2 research outputs found

    Climate change trends in the forest-meadow zone of the Middle Urals and their impact on technological approaches to corn cultivation

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    The results of the analysis of long-term trends in changes in individual climatic characteristics and variations in weather conditions of the growing season in the forest-meadow zone of the Middle Urals for the period from 1958 to 2020 are presented, their influence on the choice of hybrids and some elements of corn cultivation technology are estimated. As a result of calculating the linear trend, a statistically proven trend has been established to increase the sum of active temperatures above 10 °C for May – September. At the same time, random fluctuations of the analyzed parameters over the years have a direct impact on corn development and productivity, and the limiting factor is the lower limit of these fluctuations, the values of which increase throughout the analyzed period. Nevertheless, the variation over the years remains strong, and the lower limit of these fluctuations does not reach the minimum level for the stable maturation of early-maturing corn hybrids. Therefore, for the conditions of the Middle Urals, the previous recommendations concerning the selection of corn hybrids for early maturity, cold resistance and drought resistance remain relevant. At the same time, the revealed climatic trend allows to predict an increase in the probability of obtaining feed with a high content of exchange energy, which characterizes it as positive one

    Taxonomic composition of weed vegetation in the southern and middle Urals and zonal features of its control in maize crops

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    As a result of expeditionary-route studies, the impoverishment of the composition of the segetal flora in maize crops was established when moving from the North-West to the South-East of the Ural region: from 37 species in the forest-meadow and mountain-forest zones to 10 in the steppe zone. Zonal features of the composition of weed communities associated with the hydrothermal gradient consist in the mutual substitution of annual monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species with a stable contribution of perennial dicotyledons, as well as the replacement of mesophytic weeds with xerophytic species of the same families. A comparison of cross-spectrum herbicides effectiveness in the forest-steppe and forest-meadow zones showed the advantages of a post-emergent preparation with soil effect of Meister Power. In temperate soil fertility in the Southern area of the region, it is economically feasible to use post-emergent herbicides without soil effect, in Northern areas with stable moisture – soil ones