203 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Evolution of Anisotropic Cosmological Power

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    There has been growing interest in the possibility of testing more precisely the assumption of statistical isotropy of primordial density perturbations. If it is to be tested with galaxy surveys at distance scales <~ 10 Mpc, then nonlinear evolution of anisotropic power must be understood. To this end, we calculate the angular dependence of the power spectrum to third order in perturbation theory for a primordial power spectrum with a quadrupole dependence on the wavevector direction. Our results suggest that primordial power anisotropies will be suppressed by <~ 7% in the quasilinear regime. We also show that the skewness in the statistically anisotropic theory differs by no more than 1% from that in the isotropic theory.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Domain walls in supersymmetric QCD: from weak to strong coupling

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    We consider domain walls that appear in supersymmetric QCD with Nf < Nc massive flavours. In particular, for 2 Nf < Nc we explicitly construct the domain walls that interpolate between vacua labeled by i and (i+ N_f). We show that these solutions are Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) saturated for any value of the mass of the matter fields. This fact allows us to evaluate the large mass limit of these domain walls. We comment on the relevance of these solutions for supersymmetric gluodynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, LaTex, uses psfig.st

    N=2 Sigma Model with Twisted Mass and Superpotential: Central Charges and Solitons

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    We consider supersymmetric sigma models on the Kahler target spaces, with twisted mass. The Kahler spaces are assumed to have holomorphic Killing vectors. Introduction of a superpotential of a special type is known to be consistent with N=2 superalgebra (Alvarez-Gaume and Freedman). We show that the algebra acquires central charges in the anticommutators {Q_L, Q_L} and {Q_R, Q_R}. These central charges have no parallels, and they can exist only in two dimensions. The central extension of the N=2 superalgebra we found paves the way to a novel phenomenon -- spontaneous breaking of a part of supersymmetry. In the general case 1/2 of supersymmetry is spontaneously broken (the vacuum energy density is positive), while the remaining 1/2 is realized linearly. In the model at hand the standard fermion number is not defined, so that the Witten index as well as the Cecotti-Fendley-Intriligator-Vafa index are useless. We show how to construct an index for counting short multiplets in internal algebraic terms which is well-defined in spite of the absence of the standard fermion number. Finally, we outline derivation of the quantum anomaly in {\bar Q_L, Q_R}.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 1 eps figure. Two important references adde

    Cosmological status of Lagrangian theory of density perturbations

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    We show that hydrodynamical and field approaches in theory of cosmological scalar perturbations are equivalent for a single medium. We also give relations between notations introduced by V. Lukash, J. Bardeen, J. Bardeen et al. and G. Chibisov and V. Mukhanov.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, submitted to Astronomy Report

    Fluid phonons and inflaton quanta at the protoinflationary transition

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    Quantum and thermal fluctuations of an irrotational fluid are studied across the transition regime connecting a protoinflationary phase of decelerated expansion to an accelerated epoch driven by a single inflaton field. The protoinflationary inhomogeneities are suppressed when the transition to the slow roll phase occurs sharply over space-like hypersurfaces of constant energy density. If the transition is delayed, the interaction of the quasi-normal modes related, asymptotically, to fluid phonons and inflaton quanta leads to an enhancement of curvature perturbations. It is shown that the dynamics of the fluctuations across the protoinflationary boundaries is determined by the monotonicity properties of the pump fields controlling the energy transfer between the background geometry and the quasi-normal modes of the fluctuations. After corroborating the analytical arguments with explicit numerical examples, general lessons are drawn on the classification of the protoinflationary transition.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Lessons from QCD2(N)QCD_2 (N\to\infty): Vacuum structure, Asymptotic Series, Instantons and all that

