63 research outputs found

    Borelioza jako choroba zawodowa rolników. Ocena trendu wzrostu zachorowań w latach 2000-2019

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    Subject and purpose of work: The aim of this paper is to make an analysis and evaluation of Lyme disease incidence, understood as a diagnosed farmers’ occupational disease. Materials and methods: The analysis and an evaluation were made based on materials, data and information originating, among other things, from the following: The analysis and an evaluation were made based on materials, data and information originating, among other things, from the following: The Agricultural Social Insurance Fund, the Main Sanitary Inspectorate and the National Institute of Hygiene, official legal acts published in the Journal of Laws, industry literature, as well as works and publications of researchers dealing with Lyme disease. Results: The results of this study indicate that Lyme disease is not only the main and dominant occupational disease of farmers, but also an infectious disease having a growing trend among Polish society. Every year, an increase in cases in which Lyme disease spirochete infection was found and diagnosed, is observed. This situation is affected not only by insufficient preventive measures, difficult and ineffective diagnostics, or low awareness of Lyme disease, but also by environmental factors and climate change. Conclusions: Considering that the disease leads to numerous dangerous health-related consequences, while a protective vaccine has not yet been prepared, it seems extremely important to implement preventive measures and conduct education on prevention among farmers as well as other professional groups and the entire population

    Wplyw nawozenia azotem i roznych sposobow odchwaszczania na zachwaszczenie wtorne buraka cukrowego na redzinie

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    W doświadczeniu polowym, przeprowadzonym w latach 1996-1998 na rędzinie badano wpływ dawek azotu (90 i 120 kg N·ha⁻¹), terminu jego stosowania (dwukrotny i trzykrotny) oraz sposobu odchwaszczania: 1 - Pyramin Turbo 520 SC (6 dm³·ha⁻¹) + zabiegi mechaniczne; 2 - Pyramin Turbo 520 SC (3 dm³·ha⁻¹) oraz Betanal Progress AM 180 EC (6 dm³·ha⁻¹ ) nalistnie; 3 - Betanal Progress AM 180 EC (6 dm³·ha⁻¹) nalistnie metodą dawek dzielonych na zachwaszczenie wtórne buraka cukrowego. Stwierdzono, że sposoby odchwaszczania nie wpływały istotnie na wtórne zachwaszczenie, choć najbardziej ograniczająco na liczbę chwastów oddziaływała metoda chemiczno-mechaniczna. Najsłabsze zaś działanie chwastobójcze wykazał Betanal Progress AM 180 EC stosowany metodą dawek dzielonych, zwłaszcza nieskuteczny okazał się w stosunku do chwastów wieloletnich. Stosowanie azotu w trzech terminach istotnie ograniczało ogólną liczbę chwastów, natomiast intensyfikacja nawożenia do 120 kg N·ha⁻¹ obniżała jedynie liczbę chwastów krótkotrwałych we wtórnym zachwaszczeniu buraka cukrowego.In the field experiment carried out in 1996-1998 on rendzina, the effect of nitrogen doses (90 and 120 kg N·ha⁻¹), terms of their application (twice and three times) as well as the way of weed control: 1 - Pyramin Turbo 520 SC (6 dm³·ha⁻¹) + mechanical method; 2 - Pyramin Turbo 520 SC (3 dm³·ha⁻¹) and Betanal Progress AM 180 EC (6 dm³·ha⁻¹) foliar; 3 - Betanal Progress AM 180 EC (6 dm³·ha⁻¹) foliar in splitting rates on secondary weed infestation of sugar beet were investigated. It was stated that the ways of weed control did not significantly affect the secondary weed infestation, although the number of weeds was most limited when chemical and mechanical methods were used. Betanal Progress AM 180 EC in splitting rates was the least effective. It turned out particularly ineffective in case of perennial weeds. The total number of weeds was significantly limited by using nitrogen at three terms, however, the fertilizing intesification to 120 kg N·ha⁻¹ decreased just the number of short-lived weeds in the secondary weed infestation of sugar beet

    Structure of flora after ten years land lying fallow on two types of soil

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    In the paper the structure of flora in 1st and 10th year of arable land lying fallow has been presented. Phytosociological observations were carried out on two fields lying on different soil (rendzina and podsolic soil). Analyses of flora concerned geografical and historical groups, origin of apophytes as well as living forms of plants. The conducted research showed that in the flora of fallows, with the time of exclusion of arable land from the agricultural use, there was incease in the number of apophytes and decrease of antropophytes, especially archeophytes, independent of types of soil. Ruderal apophytes, dominating in early stage of succession, gave way to meadow apophytes on the heavy soil, whereas segetal apophytes took place of forest and bushwood species on the light soil. In phytocenosis of multi-year fallows on the light and heavy soil, among the living forms, the most numerous were represented by hemicryptophytes, which replaced the dominating terophytes on the one-year fallow.W pracy przedstawiono strukturę flory w pierwszym i dziesiątym roku odłogo- wania gruntów ornych. Obserwacje fitosocjologiczne przeprowadzono na dwóch par- celach położonych na różnych glebach (na rędzinie i glebie bielicowej). Dokonano analizy flory ze względu na przynależność do grup geograficzno-historycznych, grup ekologicznych oraz form życiowych. Stwierdzono, że we florze odłogów, niezależnie od typu gleby, wraz z upływem czasu od zaniechania uprawy przybywa gatunków rodzimych, a ubywa antropofitów, a zwłaszcza archeofitów. Na glebie ciężkiej apofity ruderalne, dominujące we wczesnych etapach sukcesji, ustępują miejsca apofitom łąkowym, zaś na glebie lekkiej miejsce apofitów segetalnych zajmują gatunki leśne i zaroślowe. Wśród form życiowych, w fitocenozie dziesięcioletnich odłogów, najlicz- niej reprezentowane były hemikryptofity, które zastąpiły dominujące na jednorocz- nym odłogu terofity

    Zawartość niektórych składników mineralnych w sianie lucerny (Medicago X varia Martyn) uprawianej na rędzinie warunkach deszczowania oraz zróżnicowanego nawożenia fosforowo-potasowego [The contents of some mineral elements in hay of lucerne (Medicago X varia Martyn) cultivated on rendzina soil in conditions of watering and differentiated phosphorus and potassium fertilizing]

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    The influence of fertilizing and irrigation on the contents of Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn in hay of lucerne was examined. Changes in the contents of some mineral elements under influence of both factors were found, however, their level did not deviate from the norms considered as sufficient for the normal development and production of animals fed on the mentioned feeding stuff

    Dynamics of mineral forms of nitrogen in the soil under sugar beet on rendzina

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