10,681 research outputs found

    Andreev scattering in nanoscopic junctions at high magnetic fields

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    We report on the measurement of multiple Andreev resonances at atomic size point contacts between two superconducting nanostructures of Pb under magnetic fields higher than the bulk critical field, where superconductivity is restricted to a mesoscopic region near the contact. The small number of conduction channels in this type of contacts permits a quantitative comparison with theory through the whole field range. We discuss in detail the physical properties of our structure, in which the normal bulk electrodes induce a proximity effect into the mesoscopic superconducting part.Comment: 4 page

    Efeito dos fungicidas metalaxil e fenarimol na microbiota do solo.

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    Avaliou-se o efeito adverso dos fungicidas metalaxil e fenarimol na comunidade microbiana de solos sob cultivo de uva, provenientes da região de Petrolina, Pernambuco (Brasil). No experimento, conduzido em casa de vegetação, os solos foram suplementados com diferentes concentrações dos fungicidas, sendo avaliados os seguintes parâmetros microbiológicos: carbono da biomassa microbiana (Cmic), comprimento de hifas vivas, atividade hidrolítica do diacetato de fluoresceína (FDA), atividade enzimática da fosfatase ácida e atividade enzimática da esidrogenase. A adição dos fungicidas afetou negativamente o Cmic, o comprimento das hifas vivas e a atividade da desidrogenase, mas não demonstrou efeito adverso sobre o FDA e a atividade enzimática da fosfatase. O fenarimol mostrou-se mais tóxico que o metalaxil, sendo observado efeito transitório de ambos no solo

    Discovery of CH and OH in the -513 km s-1 Ejecta of Eta Carinae

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    The very massive star, Eta Carinae, is enshrouded in an unusual complex of stellar ejecta, which is highly depleted in C and O, and enriched in He and N. This circumstellar gas gives rise to distinct absorption components corresponding to at least 20 different velocities along the line-of-sight. The velocity component at -513 kms-1 exhibits very low ionization with predominantly neutral species of iron-peak elements. Our statistical equilibrium/photoionization modeling indicates that the low temperature (T = 760 K) and high density (n_H=10^7 cm^-3) of the -513 kms-1 component is conducive to molecule formation including those with the elements C and O. Examination of echelle spectra obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) aboard the confirms the model's predictions. The molecules, H_2, CH, and most likely OH, have been identified in the -513 kms-1 absorption spectrum. This paper presents the analysis of the HST/STIS spectra with the deduced column densities for CH, OH and C I, and upper limit for CO. It is quite extraordinary to see molecular species in a cool environment at such a high velocity. The sharp molecular and ionic absorptions in this extensively CNO- processed material offers us a unique environment for studying the chemistry, dust formation processes, and nucleosynthesis in the ejected layers of a highly evolved massive star.Comment: tentatively scheduled for the ApJ 1 September 2005, v630, 1 issu

    Application of a diffusion-reaction model to biofouling in heat exchangers

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    Efeito da salinidade sobre a atividade enzimática em solos de região semi-árida do Brasil.

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    A salinização do solo pode ocorrer por um processo natural ou ser induzida pelo homem (salinização secundária), devido às conseqüências do manejo impróprio da irrigação, má condição de drenagem ou má qualidade da água de irrigação. Estudos realizados no nordeste brasileiro demonstraram que o cultivo de Atriplex nummularia em áreas que receberam rejeito salino foi eficiente na retirada de sais do solo. Este estudo avaliou o efeito da fitorremediação por Atriplex nummularia Lindl, nas propriedades químicas e físicas e nos processos biológicos dos solos que receberam rejeito salino. O estudo foi conduzido em Petrolina, PE, Brasil. Quatro áreas foram identificadas e amostradas. Foram coletadas amostras de solo rizosférico em 15 plantas semelhantes, individuais, escolhidas ao acaso. Em laboratório, as amostras foram homogeneizadas secas ao ar e peneiradas em malha de 2mm. Em triplicata foram determinadas as atividades enzimáticas da ?-glucosidase, fosfatases ácida e alcalina, protease, L-glutaminase e L-asparaginase. Observou-se que o solo cultivado com Atriplex, sem irrigação, considerado como tratamento controle, de maneira geral, apresentou os valores mais altos para as atividades enzimáticas mensuradas, quando comparado aos demais tratamentos, com picos de inibição durante o período seco, quando espera-se que a atividade microbiana seja menor. Posteriormente, houve recuperação em todas as atividades, coincidindo com a estação chuvosa, quando em regra geral, a atividade microbiana é mais alta. No entanto, o solo natural sem irrigação, apresentou valores e comportamento diferenciado em relação ao cultivado com Atriplex, chegando a apresentar atividades mais baixas do que os solos que receberam irrigação com rejeito salino, em algumas atividades enzimáticas. Os solos irrigados com rejeito salino durante cinco anos consecutivos e cultivados com Atriplex, apresentaram picos de atividades no período seco, para quatro, das cinco atividades enzimáticas analisadas. Estes valores foram, porém, menores que os obtidos no tratamento controle. Conclui-se que apesar da aplicação do rejeito salino inibir as atividades enzimáticas, o cultivo da espécie Atriplex nummularia Lindl, foi eficiente em manter os níveis de atividade no mesmo patamar à do solo natural

    Effect of phytoremediation with Atriplex nummularia in irrigated soils with saline waste.

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    In the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, the Atriplex plant genus has been efficient in removing salts from soils irrigated with saline wastewater. However, this removal might not be significant compared with the amount of salts added to the soil by the wastewater irrigation. Considering this aspect, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of Atriplex nummularia Lindl plants in the remediation of a soil submitted to saline wastewater irrigation. Despite the known inhibition effect of saline wastewater on soil enzyme activity, the cultivation of Atriplex nummularia Lindl maintained the treated soil enzyme activity levels similar to the ones found in natural soils

    Microstructure and strength of γ-TiAl alloy/Inconel 718 brazed Joints

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    Intermetallics and superalloys brazing development is a current topic owing the extending use of these alloys in industrial applications. In this work a γ-TiAl alloy was joined to Inconel 718 by active metal brazing, using Incusil-ABA as filler. Joining was performed at 730 °C, 830 °C and 930 °C, with a 10 min dwelling time. The interfaces were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). For all processing conditions, the reaction between the base materials and the braze alloy produced multilayered interfaces. For all processing temperatures tested (Ag), (Cu), AlNi2Ti and AlCu2Ti were identified at the interface. Raising the brazing temperature increased the thickness of the interface and coarsened its microstructure. The increase of the extension of the interface was essentially due to the growth of the reaction layers formed near each base material, which were found to be mainly composed of intermetallic compounds. The mechanical behavior of the joints, at room temperature, was assessed by microhardness and shear tests. For all processing conditions the hardness decreases from periphery towards the Ag-rich centre of the joints. Brazing at 730 °C for 10 min produced the joints with the highest average shear strength (228±83 MPa). SEM and EDS analysis of the fracture surfaces revealed that fracture of joints always occurred across the interface, preferentially through the hard layer, essentially composed of AlNi2Ti, resulting from the reaction between Inconel 718 and the braze alloy.This work was supported by "FCT-Fundacdo para a Ciencia e Tecnologia" through the project PTDC-CTM-69646-2006