1,654 research outputs found

    Non-spiky density of states of an icosahedral quasicrystal

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    The density of states of the ideal three-dimensional Penrose tiling, a quasicrystalline model, is calculated with a resolution of 10 meV. It is not spiky. This falsifies theoretical predictions so far, that spikes of width 10-20 meV are generic for the density of states of quasicrystals, and it confirms recent experimental findings. The qualitative difference between our results and previous calculations is partly explained by the small number of k points that has usually been included in the evaluation of the density of states of periodic approximants of quasicrystals. It is also shown that both the density of states of a small approximant of the three-dimensional Penrose tiling and the density of states of the ideal two-dimensional Penrose tiling do have spiky features, which also partly explains earlier predictions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Changes in this version: longer introduction, details of figures shown in inset

    Investigating the nature of the Fried Egg nebula: CO mm-line and optical spectroscopy of IRAS 17163-3907

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    Through CO mm-line and optical spectroscopy, we investigate the properties of the Fried Egg nebula IRAS 17163-3907, which has recently been proposed to be one of the rare members of the yellow hypergiant class. The CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 emission arises from a region within 20" of the star and is clearly associated with the circumstellar material. The CO lines show a multi-component asymmetrical profile, and an unexpected velocity gradient is resolved in the east-west direction, suggesting a bipolar outflow. This is in contrast with the apparent symmetry of the dust envelope as observed in the infrared. The optical spectrum of IRAS 17163-3907 between 5100 and 9000 {\AA} was compared with that of the archetypal yellow hypergiant IRC+10420 and was found to be very similar. These results build on previous evidence that IRAS 17163-3907 is a yellow hypergiant.Comment: 14 pages including appendix, accepted for publication in A&

    All-electron theory of the coupling between laser-induced coherent phonons in bismuth

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    Using first principles, all-electron calculations and dynamical simulations we study the behavior of the A_1g and E_g coherent phonons induced in Bi by intense laser pulses. We determine the potential landscapes in the laser heated material and show that they exhibit phonon-softening, phonon-phonon coupling, and anharmonicities. As a consequence the E_g mode modulates the A_1g oscillations and higher harmonics of both modes appear, which explains recent isotropic reflectivity measurements. Our results offer a unified description of the different experimental observations performed so far on bismuth.Comment: 3 figure

    Spiky density of states in large complex Al-Mn phases

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    First-principle electronic structure calculations have been performed in crystalline complex phases mu-Al4Mn and lambda-Al4Mn using the TB-LMTO method. These atomic structures, related to quasicrystalline structures, contain about 560 atoms in a large hexagonal unit cell. One of the main characteristic of their density of states is the presence of fine peaks the so-called "spiky structure". From multiple-scattering calculations in real space, we show that these fine peaks are not artifacts in ab-initio calculations, since they result from a specific localization of electrons by atomic clusters of different length scales

    Exclusive processes in position space and the pion distribution amplitude

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    We suggest to carry out lattice calculations of current correlators in position space, sandwiched between the vacuum and a hadron state (e.g. pion), in order to access hadronic light-cone distribution amplitudes (DAs). In this way the renormalization problem for composite lattice operators is avoided altogether, and the connection to the DA is done using perturbation theory in the continuum. As an example, the correlation function of two electromagnetic currents is calculated to the next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy in perturbation theory and including the twist-4 corrections. We argue that this strategy is fully competitive with direct lattice measurements of the moments of the DA, defined as matrix elements of local operators, and offers new insight in the space-time picture of hard exclusive reactions.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure