51 research outputs found

    Quasi-spherical superfast Z-pinch implosion for pellet irradiation

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    New simulation results of the quasi-spherical implosion induced by a 40 MA current pulse are discussed. Results on a quasi-spherical wire array production and some experimental observations of an implosion are presented

    Magnetic field measurements on PF - 1000 and PF - 3 facilities: current sheath structure and neutron scaling

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    The comparative analysis of the magnetic field distribution, the dynamics and structure of the plasma current sheath, and the neutron yield scaling in two largest plasma focus facilities, PF-3 and PF-1000 is done. The power-low dependence of the neutron yield on the current in the imploding plasma sheath has been demonstrated experimentally. For the first time the presence of the Bz magnetic field components is experimentally shown
