15 research outputs found

    Closed Geodesics on Godel-type Backgrounds

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    We consider radial oscillations of supertube probes in the Godel-type background which is U-dual to the compactified pp-wave obtained from the Penrose limit of the NS five-brane near horizon geometry. The supertube probe computation can be carried over directly to a string probe calculation on the U-dual background. The classical equations of motion are solved explicitly. In general, the probe is not restricted to travel unidirectionally through any global time coordinate. In particular, we find geodesics that close.Comment: latex, 15 pages, 1 figure. v3: reference added, clarifications added and some discussions expande

    An example of localized D-branes solution on PP-wave backgrounds

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    In this note we provide an explicit example of type IIB supersymmetric D3-branes solution on a pp-wave like background, consisting in the product of an eight-dimensional pp-wave times a two-dimensional flat space. An interesting property of our solution is the fully localization of the D3-branes (i.e. the solution depends on all the transverse coordinates). Then we show the generalization to other Dp-branes and to the D1/D5 system.Comment: 14 pages, 1 table; v2. references adde

    G\"{o}del black hole, closed timelike horizon, and the study of particle emissions

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    We show that a particle, with positive orbital angular momentum, following an outgoing null/timelike geodesic, shall never reach the closed timelike horizon (CTH) present in the (4+1)(4+1)-dimensional rotating G\"{o}del black hole space-time. Therefore a large part of this space-time remains inaccessible to a large class of geodesic observers, depending on the conserved quantities associated with them. We discuss how this fact and the existence of the closed timelike curves present in the asymptotic region make the quantum field theoretic study of the Hawking radiation, where the asymptotic observer states are a pre-requisite, unclear. However, the semiclassical approach provides an alternative to verify the Smarr formula derived recently for the rotating G\"{o}del black hole. We present a systematic analysis of particle emissions, specifically for scalars, charged Dirac spinors and vectors, from this black hole via the semiclassical complex path method.Comment: 13 pages; minor changes, references adde

    Classical and Quantum Strings in compactified pp-waves and Godel type Universes

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    We consider Neveu-Schwarz pp-waves with spacetime supersymmetry. Upon compactification of a spacelike direction, these backgrounds develop Closed Null Curves (CNCs) and Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs), and are U-dual to supersymmetric Godel type universes. We study classical and quantum strings in this background, with emphasis on the strings winding around the compact direction. We consider two types of strings: long strings stabilized by NS flux and rotating strings which are stabilized against collapse by angular momentum. Some of the latter strings wrap around CNCs and CTCs, and are thus a potential source of pathology. We analyze the partition function, and in particular discuss the effects of these string states. Although our results are not conclusive, the partition function seems to be dramatically altered due to the presence of CNCs and CTCs. We discuss some interpretations of our results, including a possible sign of unitary violation.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Unwrapping Closed Timelike Curves

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    Closed timelike curves (CTCs) appear in many solutions of the Einstein equation, even with reasonable matter sources. These solutions appear to violate causality and so are considered problematic. Since CTCs reflect the global properties of a spacetime, one can attempt to change its topology, without changing its geometry, in such a way that the former CTCs are no longer closed in the new spacetime. This procedure is informally known as unwrapping. However, changes in global identifications tend to lead to local effects, and unwrapping is no exception, as it introduces a special kind of singularity, called quasi-regular. This "unwrapping" singularity is similar to the string singularities. We give two examples of unwrapping of essentially 2+1 dimensional spacetimes with CTCs, the Gott spacetime and the Godel universe. We show that the unwrapped Gott spacetime, while singular, is at least devoid of CTCs. In contrast, the unwrapped Godel spacetime still contains CTCs through every point. A "multiple unwrapping" procedure is devised to remove the remaining circular CTCs. We conclude that, based on the two spacetimes we investigated, CTCs appearing in the solutions of the Einstein equation are not simply a mathematical artifact of coordinate identifications, but are indeed a necessary consequence of General Relativity, provided only that we demand these solutions do not possess naked quasi-regular singularities.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    M-theory on a Time-dependent Plane-wave

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    We propose a matrix model on a homogeneous plane-wave background with 20 supersymmetries. This background is anti-Mach type and is equivalent to the time-dependent background. We study supersymmetries in this theory and calculate the superalgebra. The vacuum energy of the abelian part is also calculated. In addition we find classical solutions such as graviton solution, fuzzy sphere and hyperboloid.Comment: 19pages, no figures, LaTeX, JHEP3.cl

    Supersymmetric Intersections of M-branes and pp-waves

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    We study supersymmetric intersections of M2 and M5 branes with different pp-waves of M-theory. We consider first M-brane probes in the background of pp-waves and determine under which conditions the embedding is supersymmetric. We particularize our formalism to the case of pp-waves with 32, 24 and 20 supersymmetries. We also construct supergravity solutions for the brane-wave system. Generically these solutions are delocalised along some directions transverse to the brane and preserve the same number of supersymmetries as in the brane probe approach.Comment: 41 pages, LaTeX; v2 references adde

    Killing spectroscopy of closed timelike curves

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    We analyse the existence of closed timelike curves in spacetimes which possess an isometry. In particular we check which discrete quotients of such spaces lead to closed timelike curves. As a by-product of our analysis, we prove that the notion of existence or non-existence of closed timelike curves is a T-duality invariant notion, whenever the direction along which we apply such transformations is everywhere spacelike. Our formalism is straightforwardly applied to supersymmetric theories. We provide some new examples in the context of D-branes and generalized pp-waves.Comment: 1+35 pages, no figures; v2, new references added. Final version to appear in JHE

    Twisted Backgrounds, PP-Waves and Nonlocal Field Theories

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    We study partially supersymmetric plane-wave like deformations of string theories and M-theory on brane backgrounds. These deformations are dual to nonlocal field theories. We calculate various expectation values of configurations of closed as well as open Wilson loops and Wilson surfaces in those theories. We also discuss the manifestation of the nonlocality structure in the supergravity backgrounds. A plane-wave like deformation of little string theory has also been studied.Comment: 46 pages, changed to JHEP forma

    Quotients of AdS_{p+1} x S^q: causally well-behaved spaces and black holes

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    Starting from the recent classification of quotients of Freund--Rubin backgrounds in string theory of the type AdS_{p+1} x S^q by one-parameter subgroups of isometries, we investigate the physical interpretation of the associated quotients by discrete cyclic subgroups. We establish which quotients have well-behaved causal structures, and of those containing closed timelike curves, which have interpretations as black holes. We explain the relation to previous investigations of quotients of asymptotically flat spacetimes and plane waves, of black holes in AdS and of Godel-type universes.Comment: 48 pages; v2: minor typos correcte