715 research outputs found

    Isotropic A-branes and the stability condition

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    The existence of a new kind of branes for the open topological A-model is argued by using the generalized complex geometry of Hitchin and the SYZ picture of mirror symmetry. Mirror symmetry suggests to consider a bi-vector in the normal direction of the brane and a new definition of generalized complex submanifold. Using this definition, it is shown that there exists generalized complex submanifolds which are isotropic in a symplectic manifold. For certain target space manifolds this leads to isotropic A-branes, which should be considered in addition to Lagrangian and coisotropic A-branes. The Fukaya category should be enlarged with such branes, which might have interesting consequences for the homological mirror symmetry of Kontsevich. The stability condition for isotropic A-branes is studied using the worldsheet approach.Comment: 19 page

    Topological strings on noncommutative manifolds

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    We identify a deformation of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma model on a Calabi-Yau manifold X which has the same effect on B-branes as a noncommutative deformation of X. We show that for hyperkahler X such deformations allow one to interpolate continuously between the A-model and the B-model. For generic values of the noncommutativity and the B-field, properties of the topologically twisted sigma-models can be described in terms of generalized complex structures introduced by N. Hitchin. For example, we show that the path integral for the deformed sigma-model is localized on generalized holomorphic maps, whereas for the A-model and the B-model it is localized on holomorphic and constant maps, respectively. The geometry of topological D-branes is also best described using generalized complex structures. We also derive a constraint on the Chern character of topological D-branes, which includes A-branes and B-branes as special cases.Comment: 36 pages, AMS latex. v2: a reference to a related work has been added. v3: An error in the discussion of the Fourier-Mukai transform for twisted coherent sheaves has been fixed, resulting in several changes in Section 2. The rest of the paper is unaffected. v4: an incorrect statement concerning Lie algebroid cohomology has been fixe

    Search for molecular-genetic markers of risk germination hyperplastic processes in endometry combined with hysteromyoma

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    The results of studies of uterine fibroids in women. Studies on the role of combinations molecular-genetic markers of cytokines in germination hyperplastic processes combined with hysteromyoma are part of this studyye

    D-branes on general N=1 backgrounds: superpotentials and D-terms

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    We study the dynamics governing space-time filling D-branes on Type II flux backgrounds preserving four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetry. The four-dimensional superpotentials and D-terms are derived. The analysis is kept on completely general grounds thanks to the use of recently proposed generalized calibrations, which also allow one to show the direct link of the superpotentials and D-terms with BPS domain walls and cosmic strings respectively. In particular, our D-brane setting reproduces the tension of D-term strings found from purely four-dimensional analysis. The holomorphicity of the superpotentials is also studied and a moment map associated to the D-terms is proposed. Among different examples, we discuss an application to the study of D7-branes on SU(3)-structure backgrounds, which reproduces and generalizes some previous results.Comment: 50 pages; v2: table of contents, some clarifications and references added; v3: typos corrected and references adde

    Notes on Superconformal Chern-Simons-Matter Theories

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    The three dimensional N=2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory coupled to matter fields, possibly deformed by a superpotential, give rise to a large class of exactly conformal theories with Lagrangian descriptions. These theories can be arbitrarily weakly coupled, and hence can be studied perturbatively. We study the theories in the large N limit, and compute the two-loop anomalous dimension of certain long operators. Our result suggests that various N=2 U(N) Chern-Simons theories coupled to suitable matter fields are dual to open or closed string theories in AdS4, which are not yet constructed.Comment: 47 pages, 20 figure

    Supersymmetric D-branes and calibrations on general N=1 backgrounds

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    We study the conditions to have supersymmetric D-branes on general {\cal N}=1 backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. These conditions can be written in terms of the two pure spinors associated to the SU(3)\times SU(3) structure on T_M\oplus T^\star_M, and can be split into two parts each involving a different pure spinor. The first involves the integrable pure spinor and requires the D-brane to wrap a generalised complex submanifold with respect to the generalised complex structure associated to it. The second contains the non-integrable pure spinor and is related to the stability of the brane. The two conditions can be rephrased as a generalised calibration condition for the brane. The results preserve the generalised mirror symmetry relating the type IIA and IIB backgrounds considered, giving further evidence for this duality.Comment: 23 pages. Some improvements and clarifications, typos corrected and references added. v3: Version published in JHE

    Models for Modules

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    We recall the structure of the indecomposable sl(2) modules in the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category O. We show that all these modules can arise as quantized phase spaces of physical models. In particular, we demonstrate in a path integral discretization how a redefined action of the sl(2) algebra over the complex numbers can glue finite dimensional and infinite dimensional highest weight representations into indecomposable wholes. Furthermore, we discuss how projective cover representations arise in the tensor product of finite dimensional and Verma modules and give explicit tensor product decomposition rules. The tensor product spaces can be realized in terms of product path integrals. Finally, we discuss relations of our results to brane quantization and cohomological calculations in string theory.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Wall-Crossing in Coupled 2d-4d Systems

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    We introduce a new wall-crossing formula which combines and generalizes the Cecotti-Vafa and Kontsevich-Soibelman formulas for supersymmetric 2d and 4d systems respectively. This 2d-4d wall-crossing formula governs the wall-crossing of BPS states in an N=2 supersymmetric 4d gauge theory coupled to a supersymmetric surface defect. When the theory and defect are compactified on a circle, we get a 3d theory with a supersymmetric line operator, corresponding to a hyperholomorphic connection on a vector bundle over a hyperkahler space. The 2d-4d wall-crossing formula can be interpreted as a smoothness condition for this hyperholomorphic connection. We explain how the 2d-4d BPS spectrum can be determined for 4d theories of class S, that is, for those theories obtained by compactifying the six-dimensional (0,2) theory with a partial topological twist on a punctured Riemann surface C. For such theories there are canonical surface defects. We illustrate with several examples in the case of A_1 theories of class S. Finally, we indicate how our results can be used to produce solutions to the A_1 Hitchin equations on the Riemann surface C.Comment: 170 pages, 45 figure

    Monopole operators in three-dimensional N=4 SYM and mirror symmetry

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    We study non-abelian monopole operators in the infrared limit of three-dimensional SU(N_c) and N=4 SU(2) gauge theories. Using large N_f expansion and operator-state isomorphism of the resulting superconformal field theories, we construct monopole operators which are (anti-)chiral primaries and compute their charges under the global symmetries. Predictions of three-dimensional mirror symmetry for the quantum numbers of these monopole operators are verified.Comment: 23 pages, LaTex; v2: section 3.4 modified, section 3.5 extended, references adde