14 research outputs found


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    Kinetics of catalytic esterification of glycerol with butanoic acid on model systems was studied. Reaction orders for the reactants (butanoic acid and glycerol) were determined. They are close to 1.It was shown that the reaction order with respect to the catalyst - orthophosphoric acid - in regions where its concentration is above 0.1 mol/l is equal to zero. The estimated value of activation energy is 51.9± 8.0 kJ/mol. The results of the experiment can be used to create an industrial technological process for the synthesis of glycerol tributyrate. This compound can be used as an alternative non-phthalate plasticizer for articles made of PVC. The obtained kinetic model was validated on glycerol-containing waste of the biodiesel synthesis from renewable raw materials. The recycling of the by-product in the biofuel production with obtaining plasticizing compositions for the polymer industry can be developed on the basis of the studies.В работе на модельных системах исследована кинетика каталитической этерификации глицерина бутановой кислотой. Определены порядки реакции по реагентам (бутановая кислота, глицерин), которые близки к единице. Показано что в областях концентрации катализатора более 0.1 моль/л, порядок по нему равен нулю. Оценено значение наблюдаемой энергии активации, которое составило 51.9±8.0 кДж/моль. Результаты эксперимента позволяют рекомендовать условия для создания технологии промышленной реализации процесса синтеза трибутирата глицерина, который может быть использован в качестве альтернативной нефталатной пластифицирующей композиции для изделий из ПВХ. Полученная кинетическая модель проверена на глицеринсодержащих отходах процесса синтеза биодизеля из возобновляемого сырья, что позволяет предложить способ утилизации побочных продуктов при производстве биотоплива с получением технически востребованного продукта для полимерной промышленности с высокой добавленной стоимостью

    Индексы удерживания сложных эфиров жирных кислот и линейных спиртов С1-С4

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    During the production of PVC articles a composition was prepared with different additives that give the required exploitation properties. Among these additives there are viscosity regulators which are capable of changing PVC pastes viscosity over a broad range. There is quite a large variety of viscosity regulators, though in recent times a growing interest is generated by viscosity regulators made of renewable plant-based raw materials that feature high environmental indicators. Mostly, these are fatty acid methyl esters obtained through transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol. However, it is possible to use ethyl, propyl and butyl esters of fatty acids as viscosity regulators. In this connection it leads to a problem of chemical compounds identification. The most simple and effective method to identify such compounds is to use retention indexes based on gas-liquid chromatography. Experimental identification of retention indexes of 18 methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl esters of fatty acids С16-С22 within a temperature range of 240-280°C was carried out. It shows the linear dependence of retention indexes on temperature for all esters. Equations to predict retention indexes of fatty acids esters were found.Экспериментально определены индексы удерживания 18 метиловых, этиловых, пропиловых и бутиловых эфиров жирных кислот С16-С22, в температурном интервале 240-280С. Показана линейная зависимость индексов удерживания от температуры для всех эфиров. Предложены уравнения для предсказания индексов удерживания эфиров жирных кислот в зависимости от спиртового и кислотного остатков


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    Kinetics of catalytic esterification of glycerol with butanoic acid on model systems was studied. Reaction orders for the reactants (butanoic acid and glycerol) were determined. They are close to 1.It was shown that the reaction order with respect to the catalyst - orthophosphoric acid - in regions where its concentration is above 0.1 mol/l is equal to zero. The estimated value of activation energy is 51.9± 8.0 kJ/mol. The results of the experiment can be used to create an industrial technological process for the synthesis of glycerol tributyrate. This compound can be used as an alternative non-phthalate plasticizer for articles made of PVC. The obtained kinetic model was validated on glycerol-containing waste of the biodiesel synthesis from renewable raw materials. The recycling of the by-product in the biofuel production with obtaining plasticizing compositions for the polymer industry can be developed on the basis of the studies

    Chemistry for Sustainable Development 20 (2012) 161165 Novel Type of Sorbents Based on Sodium Polysulphide from the Wastes of Epichlorohydrin Production for Extracting Heavy Metal Compounds

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    Abstract A method was developed for obtaining granulated sulphur-containing sorbents with the use of wastes from epichlorohydrin production containing about 76 % of 1,2,3-trichloropropane was developed. The interaction between the wastes and sodium polysulphide is carried out in the presence of petroleum coke particles playing the role of polycondensation centres. The sorbents obtained are capable of extracting metals from aqueous solutions to exhibit the following sorption capacity (mg/g): Zn up to 74, Cd up to 31, Hg up to 152, Cu up to 25. The sorption mechanism is under discussion