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The Appeal of Protest Rhetoric: How Moral Entrepreneurs Recruit the Media into Moral Struggles
Whenever the news media feature brand-related moral struggles over issues such as ethicality, fairness, or sustainability, brands often find themselves in the position of the culprit. However, brands may also take the opposite position, that of a moral entrepreneur that proactively raises and addresses moral issues that matter to society. In this chapter, we present a case study of the Austrian shoe manufacturer Waldviertler, which staged a protest campaign against Austriaâs financial market authorities (FMA) in the wake of the authorities demanding that the company closes its alternative (and illegal) consumer investment model after 10 years of operation. In response to this demand, the company organized protest marches, online petitions, and press conferences to reclaim the moral high ground for its financing model as a way out of the crunch following the global credit crisis and as a way to fight unfair administrative burdens. We present an interpretive analysis of brand communication material and media coverage that reveals how this brand used protest rhetoric on three levels â logos, ethos, and pathos â to reverse moral standards, to embody a rebel ethos, and to cultivate moral indignation. We also show how the media responded to protest rhetoric both with thematic coverage of context, trends, and general evidence, and with episodic coverage focusing on dramatic actions and the company ownerâs charisma. We close with a discussion of how protestainment, the stylization of a leader figure, and marketplace sentiments can ensure sustained media coverage of moral struggles
Wirkungen hoher Schwefelgaben auf Mineralstoffgehalte, Proteinfraktionen und KleberqualitÀt von Weizen aus biologisch-dynamischem Anbau
In der vorgestellten Arbeit sollte geprĂŒft werden, ob hohe Schwefel-Gaben den Dehnwiderstand des Klebers weiter verringern und welche Auswirkungen diese auf die Proteinfraktionen ausĂŒben. Gleichzeitig sollte ein Beitrag zur Schwefel-ErnĂ€hrung von Weizen unter biologisch-dynamischen AnbauverhĂ€ltnissen geleistet werden.
Auf einem Winterweizenschlag (Sorte Bussard) eines biologisch-dynamisch wirtÂschaftenden Betriebes (Dottenfelderhof, Bad Vilbel) wurde 1998 zu VegetationsbeÂginn ein SchwefeldĂŒngungsversuch (0, 50, 100, 200, 400 kg S/ha als Kalimagnesia) angelegt.
- ErtrĂ€ge, Stickstoff-, Schwefel-, Kalium- und Magnesium-Gehalte des Korns unterÂschieden sich nicht.
- Dagegen wurden die S-Gehalte des Strohs schon ab einer Gabe von 50 kg S/ha signifikant erhöht.
- Ab Mengen von 200 kg S/ha ergaben sich signifikant niedrigere Gehalte HMW-Glutenin sowie DehnwiderstÀnde des Klebers.
- Dagegen waren in der RP-HPLC-Analyse des Endospermmehls keine UnterÂschiede erkennbar.
Die Ergebnisse dieses Versuchs sind deshalb so bedeutsam, weil sie die AbhĂ€nÂgigkeit der Proteinstruktur des Weizens im Zusammenhang mit der SchwefelversorÂgung in folgender Weise bestĂ€tigen:
WĂ€hrend bekannt ist, dass Schwefel-Mangel feste Kleber bzw. Teige induziert, werden die Kleber unter dem Einfluss hoher Schwefel-Gaben (im Ăberschuss) weiÂcher. Aus solchen PhĂ€nomenen konnte dann ein weiterer Aspekt des Leitbildes fĂŒr die ZĂŒchtung von Weizensorten fĂŒr den biologisch-dynamischen Anbau entwickelt werden:
- weichere Kleber
- höhere Gehalte an Albuminen und Globulinen
- gute Proteingehalte (bei akzeptablen ErtrĂ€gen) durch verbesserte NĂ€hrstoffaufÂnahme (bessere Durchwurzelung
Energy-angle dispersion of accelerated heavy ions at 67P/ChuryumovâGerasimenko: implication in the mass-loading mechanism
The Rosetta spacecraft studied the comet 67P/ChuryumovâGerasimenko for nearly two years. The Ion Composition Analyzer instrument on board Rosetta observed the positive ion distributions in the environment of the comet during the mission. A portion of the comet's neutral coma is expected to get ionized, depending on the comet's activity and position relative to the Sun, and the newly created ions are picked up and accelerated by the solar wind electric field, while the solar wind flow is deflected in the opposite direction. This interaction, known as the mass-loading mechanism, was previously studied by comparing the bulk flow direction of both the solar wind protons and the accelerated cometary ions with respect to the direction of the magnetic and the convective solar wind electric field. In this study, we show that energyâangle dispersion is occasionally observed. We report two types of dispersion: one where the observed motion is consistent with ions gyrating in the local magnetic field and another where the energyâangle dispersion is opposite to that expected from gyration in the local magnetic field. Given that the cometary ion gyro-radius in the undisturbed solar wind magnetic and electric field is expected to be too large to be detected in this way, our observations indicate that the local electric field might be significantly smaller than that of the undisturbed solar wind. We also discuss how the energyâangle dispersion, which is not consistent with gyration, may occur due to spatially inhomogeneous densities and electric fields
