основные направления научной деятельности проф. К.Г. Гофмана, внесшего значительный вклад в развитие экономики природопользования

    Environmentally Adjusted Evaluation of Regional Economic Growth

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    Abstract: Issues in the construction of sustainable development indicators for the constituent members of the Russian Federation are discussed. To this end, the value of environmental pollution damage and the value of natural resource rent for all the constituents of the Russian Federation are defined. Environmental pollution damage and natural resource rent are viewed as two types of “unearned” income. The calculation of indicators of the gross regional product cleared of such incomes made it possible to evaluate more correctly the economic results and to define the level of innovative development of regional economies

    Assessing the Economic Efficiency of Using Information Technologies in Medicine: World Practice

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    Abstract: The topic of how to assess the economic efficiency of medical information technologies in a model of the system of electronic medical records is considered in this paper. The paper also gives an analysis of foreign approaches that would be interesting to consider for application in Russian conditions to assess the economic benefits of introducing the above information system in inpatient and outpatient care facilities

    Assessing the Economic Efficiency of Using Information Technologies in Medicine: World Practice

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    Abstract: The topic of how to assess the economic efficiency of medical information technologies in a model of the system of electronic medical records is considered in this paper. The paper also gives an analysis of foreign approaches that would be interesting to consider for application in Russian conditions to assess the economic benefits of introducing the above information system in inpatient and outpatient care facilities