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    The article presents a literature review over the last few years devoted to the health status and development peculiarities of children born using assisted reproductive technologies (ART) procedures. The statistics shows an explosive increase in the frequency of ART application as a fertility treatment method. The presented data analysis reflects the perinatal outcomes after ART in children, the frequency of congenital malformations and genetic diseases in this population, possible long-term malconditions and pathologies in children born using ART. The overwhelming majority of investigators consider the adverse effect of ART on a child’s body to be the result of prematurity and multiple pregnancy (transfer multiple embryos followed by partial reduction). It is stated that the widespread introduction of ART may contribute to the vertical transmission of parental infertility factors in the population. The application of ART procedures in some cases is associated with controversial ethical and legal issues (surrogacy, oocyte donation). Further improvements in ART procedures (preimplantation training, medical and genetic diagnosis, reducing the frequency of multiple pregnancy) cannot be stated as an alternative to the general medical and social prevention of reproductive disorders in adolescents and youth. В статье представлен анализ данных литературы последних лет, посвященной особенностям состояния здоровья и развития детей, родившихся с помощью вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий (ВРТ). Данные статистики свидетельствуют о лавинообразном увеличении частоты применения ВРТ как метода лечения бесплодия. В обзоре литературы отражены исходы перинатального периода у детей после ВРТ, частота врожденных пороков развития и генетических заболеваний в этой популяции, возможные отдаленные патологические состояния у детей, родившихся с помощью ВРТ. Подавляющее большинство исследователей связывают неблагоприятные влияния ВРТ на организм ребенка с недоношенностью и многоплодием (трансфер нескольких эмбрионов с последующей частичной редукцией). Указывается, что широкое внедрение ВРТ может способствовать вертикальной передаче факторов родительского бесплодия в популяции. Применение ВРТ в некоторых случаях сопряжено со спорными этическими и правовыми проблемами (суррогатное материнство, донорство ооцитов). Дальнейшее совершенствование технологий ВРТ (предимплантационная подготовка, медико-генетическая диагностика, сокращение частоты многоплодий) не является альтернативой для широкой медико-социальной профилактики нарушений в репродуктивной сфере у подростков и молодежи.

    Гендерные особенности распространенности поведенческих факторов риска у жителей Санкт-Петербурга

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    Background: In developed countries there are significant gender differences in lifetime expectancy that can be explained by behavioral risk factors (RF).Objective: The aim of our study was to estimate gender features of behavioral RF in general population of Saint-Petersburg, Russia.Methods: As a part of all-Russian epidemiology survey ESSE-RF a random sampling of 1600 Saint-Petersburg inhabitants (25-64 y.o.) stratified by age and sex was performed. All participants filled in the questionnaire. Anthropometry (weight, height, body-mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC)) and fasting blood-tests (lipids, glucose by Abbott Architect 8000 (USA)) were performed.Results: There were examined 573 (36%) men and 1027 (64%) women. No gender differences in obesity were found according to BMI criteria — in 178 (31.2%) women and 352 (35.1%) men. Obesity was more often detected in females according to WC criteria: АТРIII — 44.1 vs 30.3%; IDF 51.2 vs 66.4% (p 0.001 for both). Linear regression analysis was performed and age was associated with BMI — 1.6 kg/m2/decade, WC in women — 5,2 cm/decade and WC in men — 2.8 cm/decade, р 0.001 for all anthropometric parameters. Optimal level of physical activity was equally documented in both genders — 540 (61.2%) women and 286 (58.9%) men. Daily intake of sweets was lower in men — 228 (39.8%) vs 539 (52.5%) in women (p 0.001). 810 (50,6%) of trial subjects were non-smokers, 395 (24,7%) were former smokers, and 395 (24,7%) were smokers at the moment of trial. The higher number of female smokers was observed — 194 (19.1%).Conclusion: A high prevalence of obesity is observed in sample of Saint-Petersburg inhabitants — it is higher among women according to WC criteria regardless of menopause, possibly due to bigger sweets consumption. Males smoke more often and consume less fresh fruits and vegetables which is accompanied by a higher prevalence of hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia.В развитых странах отмечаются гендерные различия в ожидаемой продолжительности жизни, что может быть объяснено профилем поведенческих факторов риска.Цель исследования: изучить гендерные особенности профиля поведенческих факторов сердечно-сосудистого риска в популяции жителей Санкт-Петербурга. Методы: в рамках многоцентрового эпидемиологического наблюдательного исследования ЭССЕ-РФ была сформирована случайная выборка из жителей Санкт-Петербурга, стратифицированная по полу и возрасту. Участники заполнили стандартный опросник, была выполнена антропометрия: рост, вес, индекс массы тела (ИМТ), окружность талии (ОТ). Натощак определен липидный спектр, уровень гликемии.Результаты: обследованы 1600 человек, из них мужчин 573 (35,9%), женщин 1027 (64,1%). Ожирение у мужчин и женщин встречалось в 31–66% случаев (по критерию ИМТ — у 31,2% мужчин и 35,1% женщин; по критерию метаболического синдрома (АТРIII) — у 30,3 и 44,1%; по критерию IDF — у 51,2 и 66,4%, соответственно; по обоим критериям ОТ значимо чаще встречалась у женщин, (p 0,001). Линейный регрессионный анализ позволил установить ассоциацию возраста с ИМТ (1,6 кг/м2 на 1 декаду), с ОТ у женщин (5,2 см/декада) и у мужчин (2,8 см/декада; для всех показателей р 0,001). Оптимальный уровень двигательной активности не различался у мужчин (286; 58,9%) и женщин (540; 61,2%). Ежедневное потребление сладостей значимо реже отмечено у мужчин (228; 39,8%) по сравнению с женщинами (539; 52,5%; р 0,001). Не курили 810 (50,6%), 395 (24,7%) курили в прошлом и 395 (24,7%) курили в момент опроса; наблюдалось большое число курящих женщин — 194 (19,1%).Заключение: среди жителей Санкт-Петербурга регистрируется высокая распространенность ожирения (значимо чаще среди женщин, согласно критерию ОТ, вне зависимости от наличия менопаузы, возможно, за счет большего потребления сладких продуктов). Мужчины значимо больше курят и реже потребляют свежие овощи и фрукты, что сопровождается большей распространенностью гипергликемии и гипертриглицеридемии