Neurotoxische Enzephalopathie unter Neuroleptika und Lithium
Zusammenfassung: Ăberlappende neuroleptische Medikationen sind in psychiatrischen Behandlungen gelegentlich unumgĂ€nglich. Wir berichten ĂŒber eine unter schizoaffektiver Störung leidende 60-jĂ€hrige Frau, welche vorĂŒbergehend 3 Neuroleptika und Lithium erhielt. Hierunter entwickelte sie eine neurotoxische Enzephalopathie mit Symptomen eines malignen neuroleptischen Syndroms. GegenwĂ€rtig ist unklar, ob irreversible HirnschĂ€den zurĂŒckbleiben werden. Wir empfehlen engmaschige EEG-Kontrollen zur FrĂŒherkennung von NeurotoxizitĂ€
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Microstructural constraints on magmatic mushes under KÄ«lauea Volcano, Hawai'i.
Distorted olivines of enigmatic origin are ubiquitous in erupted products from a wide range of volcanic systems (e.g., Hawai'i, Iceland, Andes). Investigation of these features at KÄ«lauea Volcano, Hawai'i, using an integrative crystallographic and chemical approach places quantitative constraints on mush pile thicknesses. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) reveals that the microstructural features of distorted olivines, whose chemical composition is distinct from undistorted olivines, are remarkably similar to olivines within deformed mantle peridotites, but inconsistent with an origin from dendritic growth. This, alongside the spatial distribution of distorted grains and the absence of adcumulate textures, suggests that olivines were deformed within melt-rich mush piles accumulating within the summit reservoir. Quantitative analysis of subgrain geometry reveals that olivines experienced differential stresses of âŒ3-12âMPa, consistent with their storage in mush piles with thicknesses of a few hundred metres. Overall, our microstructural analysis of erupted crystals provides novel insights into mush-rich magmatic systems
Information transfer by vector spin chirality in finite magnetic chains
Vector spin chirality is one of the fundamental characteristics of complex
magnets. For a one-dimensional spin-spiral state it can be interpreted as the
handedness, or rotational sense of the spiral. Here, using spin-polarized
scanning tunneling microscopy, we demonstrate the occurrence of an atomic-scale
spin-spiral in finite individual bi-atomic Fe chains on the (5x1)-Ir(001)
surface. We show that the broken inversion symmetry at the surface promotes one
direction of the vector spin chirality, leading to a unique rotational sense of
the spiral in all chains. Correspondingly, changes in the spin direction of one
chain end can be probed tens of nanometers away, suggesting a new way of
transmitting information about the state of magnetic objects on the nanoscale.Comment: accepted by Physical Review Letter
Evolution of the ion environment of comet 67P during the Rosetta mission as seen by RPC-ICA
Rosetta has followed comet 67P from low activity at more than 3.6 au heliocentric distance to high activity at perihelion (1.24 au) and then out again. We provide a general overview of the evolution of the dynamic ion environment using data from the RPC-ICA ion spectrometer. We discuss where Rosetta was located within the evolving comet magnetosphere. For the initial observations, the solar wind permeated all of the coma. In 2015 mid-April, the solar wind started to disappear from the observation region, to re-appear again in 2015 December. Low-energy cometary ions were seen at first when Rosetta was about 100 km from the nucleus at 3.6 au, and soon after consistently throughout the mission except during the excursions to farther distances from the comet. The observed flux of low-energy ions was relatively constant due to Rosetta's orbit changing with comet activity. Accelerated cometary ions, moving mainly in the antisunward direction gradually became more common as comet activity increased. These accelerated cometary ions kept being observed also after the solar wind disappeared from the location of Rosetta, with somewhat higher fluxes further away from the nucleus. Around perihelion, when Rosetta was relatively deep within the comet magnetosphere, the fluxes of accelerated cometary ions decreased, as did their maximum energy. The disappearance of more energetic cometary ions at close distance during high activity is suggested to be due to a flow pattern where these ions flow around the obstacle of the denser coma or due to charge exchange losses
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