14 research outputs found

    Lox-dependent gene expression in transgenic plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

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    Lox sites of the Cre/lox recombination system from bacteriophage P1 were analyzed for their ability to affect on transgene expression when inserted upstream from a gene coding sequence adjacent to the right border (RB) of T-DNA. Wild and mutated types of lox sites were tested for their effect upon bar gene expression in plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated and biolistic transformation methods. Lox-mediated expression of bar gene, recognized by resistance of transgenic plants to PPT, occurred only in plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. RT-PCR analysis confirms that PPT-resistant phenotype of transgenic plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was caused by activation of bar gene. The plasmid with promoterless gus gene together with the lox site adjacent to the RB was constructed and transferred to Nicotiana tabacum as well. Transgenic plants exhibited GUS activity and expression of gus gene was detected in plant leaves. Expression of bar gene from the vectors containing lox site near RB allowed recovery of numerous PPT-resistant transformants of such important crops as Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, Lactuca sativa and Solanum tuberosum. Our results demonstrate that the lox site sequence adjacent to the RB can be used to control bar gene expression in transgenic plants.Проанализирована способность lox-сайтов Cre/lox системы рекомбинации бактериофага Р1 влиять на экспрессию трансгенов при расположении этой последовательности непосредственно возле правого бордера (RB) перед кодирующей последовательностью гена. Нативная и мутированная последовательность lox-сайта были размещены в векторах для трансформации возле гена bar и проведена генетическая трансформация растений с помощью агробактерии и биолистическим методом. Lox-опосредованная экспрессия гена bar, обусловливающая устойчивость растений к фосфинотрицину, наблюдалась только у растений, которые получены с помощью агробактериальной трансформации. Методом РТ-ПЦР анализа подтверждено, что в трансгенных растениях, устойчивых к фосфинотрицину, происходит транскрипция гена bar. Сконструирован вектор, в котором ген gus и предшествующий ему lox-сайт размещены вблизи правого бордера, и проведена трансформация табака этим вектором. Экспрессия гена gus задетектирована в листьях трансгенных растений. Векторы, у которых последовательность lox-сайта предшествует гену bar возле правого бордера (RB-lox-bar), успешно использованы для получения устойчивых к фосфинотрицину трансгенных растений таких видов, как Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, Lactuca sativa и Solanum tuberosum. Наши результаты подтверждают возможность использования последовательности lox-сайта возле правого бордера для контроля экспрессии гена bar в трансгенных растениях

    Identification of mimotopes of <it>Mycobacterium leprae</it> as potential diagnostic reagents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An early diagnostic test for detecting infection in leprosy is fundamental for reducing patients’ sequelae. The currently used lepromin is not adequate for disease diagnosis and, so far, no antigen to be used in intradermoreaction has proved to be sensitive and specific for that purpose. Aiming at identifying new reagents to be used in skin tests, candidate antigens were investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Random peptide phage display libraries were screened by using antibodies from leprosy patients in order to identify peptides as diagnostic reagents.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seven different phage clones were identified using purified antibodies pooled from sera of leprosy patients. When the clones were tested with serum samples by ELISA, three of them, 5A, 6A and 1B, allowed detecting a larger number of leprosy patients when compared to controls. The corresponding peptides expressed by selected phage clones were chemically synthesized. A pilot study was undertaken to assess the use of peptides in skin tests. The intradermal challenge with peptides in animals previously sensitized with <it>Mycobacterium leprae</it> induced a delayed-type hypersensitivity with peptide 5A (2/5) and peptide 1B (1/5). In positive controls, there was a 3/5 reactivity for lepromin and a 4/5 reactivity of the sensitized animals with soluble extract of <it>M. leprae.</it></p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The preliminary data suggest that may be possible to develop reagents with diagnostic potential based on peptide mimotopes selected by phage display using polyclonal human antibodies.</p