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    We discuss two dimensional QCD(Nc)QCD (N_c\to\infty) with fermions in the fundamental as well as adjoint representation. We find factorial growth (g2Ncπ)2k(2k)!(1)k1(2π)2k\sim (g^2N_c\pi)^{2k}\frac{(2k)!(-1)^{k-1}}{(2 \pi)^{2k}} in the coefficients of the large order perturbative expansion. We argue that this behavior is related to classical solutions of the theory, instantons, thus it has nonperturbative origin. Phenomenologically such a growth is related to highly excited states in the spectrum. We also analyze the heavy-light quark system QqˉQ\bar{q} within operator product expansion (which it turns out to be an asymptotic series). Some vacuum condensates \la\bar{q}(x_{\mu}D_{\mu})^{2n}q\ra\sim (x^2)^n\cdot n! which are responsible for this factorial growth are also discussed. We formulate some general puzzles which are not specific for 2D physics, but are inevitable features of any asymptotic expansion. We resolve these apparent puzzles within QCD2QCD_2 and we speculate that analogous puzzles might occur in real 4-dimensional QCD as well.Comment: latex, 26 pages. A final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    6 + 1 Vacua in Supersymmetric QCD with G_2 Gauge Group

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    We consider N=1 supersymmetric QCD based on the G_2 gauge group and including 3 chiral matter 7-plets. In that case, the gauge symmetry is broken completely and the instanton-generated superpotential on the classical moduli space is present. If the theory involves the Yukawa term, there are six chirally asymmetric vacua. In the limit when the Yukawa coupling vanishes, two of the vacua run away to infinity and only 4 asymmetric vacuum states are left. Besides, a chirally symmetric state is always present. We consider also an O(7) model with 4 chiral multiplets in spinor representation. In that case, there are 4 extra "virtual vacua" dwelling at infinity of the moduli space. In a non-renormalizable theory involving a quartic term in the superpotential, they show up at finite moduli values.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, 1 Postscript figur

    Hard diffractive electroproduction, transverse momentum distribution and QCD vacuum structure

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    We study the impact of the "intrinsic" hadron transverse momentum on the pre-asymptotic behavior of the diffractive electroproduction of longitudinally polarized ρ \rho-meson. Surprisingly, we find the onset of the asymptotic regime in this problem to be rather low, Q^2 ~ 10 GeV^2 where power corrections due to the transverse momentum do not exceed 20 % in the amplitude. This drastically contrasts with exclusive amplitudes where the asymptotics starts at much higher Q^2 = 50 - 100 GeV^2. The sources of such unexpected behavior are traced back to some general (the quark-hadron duality) as well as more silent (properties of higher dimensional vacuum condensates) features of QCD.Comment: 27 pages (LaTex), 1 figure (epsfig

    Normal modes for metric fluctuations in a class of higher-dimensional backgrounds

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    We discuss a gauge invariant approach to the theory of cosmological perturbations in a higher-dimensonal background. We find the normal modes which diagonalize the perturbed action, for a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity, in a higher-dimensional manifold M of the Bianchi-type I, under the assumption that the translations along an isotropic spatial subsection of M are isometries of the full, perturbed background. We show that, in the absence of scalar field potential, the canonical variables for scalar and tensor metric perturbations satisfy exactly the same evolution equation, and we discuss the possible dependence of the spectrum on the number of internal dimensions.Comment: 19 pages, LATEX, an explicit example is added to discuss the possible dependence of the perturbation spectrum on the number of internal dimensions. To apper in Class. Quantum Gra

    Hormone secreted by the pineal gland - melatonin feedsideward involvement in cancer growth

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    Here the presence of a chronomodulating actions of melatonin via feedsideawards mechanism in vitro as well as, in vivo, in two experimental models was presented. Intriguing process of how this takes place may due to an interacting pineal pituitary-adrenal networks (1). In vivo studies confirmed the role of melatonin in the study on Meth-A-sarcoma in mice and in LOU tumor growth. Melatonin disrupted circadian time structure of in vivo tumor growth on a feedsideawards manner in the case of the immunocytoma growth in female inoculated rats. Low doses disrupted the circadian DNA synthesis of mF-cells. Drug delivery systems must be taken in consideration the role of melatonin feedsideawards involvement during chronomodulated therapy of cancer patients