11 research outputs found

    Plasma biomarkers of depressive symptoms in older adults

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    The pathophysiology of negative affect states in older adults is complex, and a host of central nervous system and peripheral systemic mechanisms may play primary or contributing roles. We conducted an unbiased analysis of 146 plasma analytes in a multiplex biochemical biomarker study in relation to number of depressive symptoms endorsed by 566 participants in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) at their baseline and 1-year assessments. Analytes that were most highly associated with depressive symptoms included hepatocyte growth factor, insulin polypeptides, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and vascular endothelial growth factor. Separate regression models assessed contributions of past history of psychiatric illness, antidepressant or other psychotropic medicine, apolipoprotein E genotype, body mass index, serum glucose and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) τ and amyloid levels, and none of these values significantly attenuated the main effects of the candidate analyte levels for depressive symptoms score. Ensemble machine learning with Random Forests found good accuracy (∼80%) in classifying groups with and without depressive symptoms. These data begin to identify biochemical biomarkers of depressive symptoms in older adults that may be useful in investigations of pathophysiological mechanisms of depression in aging and neurodegenerative dementias and as targets of novel treatment approaches

    Case Notes

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    Administrative Law—Licenses-Revocation Without Fault of Licensee (Morris v. West Virginia Racing Commission, W. Va. 1949) Bills & Notes—Application of the Imposter Rule as Denial of the Existence of Forgery (United States v. Continental- American B. & T. Co., 5th Cir. 1949) Conflicts—State Judicial Procedure as Impairment of Substantive Federal Right (Brown v. Western Ry., U.S. 1949) Constitutional Law—Equal Protection Not Denied by Imposition of Longer Sentence on Minor than on Adult for Same Offense (People v. Scherbing, Cal. 1949) Constitutional Law—Equal Protection-Conduct of Tax- Exempt Corporation with Power of Eminent Domain Not State Action (Dorsey v. Stuyvesant Town Corp., N.Y. 1949 ) Contracts—Indefiniteness - Executed Employment Agreement Unenforceable When Remuneration Not Settled with Certainty (Gray v. Aiken, Ga. 1949) Criminal Procedure—Double Jeopardy-Right of State to Appeal After Acquittal (State v. Evjue, Wis. 1949) Dead Bodies—Indecent Treatment and Non-Burial-Common Law Offense For (Baker v. State, Ark. 1949) Domestic Relations—Disability to Remarry-Non-Estoppel to Challenge Validity of Subsequent Marriage Contracted in Violation Thereof (Bell v. Bell, Ga. 1949) Domestic Relations—Illegal Marriage-Effect on Division of Property Jointly-Purchased and Acquired (Smith v. Smith, Wis. 1949 ) Elections—Ballots-Regulation of by State Legislature (Morrison v. Lamarre, R.I. 1949) Evidence—Privileged Communications-Competency of Former Spouse\u27s Testimony as to Incriminating Activities Observed During Matrimony (Menefee v. Commonwealth, Va. 1949) Gaming—Lotteries-Recovery of Money Under Informer\u27s Statute (Moore v. Atlanta Athletic Club, Ga. App. 1949) Husband & Wife—Consortium-Right of Action in Wife for Negligent Injury to Husband (McDade v. West, Ga. 1949) Internal Revenue—Double Capital Gains Tax-Corporate Dissolution Planned to Avoid Tax on Sale of Appreciated Assets (United States v. Cumberland Public Service Co., U .S . 1950 ) Partnerships—Service on One Partner Only-Assets of Partnership Held Liable Prior to Assets of Individual Partner Served (Grogan v. Herrington, Ga. App. 1949) Practice & Procedure—Improper Argument-Extent of Remedial Instructions at Discretion of Trial Court (Washington v. State, Ga.A pp. 1949) Torts—Family Purpose Doctrine-Not Applicable to Bicycles (Pflugmacher v. Thomas, Wash. 1949) Torts—Wrongful Death Act-Applicability Where Injury to Mother Causes Death to Unborn Infant (Verkennes v. Corniea , M inn. 1949) Wills—Probate-Final Decree as a Bar to Probate of Later Will (In re Winzenrith\u27s Will, W .Va. 1949) Wills & Administration—Dower Election-Effect of Acceptance of Benefits under Will in Foreign Jurisdiction (Griley v. Griley, Fla. 1949