153 research outputs found

    A Two-Dimensional Hydrostatically Equilibrium Atmosphere of a Neutron Star with Given Differential Rotation

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    An analytic solution has been found in the Roche approximation for the axially symmetric structure of a hydrostatically equilibrium atmosphere of a neutron star produced by collapse. A hydrodynamic (quasione-dimensional) model for the collapse of a rotating iron core in a massive star gives rise to a heterogeneous rotating protoneutron star with an extended atmosphere composed of matter from the outer part of the iron core with differential rotation (Imshennik and Nadyozhin, 1992). The equation of state of a completely degenerate iron gas with an arbitrary degree of relativity is taken for the atmospheric matter. We construct a family of toroidal model atmospheres with total masses M≈0.1Ă·0.2M⊙M \approx 0.1 \div 0.2 M_{\odot} and total angular momenta J≈(1Ă·5.5)⋅1049erg⋅sJ \approx (1 \div 5.5) \cdot 10^{49} erg \cdot s, which are acceptable for the outer part of the collapsed iron core, in accordance with the hydrodynamic model, as a function of constant parameters ω0andr0\omega_{0} and r_{0} of the specified differential rotation law Ω=ω0exp⁥[−(rsin⁥Θ)2r02]\Omega = \omega_{0}\exp{\Big[-\frac{(r\sin{\Theta})^{2}}{r_{0}^{2}}\Big]} in spherical coordinates. The assumed rotation law is also qualitatively consistent with the hydrodynamic model for the collapse of an iron core.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    A hydrodynamic model for asymmetric explosions of rapidly rotating collapsing supernovae with a toroidal atmosphere

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    We numerically solved the two-dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamic problem of the explosion of a low-mass neutron star in a circular orbit. In the initial conditions, we assumed a nonuniform density distribution in the space surrounding the collapsed iron core in the form of a stationary toroidal atmosphere that was previously predicted analytically and computed numerically. The configuration of the exploded neutron star itself was modeled by a torus with a circular cross section whose central line almost coincided with its circular orbit. Using an equation of state for the stellar matter and the toroidal atmosphere in which the nuclear statistical equilibrium conditions were satisfied, we performed a series of numerical calculations that showed the propagation of a strong divergent shock wave with a total energy of 0.2x10^51 erg at initial explosion energy release of 1.0x10^51 erg. In our calculations, we rigorously took into account the gravitational interaction, including the attraction from a higher-mass (1.9M_solar) neutron star located at the coordinate origin, in accordance with the rotational explosion mechanism for collapsing supernovae.W e compared in detail our results with previous similar results of asymmetric supernova explosion simulations and concluded that we found a lower limit for the total explosion energy.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    The Possibility of Emersion of the Outer Layers in a Massive Star Simultaneously with Iron-Core Collapse: A Hydrodynamic Model

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    We analyze the behavior of the outer envelope in a massive star during and after the collapse of its iron core into a protoneutron star (PNS) in terms of the equations of one-dimensional spherically symmetric ideal hydrodynamics. The profiles obtained in the studies of the evolution of massive stars up to the final stages of their existence, immediately before a supernova explosion (Boyes et al. 1999), are used as the initial data for the distribution of thermodynamic quantities in the envelope.We use a complex equation of state for matter with allowances made for arbitrary electron degeneracy and relativity, the appearance of electron-positron pairs, the presence of radiation, and the possibility of iron nuclei dissociating into free nucleons and helium nuclei. We performed calculations with the help of a numerical scheme based on Godunov's method. These calculations allowed us to ascertain whether the emersion of the outer envelope in a massive star is possible through the following two mechanisms: first, the decrease in the gravitational mass of the central PNS through neutrino-signal emission and, second, the effect of hot nucleon bubbles, which are most likely formed in the PNS corona, on the envelope emersion. We show that the second mechanism is highly efficient in the range of acceptable masses of the nucleon bubbles (≀0.01M⊙\leq 0.01M_\odot) simulated in our hydrodynamic calculations in a rough, spherically symmetric approximation.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    The Toroidal Iron Atmosphere of a Protoneutron Star: Numerical Solution

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    A numerical method presented by Imshennik et al. (2002) is used to solve the two dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamic problem on the formation of a toroidal atmosphere during the collapse of an iron stellar core and outer stellar layers. An evolutionary model from Boyes et al. (1999) with a total mass of 25M⊙25M_{\odot} is used as the initial data for the distribution of thermodynamic quantities in the outer shells of a high-mass star. We analyze in detail the results of three calculations in which the difference mesh and the location of the inner boundary of the computational region are varied. In the initial data, we roughly specify an angular velocity distribution that is actually justified by the final result - the formation of a hydrostatic equilibrium toroidal atmosphere with reasonable total mass, Mtot=(0.117Ă·0.122)M⊙M^{tot} = (0.117 \div 0.122)M_{\odot}, and total angular momentum, Jtot=(0.445Ă·0.472)x1050erg⋅sJ^{tot} = (0.445 \div 0.472) x 10^{50} erg \cdot s, for the two main calculations. We compare the numerical solution with our previous analytical solution in the form of toroidal atmospheres (Imshennik and Manukovskii 2000). This comparison indicates that they are identical if we take into account the more general and complex equation of state with a nonzero temperature and self-gravitation effects in the atmosphere. Our numerical calculations, first, prove the stability of toroidal atmospheres on characteristic hydrodynamic time scales and, second, show the possibility of sporadic fragmentation of these atmospheres even after a hydrodynamic equilibrium is established. The calculations were carried out under the assumption of equatorial symmetry of the problem and up to relatively long time scales (≈10s)(\approx 10s).Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    A Rotating Collapsar and Possible Interpretation of the LSD Neutrino Signal from SN 1987A

