5 research outputs found

    Geology and coal bearing capacity of the Russian Arctic in connection with prospects of development of the region

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    Detailed geologic information can be priceless for oil- and gas- oriented geologic exploration in Arctic aquatic basins. Exploration reports on coal basins and deposits located along the Arctic coast are highly detailed and can be used for reconstruction of facies and thermobaric conditions of the poorly explored offshore areas. The article summarizes information on the Russian Arctic coal basins geology: geological structure, tectonic settings, coalforming environments and coal quality parameters. Coal basins of the region contain not only brown and bituminous coals for energetics, but include valuable coking coal (Pechorskiy, Tungusskiy, Beringovskiy basins), anthracite, thermoanthracite and graphite (Taimyrskiy, Tungusskiy basins, Dolgozhdannoye deposit), related coal methane (Pechorskiy basin, coal deposits of Spitzbergen) and trace elements (Lenskiy basin, coal basins and deposits of Chukotka and Frantz Josef Land). It is also can be used for production of advanced materials (adsorbents, sunthetic graphites, etc)


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    The use of the spectrophotometric analysis method made it possible to study and evaluate the content of crude protein in the leaves and seeds of the vegetable soybean, which is used in functional and healthy nutrition. Breeding forms were cultivated in the experimental field and in the greenhouse of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center in the Moscow Region. For the first time in the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem Zone, accumulation of crude protein in seeds of soybean of vegetable type in the phase of biological ripeness was studied in 3 years. It was found that there were almost no significant differences in the protein content in the leaves between the vegetable and oilseed breeding forms, averaging 8.1% in the first ones in the phase of R6. The samples possessed protein accumulation at almost the same level - 25.7-28.4% in soybean seeds in R6. It was also found that, according to three years of observation, soybean of vegetable type accumulates a higher - by 15.7% (in relative values) - the amount of protein in the seeds in the phase of biological ripeness, which is explained by hereditary reasons. The lines of Sample A, Hidaka, Cha Kura Kake with an average value of 47.4% (in absolute numbers) excelled in the highest crude protein content in seeds. Vegetable soybean forms grown in the Central Russia (55°N) have shown significant accumulation of crude protein in leaves and seeds in both phases of the generative development of plants; the use of these samples in the production of high-protein functional food products has great prospects.Применение спектрофотометрического метода анализа дало возможность изучить и дать оценку содержанию сырого белка в листьях и семенах важнейшей бобовой культуры - сои овощной, которую используют в функциональном и здоровом питании. Селекционные формы культивировали на опытном поле и в защищенном грунте Федерального научного центра овощеводства в Московской области. Впервые в условиях Центрального района Нечерноземной зоны России (55° с.ш.) за 3 года изучено накопление сырого протеина в семенах сои овощного типа в фазе биологической спелости. Существенных различий между формами сои овощной и масличной направленности по содержанию белка в листьях в фазе технической спелости не отмечено (в среднем у овощных образцов оно составило 8,1%). В фазе технической спелости образцы аккумулировали белок в семенах почти на одном уровне - 25,7-28,4%. По данным трех лет наблюдений, в фазе биологической спелости соя овощного типа накапливала более высокую (на 15,7% в относительных значениях) сумму белков в семенах благодаря наследственным факторам. Наибольшим содержанием сырого протеина в семенах характеризовались селекционные линии Образец А, Hidaka, Cha Kura Kake со средним значением 47,4% (в абсолютных числах). У форм сои овощного типа в изучаемых условиях отмечено значительное накопление сырого протеина в листьях и семенах в обе фазы генеративного развития растений, что может иметь большие перспективы для использования этих образцов в производстве высокобелковых функциональных продуктов питания

    State regulation and development of digital educational platforms

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    The introduction of digital platforms influences all areas of social development, including the education sector. The Russian government, in a bid to take advantage of this, has encouraged the development of a solid educational system that can support digitalization’s effect on the economy. The paper aims to analyze the development of Russian digital platforms in general and educational platforms, as a decisive factor in economic competitiveness on the world market. The study was a descriptive research and Russia was the main population for the study. The research made use of secondary data from national and international sources. An analysis of modern practices in the field of digital educational platforms shows that educational organizations cannot independently use digital technologies at the new level of requirements. For this purpose, a functioning digital ecosystem is needed that would be able to provide a variety of new technologies in education

    Relationship of Inductional Changes in the Fluorescent Indices of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Leaves with their Biochemical Characteristics and Productivity

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    The impact of growth conditions on the fluorescent characteristics of the leaves of the vegetable and cultivated oilseed forms of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), which were introduced in central Russia for the first time, was studied. The following parameters of fluorescence induction were used: NPQ (nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching), qP (photochemical fluorescence quenching), Qy (actual quantum yield of photochemical reactions in photosystem II), Qymax (maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II), and Rfd (vitality coefficient). Using soybean plants in the flowering and technical ripeness phases as an example a direct relationship between nonphotochemical quenching and the Rfd indicator (r = 0.95), as well as an inverse relationship between the Fv indicator with photochemical quenching (r = –0.89 and r = –0.78 in the flowering and technical ripeness phases, respectively) was shown. The biochemical parameters were studied and their correlation with the photosynthetic parameters of the leaves of vegetable forms of soybean was analyzed. As an example, the accumulation of antioxidants had approximately the same moderate degree of correlation (r = 0.40) with Qymax, Rfd, and qRstat. At the end of the growing season, the correlation of the vitality coefficient in the technical ripeness phase with the productivity of vegetable soybean in the phase of full biological ripeness, namely, the weight of the plant (including the underground part), the number of beans per plant, and the weight of seeds per plant, were analyzed. There was a stable positive correlation between these indicators from r = 0.78 (with the mass of the plant and the mass of seeds from the plant) to 0.90 (with the number of beans per plant). The vitality coefficient has practical significance, playing the role of a quantitative characteristic of plant productivity, which makes it possible to use PAM fluorimetry in the assessment of the physiological state of a plant organism and its economic efficiency. © 2021, Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Other Cells: The role of non-neutrophilic granulocytes, NK and NKT cells in fungal immunology

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