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    High incidence of different types of allergy in children forces us to study the atopy formation peculiarities and methods of its effective prophylaxis. The objective: to study the peculiarities of formation of alimentary allergy in infants. Methods: the study included newborns. Authors studied the family history of allergic diseases. The process of allergy development in system «mother–fetus–child» and influence of several risk factors were detected. Results: authors showed the role of hereditary factor, excessive use of food with high sensitizing potential, artificial feeding with mixtures containing cow milk proteins, and deviations in formation of normal intestinal micro biocenosis in atopy formation in children. Conclusion: authors proposed the method of revelation children with high risk of alimentary allergy. Obtained data proves the necessity of stage-by-stage combined measures for the prophylaxis of allergic pathology in ontogenesis.Key words: newborns, atopy, alimentary allergy, IgE.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2011; 10 (4): 10–15

    Structure of the lithosphere below the southern margin of the East European Craton (Ukraine and Russia) from gravity and seismic data.

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    The present study was undertaken with the objective of deriving constraints from available geological and geophysical data for understanding the tectonic setting and processes controlling the evolution of the southern margin of the East European Craton (EEC). The study area includes the inverted southernmost part of the intracratonic Dnieper-Donets Basin (DDB)-Donbas Foldbelt (DF), its southeastern prolongation along the margin of the EEC-the sedimentary succession of the Karpinsky Swell (KS), the southwestern part of the Peri-Caspian Basin (PCB), and the Scythian Plate (SP). These structures are adjacent to a zone, along which the crust was reworked and/or accreted to the EEC since the late Palaeozoic. In the Bouguer gravity field, the southern margin of the EEC is marked by an arc of gravity highs, correlating with uplifted Palaeozoic rocks covered by thin Mesozoic and younger sediments. A three-dimensional (3D) gravity analysis has been carried out to investigate further the crustal structure of this area. The sedimentary succession has been modelled as two heterogeneous layers-Mesozoic-Cenozoic and Palaeozoic-in the analysis. The base of the sedimentary succession (top of the crystalline Precambrian basement) lies at a depth up to 22 km in the PCB and DF-KS areas. The residual gravity field, obtained by subtracting the gravitational effect of the sedimentary succession from the observed gravity field, reveals a distinct elongate zone of positive anomalies along the axis of the DF-KS with amplitudes of 100-140 mGal and an anomaly of 180 mGal in the PCB. These anomalies are interpreted to reflect a heterogeneous lithosphere structure below the supracrustal, sedimentary layers: i.e., Moho topography and/or the existence of high-density material in the crystalline crust and uppermost mantle. Previously published data support the existence of a high-density body in the crystalline crust along the DDB axis, including the DF, caused by an intrusion of mafic and ultramafic rocks during Late Palaeozoic rifting. A reinterpretation of existing Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) data on a profile crossing the central KS suggests that the nature of a high-velocity/density layer in the lower crust (crust-mantle transition zone) is not the same as that of below the DF. Rather than being a prolongation of the DDB-DF intracratonic rift zone, the present analysis suggests that the KS comprises, at least in part, an accretionary zone between the EEC and the SP formed after the Palaeozoic. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved