1,333 research outputs found

    Dynamical Mean-Field Study of the Ferromagnetic Transition Temperature of a Two-Band Model for Colossal Magnetoresistance Materials

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    The ferromagnetic (FM) transition temperature (Tc) of a two-band Double-Exchange (DE) model for colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) materials is studied using dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), in wide ranges of coupling constants, hopping parameters, and carrier densities. The results are shown to be in excellent agreement with Monte Carlo simulations. When the bands overlap, the value of Tc is found to be much larger than in the one-band case, for all values of the chemical potential within the energy overlap interval. A nonzero interband hopping produces an additional substantial increase of Tc, showing the importance of these nondiagonal terms, and the concomitant use of multiband models, to boost up the critical temperatures in DE-based theories.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Relevance of Cooperative Lattice Effects and Correlated Disorder in Phase-Separation Theories for CMR Manganites

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    Previous theoretical investigations of colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) materials explain this effect using a ``clustered'' state with preformed ferromagnetic islands that rapidly align their moments with increasing external magnetic fields. While qualitatively successful, explicit calculations indicate drastically different typical resistivity values in two- and three-dimensional lattices, contrary to experimental observations. This conceptual bottleneck in the phase-separated CMR scenario is resolved here considering the cooperative nature of the Mn-oxide lattice distortions. This induces power-law correlations in the quenched random fields used in toy models with phase competition. When these effects are incorporated, resistor-network calculations reveal very similar results in two and three dimensions, solving the puzzle.Comment: RevTeX 4, 4 figure

    Bogoliubov Quasiparticle Excitations in the Two-Dimensional t-J Model

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    Using a proposed numerical technique for calculating anomalous Green's functions characteristic of superconductivity, we show that the low-lying excitations in a wide parameter and doping region of the two-dimensional tt−-JJ model are well described by the picture of dressed Bogoliubov quasiparticles in the BCS pairing theory. The pairing occurs predominantly in dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave channel and the energy gap has a size Δd\Delta_d≃\simeq0.15J0.15J−0.27J-0.27J between quarter and half fillings. Opening of the superconducting gap in the photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectrum is demonstrated.Comment: 6 pages, RevTe

    Self-energy and Fermi surface of the 2-dimensional Hubbard model

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    We present an exact diagonalization study of the self-energy of the two-dimensional Hubbard model. To increase the range of available cluster sizes we use a corrected t-J model to compute approximate Greens functions for the Hubbard model. This allows to obtain spectra for clusters with 18 and 20 sites. The self-energy has several `bands' of poles with strong dispersion and extended incoherent continua with k-dependent intensity. We fit the self-energy by a minimal model and use this to extrapolate the cluster results to the infinite lattice. The resulting Fermi surface shows a transition from hole pockets in the underdoped regime to a large Fermi surface in the overdoped regime. We demonstrate that hole pockets can be completely consistent with the Luttinger theorem. Introduction of next-nearest neighbor hopping changes the self-energy stronlgy and the spectral function with nonvanishing next-nearest-neighbor hopping in the underdoped region is in good agreement with angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figure

    Dynamic Spin Response for Heisenberg Ladders

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    We employ the recently proposed plaquette basis to investigate static and dynamic properties of isotropic 2-leg Heisenberg spin ladders. Simple non-interacting multi-plaquette states provide a remarkably accurate picture of the energy/site and dynamic spin response of these systems. Insights afforded by this simple picture suggest a very efficient truncation scheme for more precise calculations. When the small truncation errors are accounted for using recently developed Contractor Renormalization techniques, very accurate results requiring a small fraction of the computational effort of exact calculations are obtained. These methods allow us to determine the energy/site, gap, and spin response of 2x16 ladders. The former two values are in good agreement with density matrix renormalization group results. The spin response calculations show that nearly all the strength is concentrated in the lowest triplet level and that coherent many-body effects enhance the response/site by nearly a factor of 1.6 over that found for 2x2 systems.Comment: 9 pages with two enclosed postscript figure

    A Plaquette Basis for the Study of Heisenberg Ladders

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    We employ a plaquette basis-generated by coupling the four spins in a 2×22\times2 lattice to a well-defined total angular momentum-for the study of Heisenberg ladders with antiferromagnetic coupling. Matrix elements of the Hamiltonian in this basis are evaluated using standard techniques in angular-momentum (Racah) algebra. We show by exact diagonalization of small (2×42\times4 and 2×62\times6) systems that in excess of 90% of the ground-state probability is contained in a very small number of basis states. These few basis states can be used to define a severely truncated basis which we use to approximate low-lying exact eigenstates. We show how, in this low-energy basis, the isotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder can be mapped onto an anisotropic spin-1 ladder for which the coupling along the rungs is much stronger than the coupling between the rungs. The mapping thereby generates two distinct energy scales which greatly facilitates understanding the dynamics of the original spin-1/2 ladder. Moreover, we use these insights to define an effective low-energy Hamiltonian in accordance to the newly developed COntractor REnormalization group (CORE) method. We show how a simple range-2 CORE approximation to the effective Hamiltonian to be used with our truncated basis reproduces the low-energy spectrum of the exact 2×62\times6 theory at the \alt 1% level.Comment: 12 pages with two postscript figure

    Spin Dynamics of Double-Exchange Manganites with Magnetic Frustration

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    This work examines the effects of magnetic frustration due to competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions on the spin dynamics of the double-exchange model. When the local moments are non-colinear, a charge-density wave forms because the electrons prefer to sit on lines of sites that are coupled ferromagnetically. With increasing hopping energy, the local spins become aligned and the average spin-wave stiffness increases. Phase separation is found only within a narrow range of hopping energies. Results of this work are applied to the field-induced jump in the spin-wave stiffness observed in the manganite Pr1−x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 with 0.3≤x≤0.40.3 \le x \le 0.4.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Photoemission Spectra in t-J Ladders with Two Legs

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    Photoemission spectra for the isotropic two-leg t-J ladder are calculated at various hole-doping levels using exact diagonalization techniques. Low-energy sharp features caused by short-range antiferromagnetic correlations are observed at finite doping levels close to half-filling, above the naive Fermi momentum. These features should be observable in angle-resolved photoemission experiments. In addition, the formation of a d-wave pairing condensate as the ratio J/t is increased leads to dynamically generated spectral weight for momenta close to kFk_F where the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2 }-order parameter is large.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, to be published in Phys. Rev. B (RC

    Evolution of a metastable phase with a magnetic phase coexistence phenomenon and its unusual sensitivity to magnetic field cycling in the alloys Tb5-xLuxSi3 (x <= 0.7)

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    Recently, we reported an anomalous enhancement of the positive magnetoresistance beyond a critical magnetic field in Tb5Si3 in the magnetically ordered state, attributable to 'inverse metamagnetism'. This results in unusual magnetic hysteresis loops for the pressurized specimens, which are relevant to the topic of 'electronic phase separation'. In this paper, we report the influence of small substitutions of Lu for Tb, to show the evolution of these magnetic anomalies. We find that, at low temperatures, the high-field high-resistivity phase could be partially stabilized on returning the magnetic field to zero in many of these Lu substituted alloys, as measured through the electrical resistivity ({\rho}). Also, the relative fractions of this phase and the virgin phase appear to be controlled by a small tuning of the composition and temperature. Interestingly, at 1.8 K a sudden 'switch-over' of the value of {\rho} for this mixed phase to that for the virgin phase for some compositions is observed at low fields after a few field cycles, indicating metastability of this mixed phase
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