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    We consider an improved rotational mechanism of the explosion of a collapsing supernova. We show that this mechanism leads to two-stage collapse with a phase difference of \sim 5 h. Based on this model, we attempt a new interpretation of the events in underground neutrino detectors on February 23, 1987, related to the supernova SN 1987A.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 9 table

    Radiation hydrodynamics of SN 1987A: I. Global analysis of the light curve for the first 4 months

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    The optical/UV light curves of SN 1987A are analyzed with the multi-energy group radiation hydrodynamics code STELLA. The calculated monochromatic and bolometric light curves are compared with observations shortly after shock breakout, during the early plateau, through the broad second maximum, and during the earliest phase of the radioactive tail. We have concentrated on a progenitor model calculated by Nomoto & Hashimoto and Saio, Nomoto, & Kato, which assumes that 14 solar masses of the stellar mass is ejected. Using this model, we have updated constraints on the explosion energy and the extent of mixing in the ejecta. In particular, we determine the most likely range of E/M (explosion energy over ejecta mass) and R_0 (radius of the progenitor). In general, our best models have energies in the range E = (1.1 +/- 0.3) x 10^{51} ergs, and the agreement is better than in earlier, flux-limited diffusion calculations for the same explosion energy. Our modeled B and V fluxes compare well with observations, while the flux in U undershoots after about 10 days by a factor of a few, presumably due to NLTE and line transfer effects. We also compare our results with IUE observations, and a very good quantitative agreement is found for the first days, and for one IUE band (2500-3000 A) as long as for 3 months. We point out that the V flux estimated by McNaught & Zoltowski should probably be revised to a lower value.Comment: 27 pages AASTeX v.4.0 + 35 postscript figures. ApJ, accepte

    Constraints On The Delayed Transition to Detonation in Type Ia Supernovae

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    We investigate the possibility of a delayed detonation in a type Ia supernova under the assumption that the transition to detonation is triggered by turbulence only. Our discussion is based on the Zeldovich mechanism and suggests that typical turbulent velocities present during the explosion are not strong enough to allow this transition to occur. Although we are able to show that in carbon-rich matter (e.g., X(12X(^{12}C)=0.75) = 0.75) the possibility of a deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) is enhanced, even in this case the turbulent velocities needed are larger than the expected value of uâ€Č(L)≈107cms−1u'(L) \approx 10^7 {cm s}^{-1} on a length-scale of L≈106L \approx 10^6 cm. Thus we conclude that a DDT may not be a common event during a thermonuclear explosion of a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    Production of Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron by Hypernovae

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    We investigate a possible nucleosynthetic signature of highly energetic explosions of C-O cores ("hypernovae," HNe) which might be associated with gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We note that the direct impact of C- and O-enriched hypernova ejecta on the ambient hydrogen and helium leads to spallation reactions which can produce large amounts of the light nuclides lithium, beryllium, and boron (LiBeB). Using analytic velocity spectra of the hypernova ejecta, we calculate the LiBeB yields of different exploding C-O cores associated with observed hypernovae. The deduced yields are ∌103\sim 10^3 times higher than those produced by similar (direct) means in normal Type II supernovae, and are higher than the commonly used ones arising from shock wave acceleration induced by Type II supernova (SN) explosions. To avoid overproduction of these elements in our Galaxy, hypernovae should be rare events, with \la 10^{-3} hypernovae per supernova, assuming a constant HN/SN ratio over time. This rate is in good agreement with that of long duration GRBs if we assume that the gamma-ray emission is focussed with a beaming factor \Omega/4\pi \la 10^{-2}. This encouraging result supports the possible HN-GRB association. Thus, Galactic LiBeB abundance measurements offer a promising way to probe the HN rate history and the possible HN-GRB correlation. On the other hand, if hypernovae are associated to very massive pregalactic stars (Population III) they would produce a LiBeB pre-enrichment in proto-galactic gas, which could show up as a plateau in the lowest metallicities of the Be-Fe relation in halo stars.Comment: 12 pages, AASTeX, no figure

    Supernovae - Optical Precursors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The probability of observing "supernova - gamma-ray burst" (GRB) pair events and recurrent GRBs from one galaxy in a time interval of several years has been estimated. Supernova explosions in binary systems accompanied by the formation of a short-lived pair of compact objects can be the sources of such events. If a short GRB is generated during the collision of a pair, then approximately each of ~300 short GRBs with redshift z must have an optical precursor - a supernova in the observer's time interval <2(1+z)yr. If the supernova explosion has the pattern of a hypernova, then a successive observation of long and short GRBs is possible. The scenario for the generation of multiple GRBs in collapsing galactic nuclei is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; this paper has the e-precursor arXiv:1101.3298 [astro-ph.HE

    On the possible observational manifestation of supernova shock impact on the neutron star magnetosphere

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    Impact of supernova explosion on the neutron star magnetosphere in a massive binary system is considered. The supernova shock striking the NS magnetosphere filled with plasma can lead to the formation of a magnetospheric tail with significant magnetic energy. The magnetic field reconnection in the current sheet formed can convert the magnetic energy stored in the tail into kinetic energy of accelerated charged particles. Plasma instabilities excited by beams of relativistic particles can lead to the formation of a short pulse of coherent radio emission with parameters similar to those of the observed bright extragalactic millisecond radio burst (Lorimer et al. 2007).Comment: 8 pages, Astron. Lett. in pres
