35 research outputs found

    A Hardware Generator of Multi-Point Distributed Random Numbers for Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Monte Carlo simulation of weak approximation of stochastic differential equations constitutes an intensive computational task. In applications such as finance, for instance, to achieve "real time" execution, as often required, one needs highly efficient implementations of the multi-point distributed random number generator underlying the simulations. In this paper, a fast and flexible dedicated hardware solution on a field programmable gate array is presented. A comparative performance analysis between a software-only and the poposed hardware solution demonstrated that the hardware solution is bottleneck-free, retains the flexibility of the software solution and significantly increases the computational efficiency. Moreover, simulations in Applications wuch as economics insurance, physics, population dynamics, epidemiology, structural mechanics, checmistry and biotechnology can benefit from the obtained speedups

    Electropolymerization of tetrakis(o-aminophenyl)porphyrin and relevant transition metal complexes from aqueous solution. The resulting modified electrodes as potentiometric sensors

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    The mechanism of electrogeneration of polyporphyrin from ortho-substituted phenylporphyrins, either free or complexing transition metals, is different when performed in aqueous solution from that operative in organic solvents, that has been reported in the literature. Polymerization occurs through the amino phenyl substituents, leading to a three dimensional 'cage' structure. The polymer is sensitive to morphology and nature of the surface it grows on. The mass deposited on a gold electrode was about 2 x 10(-4) g/cm(2). If the polymerization is performed under potentiodynamic conditions, the polymer forms essentially during the first scan, while no significant further growth is observed in subsequent potential cycles, from both free and metallated porphyrins. All polyporphyrin films, except the one obtained from CoTAPP, exhibit poor electrical conductivity, due to the three dimensional growth of the polymer chain that does not allow the necessary conjugation of pi orbitals inside the macromolecules. On the other hand, interesting properties are shown by the unmetallated as well as by metallated polymer films as possible coverages for 'coated wire' ion selective electrodes. The results obtained with respect to different ions and in particular, a selectivity study carried out on iodide ions are reported

    Hepatotoxicity of paracetamol and related fatalities

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    Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is the most commonly used antipyretic and pain reliever and since 1955 it is available over-the-counter as a single formulation or in combination with other substances and, as indicated by the World Health Organization, it can be used in all the three steps of pain intensity. Paracetamol toxicity is one of the most common causes of poisoning worldwide. While paracetamol is described as relatively nontoxic when administered in therapeutic doses, it is known to cause toxicity when taken in a single or repeated high dose, or after chronic ingestion. Repeated supratherapeutic misuse, non-intentional misuse, and intentional ingestion may all result in hepatic toxicity, the main cause of acute liver failure (ALF) in the United States and Europe. Since paracetamol is responsible for nearly half of the cases in the US of acute liver failure and remains the leading cause of liver transplantation, continued awareness promotion, education and research should be constantly undertaken. We herein review the literature on paracetamol toxicity with particular attention to aspects of liver damage and related fatalities

    Technobabble on screen: Translating science fiction films

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    This paper attempts a preliminary survey of relatively unexplored issues related to the translation of science fiction, both in television and cinema. In order to better understand the challenges met by the translators of this particular film and TV genre, in the first part of the essay some specific functions of the science fiction language are explored, namely its importance in the creation of the “cognitive estrangement” (Suvin 1979) vital to the ontological extension and the technological intensification of the future/parallel/alternate worlds proposed by science fiction (Bandiroli 2008). While visual representation is fundamental to achieve the effect of cognitive estrangement in film and TV, it must be corroborated by the dialogue, which is a key factor in creating an equilibrium between the visionary force of the futuristic world and the familiarity of a recognizable situation that will enable the viewer to develop an emotional link with the story and its protagonists. The second part of the paper focuses on three different translation issues regarding film and TV science fiction. The first issue is an extensive presence of various neologisms, typical of science fiction language. The second issue discussed is a recurrent problem of familiar patterns of polite forms used in unfamiliar situations (such as, for example, encounters with alien forms of life). Finally, translation problems stemming from the American-centered nature of film and TV science fiction are briefly considered. The analysis is based primarily on the Star Trek TV series and feature films

    Veto Players and Interest Groups in Lawmaking. A Comparative Analysis of Judicial Reforms in Italy, Belgium, and France

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    The question of how to explain policy change has led to important academic debate over the past two decades. This article challenges explanations regarding veto players (VPs), arguing that interest groups (IGs) sometimes play a more decisive role than VPs —depending on the degree of organization and mobilization of such groups. The comparative analysis of judicial reforms in Italy, Belgium, and France shows the conditions under which IGs—understood here as legal professions—matter in the lawmaking process. Ceteris paribus, the more cohesive and legitimate an IG, the more likely it is to influence lawmaking regardless of the VP configuration. Analyses of legislative and policy change should therefore consider not only institutional and partisan actors but also the role of social group and IG in this process