672 research outputs found

    Prompt photon hadroproduction at high energies in the k_T-factorization approach

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    We consider the prompt photon production at high energy hadron colliders in the framework of k_T-factorization approach. The unintegrated quark and gluon distributions in a proton are determined using the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription. The conservative error analisys is performed. We investigate both inclusive prompt photon and prompt photon and associated muon production rates. In Standard Model such events come mainly due to Compton scattering process where the final heavy (charm or bottom) quark produces a muon. The theoretical results are compared with recent experimental data taken by the D0 and CDF collaborations at Fermilab Tevatron. Our analysis also covers the azimuthal correlations between produced prompt photon and muon which can provide an important information about non-collinear parton evolution in a proton. Finally, we extrapolate the theoretical predictions to CERN LHC energies.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figure

    Baxter Equation for the QCD Odderon

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    The Hamiltonian derived by Bartels, Kwiecinski and Praszalowicz for the study of high-energy QCD in the generalized logarithmic approximation was found to correspond to the Hamiltonian of an integrable XXXXXX spin chain. We study the odderon Hamiltonian corresponding to three sites by means of the Bethe Ansatz approach. We rewrite the Baxter equation, and consequently the Bethe Ansatz equations, as a linear triangular system. We derive a new expression for the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues, and discuss the quantization of the conserved quantities.Comment: 14 pages, latex file, one figur

    Beauty photoproduction at HERA: kt-factorization versus experimental data

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    We present calculations of the beauty photoproduction at HERA collider in the framework of the kt-factorization approach. Both direct and resolved photon contributions are taken into account. The unintegrated gluon densities in a proton and in a photon are obtained from the full CCFM, from unified BFKL-DGLAP evolution equations as well as from the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription. We investigate different production rates (both inclusive and associated with hadronic jets) and compare our theoretical predictions with the recent experimental data taken by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations. Special attention is put on the x_{\gamma}^{obs} variable which is sensitive to the relative contributions to the beauty production cross section.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Exact resolution of the Baxter equation for reggeized gluon interactions

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    The interaction of reggeized gluons in multi-colour QCD is considered in the Baxter-Sklyanin representation, where the wave function is expressed as a product of Baxter functions Q(lambda) and a pseudo-vacuum state. We find n solutions of the Baxter equation for a composite state of n gluons with poles of rank r in the upper lambda semi-plane and of rank n-1-r in the lower lambda semi-plane (0 leq r leq n-1). These solutions are related by n-2 linear equations with coefficients depending on coth (pi lambda). The poles cancel in the wave function, bilinear combination of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic Baxter functions, guaranteeing its normalizability. The quantization of the intercepts of the corresponding Regge singularities appears as a result of the physical requirements that the holomorphic energies for all solutions of the Baxter equation are the same and the total energies, calculated around two singularities lambda, lambda^* --> + i or -i, coincide. It results in simple properties of the zeroes of the Baxter functions. For illustration we calculate the parameters of the reggeon states constructed from three and four gluons. For the Odderon the ground state has conformal spin |m -m | = 1 and its intercept equals unity. The ground state of four reggeized gluons possesses conformal spin 2 and its intercept turns out to be higher than that for the BFKL Pomeron. We calculate the anomalous dimensions of the corresponding operators for arbitrary alpha_s/omega.Comment: LaTex, 42 pages, 8 .ps figures. Expanded and improved versio

    Prompt photon photoproduction at HERA in the k_T-factorization approach

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    We present calculations of the prompt photon photoproduction at HERA collider in the k_T-factorization approach. Both direct and resolved contributions are taken into account. The conservative error analisys is performed. The unintegrated parton densities in a proton and in a photon are determined using the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription. We investigate both inclusive and associated with jet prompt photon photoproduction rates. In particular, we study the angular correlations between produced photon and hadronic jet in the transverse momentum plane which can provide a unique information about non-collinear evolution dynamics. We compare our theoretical predictions with recent experimental data taken by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figure

    Charm photoproduction at HERA: kt-factorization versus experimental data

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    We calculate the cross section of charm photoproduction at HERA collider in the framework of the kt-factorization QCD approach. Our analysis cover the inclusive charm production as well as charm and associated jet production processes. Both photon-gluon and gluon-gluon fusion mechanisms are taken into account. The unintegrated gluon densities in a proton and in a photon obtained from the full CCFM, from unified BFKL-DGLAP evolution equations as well as from the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription are used. Our theoretical results are compared with the recent experimental data taken by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations at HERA. Special attention is put on the specific angular correlations which can provide unique information about non-collinear gluon evolution dynamics.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Integrable spin chains and scattering amplitudes

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    In this review we show that the multi-particle scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM at large Nc and in the multi-Regge kinematics for some physical regions have the high energy behavior appearing from the contribution of the Mandelstam cuts in the complex angular momentum plane of the corresponding t-channel partial waves. These Mandelstam cuts or Regge cuts are resulting from gluon composite states in the adjoint representation of the gauge group SU(Nc). In the leading logarithmic approximation (LLA) their contribution to the six point amplitude is in full agreement with the known two-loop result. The Hamiltonian for the Mandelstam states constructed from n gluons in LLA coincides with the local Hamiltonian of an integrable open spin chain. We construct the corresponding wave functions using the integrals of motion and the Baxter-Sklyanin approach.Comment: Invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories", R. Roiban(ed), M. Spradlin(ed), A. Volovich (ed

    Production of electroweak gauge bosons in off-shell gluon-gluon fusion

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    We study the production of electroweak gauge bosons at high energies in the framework of kt-factorization QCD approach. Contributions from the valence quarks are calculated using the quark-gluon interaction and quark-antiquark annihilation QCD subprocesses. The total and differential cross sections (as a function of the transverse momentum and rapidity) are presented and the ratio of cross sections for W and Z boson production is investigated. The conservative error analysis is performed. In the numerical calculations two different sets of unintegrated gluon distributions in the proton are used: the one obtained from Ciafaloni-Catani-Fiorani-Marchesini evolution equation and the other from Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription. Theoretical results are compared with experimental data taken by the D0 and CDF collaborations at the Tevatron. We demonstrate the importance of the quark component in parton evolution in description of the experimental data. This component is very significant also at the LHC energies.Comment: 33 pages, 18 figure

    Diffractive J/ΨJ/\Psi photoproduction at large momentum transfer in coherent hadron - hadron interactions at CERN LHC

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    The vector meson production in coherent hadron-hadron interactions at LHC energies is studied assuming that the color singlet tt-channel exchange carries large momentum transfer. We consider the non-forward solution of the BFKL equation at high energy and large momentum transfer and estimate the rapidity distribution and total cross section for the process h1h2h1J/ΨXh_1 h_2 \to h_1 J/\Psi X, where hih_i can be a proton or a nucleus. We predict large rates, which implies that the experimental identification can be feasible at the LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Version to be published in Physical Review

    BFKL at next-to-leading order

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    This is a summary of the contributions on the next-to-leading order corrections to the BFKL equation which were presented to the `Small-x and Diffraction' working group at the 1998 Durham Workshop on HERA Physics.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure