11 research outputs found

    Recombinant lactobacilli expressing linoleic acid isomerase can modulate the fatty acid composition of host adipose tissue in mice

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    We have previously demonstrated that oral administration of a metabolically active Bifidobacterium breve strain, with ability to form cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), resulted in modulation of the fatty acid composition of the host, including significantly elevated concentrations of c9, t11 CLA and omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids in liver and adipose tissue. In this study, we investigated whether a recombinant lactobacillus expressing linoleic acid isomerase (responsible for production of t10, c12 CLA) from Propionibacterium acnes (PAI) could influence the fatty acid composition of different tissues in a mouse model. Linoleic-acid-supplemented diets (2 %, w/w) were fed in combination with either a recombinant t10, c12 CLA-producing Lactobacillus paracasei NFBC 338 (Lb338), or an isogenic (vector-containing) control strain, to BALB/c mice for 8 weeks. A third group of mice received linoleic acid alone (2 %, w/w). Tissue fatty acid composition was assessed by GLC at the end of the trial. Ingestion of the strain expressing linoleic acid isomerase was associated with a 4-fold increase (P < 0.001) in t10, c12 CLA in adipose tissues of the mice when compared with mice that received the isogenic non-CLA-producing strain. The livers of the mice that received the recombinant CLA-producing Lb338 also contained a 2.5-fold (albeit not significantly) higher concentration of t10, c12 CLA, compared to the control group. These data demonstrate that a single gene (encoding linoleic acid isomerase) expressed in an intestinal microbe can influence the fatty acid composition of host fat

    Mining the Microbiota of the Neonatal Gastrointestinal Tract for Conjugated Linoleic Acid-Producing Bifidobacteria

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    This study was designed to isolate different strains of the genus Bifidobacterium from the fecal material of neonates and to assess their ability to produce the cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomer from free linoleic acid. Fecal material was collected from 24 neonates aged between 3 days and 2 months in a neonatal unit (Erinville Hospital, Cork, Ireland). A total of 46 isolates from six neonates were confirmed to be Bifidobacterium species based on a combination of the fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase assay, RAPD [random(ly) amplified polymorphic DNA] PCR, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and partial 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing. Interestingly, only 1 of the 11 neonates that had received antibiotic treatment produced bifidobacteria. PFGE after genomic digestion with the restriction enzyme XbaI demonstrated that the bifidobacteria population displayed considerable genomic diversity among the neonates, with each containing between one and five dominant strains, whereas 11 different macro restriction patterns were obtained. In only one case did a single strain appear in two neonates. All genetically distinct strains were then screened for CLA production after 72 h of incubation with 0.5 mg of free linoleic acid ml(−1) by using gas-liquid chromatography. The most efficient producers belonged to the species Bifidobacterium breve, of which two different strains converted 29 and 27% of the free linoleic acid to the cis-9, trans-11 isomer per microgram of dry cells, respectively. In addition, a strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum showed a conversion rate of 18%/ÎŒg dry cells. The ability of some Bifidobacterium strains to produce CLA could be another human health-promoting property linked to members of the genus, given that this metabolite has demonstrated anticarcinogenic activity in vitro and in vivo

    Genomic Analyses of Cladophialophora bantiana, a Major Cause of Cerebral Phaeohyphomycosis Provides Insight into Its Lifestyle, Virulence and Adaption in Host

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