41 research outputs found

    Ferroelectric devices and method relating thereto.

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    The present invention relates to an electrically controllable/tunable microwave device (10) comprising a ferroelectric substrate (101) with a variable dielectric permittivity and conducting electrodes (102, 103A-C), arranged on said substrate, and the capacitance of which depends on applied voltage C(V), the microwave device comprises at least two sections or parts of the substrate/electrodes for each of which different electrical field strengths are generated upon voltage application. Said generated electrical field strengths are controlled by means of the design of the device and/or the voltage application such that the slope (dC(dV) of the voltage dependence of the capacitance (C(V)) of the microwave device can be controlle

    Ferroelectric devices and method relating thereto.

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    The present invention relates to an electrically controllable/tunable microwave device comprising a ferroelectric substrate with a variable dielectric permittivity and conducting electrodes, arranged on said substrate, and the capacitance of which depends on applied voltage C/V), the microwave device comprises at least two sections or parts of the substrate/electrodes for each of which different electrical field strengths are generated upon voltage application. Said generated electrical field strengths are controlled by means of the design of the device and/or the voltage application such that the slope (dC(dV) of the voltage dependence of the capacitance (C(V) of the microwave device can be controlle

    Superconducting arrangement with non-orthogonal degenerate resonator modes

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    Superconducting multiplexing/demultiplexing arrangements include a number of signal input devices and a number of signal output devices. A number of resonators provides a number of filters. Each filter represents a channel. The resonator(s) operate(s) devices at lest in dual mode, and tuning devices are provided so that at least some of the resonators is/are tuneable. A method is provided of multiplexing signals incoming to a multiplexing arrangement with a number of resonators, each of the resonators having a number of input ports which are so arranged that a number of mulitpole filters are created. Input signals having different frequencies are supplied to the different input ports of the resonators, each of which is operated in three modes. Coupling devices are arranged which at least comprise the angle between the input ports and a symmetry plane. The angles are non-perpendicularly azimuth. Tuning devices are further provided for tuning the resonant frequencies of the degenerate modes, and the coupling angles and tuning devices are controlled so that for a number of input signals, only input signal is transmitted to the output devices

    Ferroelectric devices and method relating thereto.

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    The present invention relates to an electrically controllable/tunable microwave device (10) comprising a ferroelectric substrate (101) with a variable dielectric permittivity and conducting electrodes (102, 103A-C), arranged on said substrate, and the capacitance of which depends on applied voltage C(V), the microwave device comprises at least two sections or parts of the substrate/electrodes for each of which different electrical field strengths are generated upon voltage application. Said generated electrical field strengths are controlled by means of the design of the device and/or the voltage application such that the slope (dC(dV) of the voltage dependence of the capacitance (C(V)) of the microwave device can be controlle

    Tunable microwave devices based on bulk and thin film ferroelectrics

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    Electrically tunable microwave resonators and filters based on bulk single crystal SrTiO3 and KTaO3 with superconducting plates are presented and discussed. Filters are designed for operation at frequencies 0.2 – 2.0 GHz. Thin film varactors and phase shifters, designed for cryogenic or room temperature operation and based on epitaxial SrTiO3 and BaSrTiO3 are also discussed. The frequency band for the thin film devices is 0.5 - 40 GHz


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    A method of locking a first LC-oscillator with a second LC-oscillator and a circuit and an arrangement therefore. The method comprises coupling by mutual inductance a resonance inductor of the first LC-oscillator with a resonance inductor of the second LC-oscillator. A development of an oscillator circuit according to the invention comprising two locked differential LC-oscillators is an oscillator arrangement locking together two oscillator circuits by AC coupling fundamental frequency AC-ground points of the two oscillator circuit


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    A method of locking a first LC-oscillator with a second LC-oscillator and a circuit and an arrangement therefore. The method comprises coupling by mutual inductance a resonance inductor of the first LC-oscillator with a resonance inductor of the second LC-oscillator. A development of an oscillator circuit according to the invention comprising two locked differential LC-oscillators is an oscillator arrangement locking together two oscillator circuits by AC coupling fundamental frequency AC-ground points of the two oscillator circuit

    Tunable high Tc superconductive microwave devices

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    A tunable microwave device has a substrate of a dielectric material which has a variable dielectric constant. At least one superconducting film is arranged on at least parts of the dielectric substrate. The dielectric substrate includes a non-linear dielectric bulk materia

    Parallel plate microwave devices having tapered current interrupting slots

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    A microwave device includes a number of parallel-plate resonators that include at least one dielectric substrate and first and second plates arranged on either side of the substrate. At least one of the plates of each of a number of the parallel-plate resonators includes a current interrupting device such that the current lines of at least one undesired mode are interrupted at their maxima to suppress the undesired mode. There is also described a method of interrupting undesired modes in a microwave device having a number of parallel-plate resonator