2 research outputs found

    Modeling of food systems for nutritional correction of the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids in people

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    The positive effect on the human body of polyunsaturated fatty acids is confirmed by numerous studies. Therefore, it seems relevant to create food systems for the enrichment of consumer goods with physiologically active and essential substances, in particular polyunsaturated fatty acids. The effect of alimentary shunting of the human body with polyunsaturated fatty acids depends on many factors, the most important are their amount in the diet, composition, ratio of polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, the presence of antioxidants. The aim of the research is to develop a methodology for managing the quality of food systems to balance the ratio of (-6 and (-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. A software product was developed that allows you to select the ratio of the components in the food composition for the given ratios (-6/(-3. As an example, a food enrichment system was selected, consisting of oilcake of wheat germ, amaranth and pumpkin oils. The created software product allows you to work with other food systems. As a result of data processing, a nomogram was obtained to determine the percentage ratio of (-6/(-3 fatty acid components in the food system. A software product has been developed that makes it possible to select the content of the third component in food compositions according to two fixed quantitative values of the components that satisfies the given ratio of (-6/(-3 acids. A variant of the food composition is proposed and the work of the developed software product is tested. It has been established that a food enrichment system based on cake of wheat germ oil, amaranth oil and pumpkin oils can be used to enrich food products with polyunsaturated fatty acids, and this creates the possibility of targeted regulation of the ratio of (-6/(-3 fatty acids. The developed software allows, in production conditions, depending on the availability of certain types of raw materials, to select the best options for food compositions and choose the most suitable option in the current production situation, make decisions on the movement of raw materials at the enterprise after analyzing the data

    Forecasting the target values of the Federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation 2011-2018”

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    In Russia over the past 20 years, a series of processes has occurred, which entailed strong changes in the external, internal economy, labor market and the tourist market of the country. Some changes did not receive positive dynamics, others faced a series of failures. Looking at the hospitality industry in a specific way, one can understand that the inefficient development of this cluster is due to the fact that the services provided by this sector are at a very low level. Moreover, the quality of services is always equal to the professional level of employees and their desire to provide a guest with a personalized service with an individual approach to it. It is such a process of work that serves as a factor in the involvement of personnel in the process of providing services and the continued successful existence of the enterprise in the services market and its development. The last 5-10 years can be described as the time for the design of the hospitality industry as an independent industry. Entering the world level followed after a large number of international-class events. An important factor is the global coverage of territories and all subjects of Russia. Attention to the hospitality industry has reached the state level and is reflected in a large number of documents of long-term significance with specific tasks. All the key stages that were set before the industry are outlined in targeted programs and are aimed at both inbound and outbound tourism. The introduction of these programs contributed to the creation of collective accommodation facilities of various levels, which increased the number of jobs and reduced the unemployment rate in the regions, and increased the investment attractiveness of the regions. Over the past 20 years, there has been an increase in investment in the regions by more than 3 times