11 research outputs found

    Multiannual Analysis of Epidemiological Process Manifestations as Regards Enteroviral Infection in the Khabarovsk Territory, and the Key Factors that Predetermine Aggravation of Epidemiological Situation under the Terms of Flood

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    Carried out has been retrospective analysis of epidemiological process manifestations as regards enteroviral infection in the Khabarovsk Region over the period of 7 years, prior to rainfall floods in 2013. Revealed is the possibility of aggravation of epidemiological situation during hydrological emergency situation. The premises are as follows: persistent due to specific climate conditions prevalent in the Khabarovsk Territory (high air and surface water temperatures, and high humidity rates) unfavorable epidemiological situation on enteroviral infections, virus-carriage in “healthy” people and extensive dissemination of enteroviruses in the water bodies of ambient environment. Moreover, widespread circulation of different enterovirus genotypes, including the isolates with high genetic similarity to the strains identified earlier in the adjoining People’s Republic of China, takes place

    Epidemiological Characteristics of Enterovirus Infection in the Khabarovsk Territory under Hydrologic Emergency Situation

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    The paper contains the data on the role of high waters (2013) in changing epidemiological situation on enterovirus infections in the Khabarovsk Territory. The incidence rate in the region was characterized by the significant increase even before the flood, 2013. Thus, two peaks of enterovirus morbidity curve were identified for the period of a week: one - more intensive, another - coincident with flood outbreak. Enterovirus epidemiological process was notified by the changes in clinical picture among the infected population and cohort age-related structure. The percentage of the patients with enterovirus infections in the foci clusters and the index of people infected due to possible exposure to shattering impact of the flood, turned out to be low. However, revealed was high rate of heterogeneity of the circulating enterovirus strains, non-specific for the Khabarovsk territory and mostly originating from countries of Asia-Pacific region - coxsackie A viruses, which might stand for a possible cause of unfavorable epidemiological situation in 2013


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    Aim. Determine features of epidemic process (EP) of Sonnei dysentery in Khabarovsk Region in 2012 - 2014 due to atypical causative agent. Materials and methods. Detailed characteristics of 161 cultures of Shigella sonnei isolated from 81 patients from epidemic focus in children boarding school in Bikin as well as from 22 patients from sporadic and group foci of dysentery in Khabarovsk (biochemical type, colicin-genotype, spectrum of drug resistance) is given. Molecular-biologic subtyping was carried out for 11 strains by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis method (PFGE). Results. Materials of observation of a prolonged foci of Sonnei dysentery with contact-domestic transmission route of the infection in children boarding house for disabled (October 2012 - September 2014) are presented. The diseases are etiologically connected with atypical mannitol-negative types of shigella isolated for the first time in 40 years of observation in Khabarovsk region. Epidemic process of shigellosis was supported by prolonged carriership of the causative agent in patients and special contingent of the nursing home. Shigella cultures isolated in the focus belonged to the same colicin-genotype and 2 distinct drug resistance clones, but a single genotype established by PFGE method. Conclusion. Results of the studies give evidence on the importance of determination of traditional phenotypic and contemporary genotypic variants of shigella and the necessity of search for arguments, additional methodic approaches for establishing similarities and differences of shigella isolates from within the same outbreak of the diseases as well as for comparison of strains circulating in different territories