358 research outputs found

    Density fluctuations and single-particle dynamics in liquid lithium

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    The single-particle and collective dynamical properties of liquid lithium have been evaluated at several thermodynamic states near the triple point. This is performed within the framework of mode-coupling theory, using a self-consistent scheme which, starting from the known static structure of the liquid, allows the theoretical calculation of several dynamical properties. Special attention is devoted to several aspects of the single-particle dynamics, which are discussed as a function of the thermodynamic state. The results are compared with those of Molecular Dynamics simulations and other theoretical approaches.Comment: 31 pages (in preprint format), 14 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Sneutrino Mixing Phenomena

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    In any model with nonzero Majorana neutrino masses, the sneutrino and antisneutrino of the supersymmetric extended theory mix. We outline the conditions under which sneutrino-antisneutrino mixing is experimentally observable. The mass-splitting of the sneutrino mass eigenstates and sneutrino oscillation phenomena are considered.Comment: 12 pages, revtex + axodraw, 1 figure included. Minor change

    Farm Performance From Holstein-Friesian Cows of Three Genetic Strains on Grazed Pasture

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    Dairy selection objectives and farm production systems in USA and Europe are different from those in New Zealand (NZ). The use of overseas semen in NZ in the last 20 years has changed the genetics of the former NZ Holstein-Friesian (HF) strain. This trial was designed to demonstrate the genetic progress in the NZ HF dairy herd in the last 25 years and how high production potential North American HF cows perform under pasture-based feeding systems

    Atom cooling and trapping by disorder

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    We demonstrate the possibility of three-dimensional cooling of neutral atoms by illuminating them with two counterpropagating laser beams of mutually orthogonal linear polarization, where one of the lasers is a speckle field, i.e. a highly disordered but stationary coherent light field. This configuration gives rise to atom cooling in the transverse plane via a Sisyphus cooling mechanism similar to the one known in standard two-dimensional optical lattices formed by several plane laser waves. However, striking differences occur in the spatial diffusion coefficients as well as in local properties of the trapped atoms.Comment: 11 figures (postscript

    Static and Dynamic Properties of Dissipative Particle Dynamics

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    The algorithm for the DPD fluid, the dynamics of which is conceptually a combination of molecular dynamics, Brownian dynamics and lattice gas automata, is designed for simulating rheological properties of complex fluids on hydrodynamic time scales. This paper calculates the equilibrium and transport properties (viscosity, self-diffusion) of the thermostated DPD fluid explicitly in terms of the system parameters. It is demonstrated that temperature gradients cannot exist, and that there is therefore no heat conductivity. Starting from the N-particle Fokker-Planck, or Kramers' equation, we prove an H-theorem for the free energy, obtain hydrodynamic equations, and derive a non-linear kinetic equation (the Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann equation) for the single particle distribution function. This kinetic equation is solved by the Chapman-Enskog method. The analytic results are compared with numerical simulations.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript figure

    Microscopic dynamics in liquid metals: the experimental point of view

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    The experimental results relevant for the understanding of the microscopic dynamics in liquid metals are reviewed, with special regards to the ones achieved in the last two decades. Inelastic Neutron Scattering played a major role since the development of neutron facilities in the sixties. The last ten years, however, saw the development of third generation radiation sources, which opened the possibility of performing Inelastic Scattering with X rays, thus disclosing previously unaccessible energy-momentum regions. The purely coherent response of X rays, moreover, combined with the mixed coherent/incoherent response typical of neutron scattering, provides enormous potentialities to disentangle aspects related to the collectivity of motion from the single particle dynamics. If the last twenty years saw major experimental developments, on the theoretical side fresh ideas came up to the side of the most traditional and established theories. Beside the raw experimental results, therefore, we review models and theoretical approaches for the description of microscopic dynamics over different length-scales, from the hydrodynamic region down to the single particle regime, walking the perilous and sometimes uncharted path of the generalized hydrodynamics extension. Approaches peculiar of conductive systems, based on the ionic plasma theory, are also considered, as well as kinetic and mode coupling theory applied to hard sphere systems, which turn out to mimic with remarkable detail the atomic dynamics of liquid metals. Finally, cutting edges issues and open problems, such as the ultimate origin of the anomalous acoustic dispersion or the relevance of transport properties of a conductive systems in ruling the ionic dynamic structure factor are discussed.Comment: 53 pages, 41 figures, to appear in "The Review of Modern Physics". Tentatively scheduled for July issu

    Creating a low-dimensional quantum gas using dark states in an inelastic evanescent-wave mirror

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    We discuss an experimental scheme to create a low-dimensional gas of ultracold atoms, based on inelastic bouncing on an evanescent-wave mirror. Close to the turning point of the mirror, the atoms are transferred into an optical dipole trap. This scheme can compress the phase-space density and can ultimately yield an optically-driven atom laser. An important issue is the suppression of photon scattering due to ``cross-talk'' between the mirror potential and the trapping potential. We propose that for alkali atoms the photon scattering rate can be suppressed by several orders of magnitude if the atoms are decoupled from the evanescent-wave light. We discuss how such dark states can be achieved by making use of circularly-polarized evanescent waves.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Constraints on the Electrical Charge Asymmetry of the Universe

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    We use the isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background to place stringent constraints on a possible electrical charge asymmetry of the universe. We find the excess charge per baryon to be qep<1026eq_{e-p}<10^{-26}e in the case of a uniform distribution of charge, where ee is the charge of the electron. If the charge asymmetry is inhomogeneous, the constraints will depend on the spectral index, nn, of the induced magnetic field and range from qep<5×1020eq_{e-p}<5\times 10^{-20}e (n=2n=-2) to qep<2×1026eq_{e-p}<2\times 10^{-26}e (n2n\geq 2). If one could further assume that the charge asymmetries of individual particle species are not anti-correlated so as to cancel, this would imply, for photons, qγ<1035eq_\gamma< 10^{-35}e; for neutrinos, qν<4×1035eq_\nu<4\times10^{-35}e; and for heavy (light) dark matter particles qdm<4×1024eq_{\rm dm}<4\times10^{-24}e (qdm<4×1030eq_{\rm dm}<4\times10^{-30}e).Comment: New version to appear in JCA

    Random Scattering by Atomic Density Fluctuations in Optical Lattices

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    We investigate hitherto unexplored regimes of probe scattering by atoms trapped in optical lattices: weak scattering by effectively random atomic density distributions and multiple scattering by arbitrary atomic distributions. Both regimes are predicted to exhibit a universal semicircular scattering lineshape for large density fluctuations, which depend on temperature and quantum statistics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Inelastic X-ray scattering study of the collective dynamics in liquid sodium

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    Inelastic X-ray scattering data have been collected for liquid sodium at T=390 K, i.e. slightly above the melting point. Owing to the very high instrumental resolution, pushed up to 1.5 meV, it has been possible to determine accurately the dynamic structure factor, S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega), in a wide wavevector range, 1.5÷151.5 \div 15 nm1^{-1}, and to investigate on the dynamical processes underlying the collective dynamics. A detailed analysis of the lineshape of S(Q,ω)S(Q,\omega), similarly to other liquid metals, reveals the co-existence of two different relaxation processes with slow and fast characteristic timescales respectively. The present data lead to the conclusion that: i) the picture of the relaxation mechanism based on a simple viscoelastic model fails; ii) although the comparison with other liquid metals reveals similar behavior, the data do not exhibit an exact scaling law as the principle of corresponding state would predict.Comment: RevTex, 7 pages, 6 eps figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.