89 research outputs found

    Ecological aspect of children's anthropometric investigation

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    The aim of work is to study the main indexes of physical development of children in the age from 3 to 10, living in districts of Belgorod region (Russia) with different levels of ecological pollutio

    Genetic determinants of complicated pregnancy

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    The connections of polymorphic variants of the gene of vasoactive hormones with the level of arterial pressure in pregnant women, depending on the development of preeclampsia (PE), have been studie

    Influence of palm oil enriched diet on the morphofunctional condition of rats mandibular condylar cartilage

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    The aim of the study was to establish the morpho-functional condition of mandibular condylar cartilage in white rats of different ages under conditions of excessive use of palm oil and to assess the possibility of correcting the identified changes using the Garcinia Cambogia extrac

    The study of the role of maternal and fetal risk factors in the development of placental insufficiency

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    The objectives were to study the role of maternal and fetal risk factors in the development of placental insufficiency (PI) and fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGRS

    Candidate genes and clinical-laboratory parameters in pregnant women with preeclampsia

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    They studied the associations of genetic polymorphisms with clinico-laboratory indicators among pregnant women with preeclampsia depending on hereditary complicatio

    Polymorphisms of genes and the risk of preeclampsia

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    They studied the relations of genetic polymorphisms with the risk of preeclampsia occurrence depending on hereditary complicatio

    The effectiveness of glucocorticoid therapy in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, depending on the polymorphic markers of cytokine genes

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    The paper presents the results of a study of interrelationships of polymorphic cytokine loci (rs1800629 TNFα, rs909253 Ltα, rs767455 TNFR1 and rs1800469 TGFβ-1) with the features of glucocorticoid therapy in patients with chronic glomerulonephriti

    Genetic factors of decreased kidney function in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis

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    The article presents the results of studying the interaction of polymorphic variants of vascular homeostasis genes (I/D ACE, 4а/4b eNOS, S311C PON2, (-6) A/G AGT, (-1166) A/С AGTR1, G/A GNB3 (rs.2301339), G460W ADD1, (+46) G/A ADRB2, K198N EDN1, (+6986) G/A CYP3A5) with the state of renal function at the onset of chronic glomerulonephriti

    Clinical and genetic research of chronic glomerulonephritis

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    The paper presents data on interaction of candidate genes (S311C PON2, (-6)A/G AGT, (-1166)A/CAGTR1, (-592)C/A IL-10, VNTR IL-1Ra, T113M IL-9, K198N EDN1, (+46)G/A ADRB2, G/A GNB3 (rs.2301339)) with oligogenic and continuous characters of chronic glomerulonephriti