1,671 research outputs found

    Strong contraction of the representations of the three dimensional Lie algebras

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    For any Inonu-Wigner contraction of a three dimensional Lie algebra we construct the corresponding contractions of representations. Our method is quite canonical in the sense that in all cases we deal with realizations of the representations on some spaces of functions; we contract the differential operators on those spaces along with the representation spaces themselves by taking certain pointwise limit of functions. We call such contractions strong contractions. We show that this pointwise limit gives rise to a direct limit space. Many of these contractions are new and in other examples we give a different proof

    Ring-type singular solutions of the biharmonic nonlinear Schrodinger equation

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    We present new singular solutions of the biharmonic nonlinear Schrodinger equation in dimension d and nonlinearity exponent 2\sigma+1. These solutions collapse with the quasi self-similar ring profile, with ring width L(t) that vanishes at singularity, and radius proportional to L^\alpha, where \alpha=(4-\sigma)/(\sigma(d-1)). The blowup rate of these solutions is 1/(3+\alpha) for 4/d\le\sigma<4, and slightly faster than 1/4 for \sigma=4. These solutions are analogous to the ring-type solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, research articl

    Weak-coupling phase diagrams of bond-aligned and diagonal doped Hubbard ladders

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    We study, using a perturbative renormalization group technique, the phase diagrams of bond-aligned and diagonal Hubbard ladders defined as sections of a square lattice with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor hopping. We find that for not too large hole doping and small next-nearest-neighbor hopping the bond-aligned systems exhibit a fully spin-gapped phase while the diagonal systems remain gapless. Increasing the next-nearest-neighbor hopping typically leads to a decrease of the gap in the bond-aligned ladders, and to a transition into a gapped phase in the diagonal ladders. Embedding the ladders in an antiferromagnetic environment can lead to a reduction in the extent of the gapped phases. These findings suggest a relation between the orientation of hole-rich stripes and superconductivity as observed in LSCO.Comment: Published version. The set of RG equations in the presence of magnetization was corrected and two figures were replace

    Critical Behavior of Light

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    Light is shown to exhibit critical and tricritical behavior in passive mode-locked lasers with externally injected pulses. It is a first and unique example of critical phenomena in a one-dimensional many body light-mode system. The phase diagrams consist of regimes with continuous wave, driven para-pulses, spontaneous pulses via mode condensation, and heterogeneous pulses, separated by phase transition lines which terminate with critical or tricritical points. Enhanced nongaussian fluctuations and collective dynamics are observed at the critical and tricritical points, showing a mode system analog of the critical opalescence phenomenon. The critical exponents are calculated and shown to comply with the mean field theory, which is rigorous in the light system.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Antiferromagnetic domain walls in lightly doped layered cuprates

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    Recent ESR data shows rotation of the antiferromagnetic (AF) easy axis in lightly doped layered cuprates upon lowering the temperature. We account for the ESR data and show that it has significant implications on spin and charge ordering according to the following scenario: In the high temperature phase AF domain walls coincide with (110) twin boundaries of an orthorhombic phase. A magnetic field leads to annihilation of neighboring domain walls resulting in antiphase boundaries. The latter are spin carriers, form ferromagnetic lines and may become charged in the doped system. However, hole ordering at low temperatures favors the (100) orientation, inducing a pi/4 rotation in the AF easy axis. The latter phase has twin boundaries and AF domain walls in (100) planes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (1 eps). v2: no change in content, Tex shadow problem cleare

    Efficient Stochastic Simulations of Complex Reaction Networks on Surfaces

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    Surfaces serve as highly efficient catalysts for a vast variety of chemical reactions. Typically, such surface reactions involve billions of molecules which diffuse and react over macroscopic areas. Therefore, stochastic fluctuations are negligible and the reaction rates can be evaluated using rate equations, which are based on the mean-field approximation. However, in case that the surface is partitioned into a large number of disconnected microscopic domains, the number of reactants in each domain becomes small and it strongly fluctuates. This is, in fact, the situation in the interstellar medium, where some crucial reactions take place on the surfaces of microscopic dust grains. In this case rate equations fail and the simulation of surface reactions requires stochastic methods such as the master equation. However, in the case of complex reaction networks, the master equation becomes infeasible because the number of equations proliferates exponentially. To solve this problem, we introduce a stochastic method based on moment equations. In this method the number of equations is dramatically reduced to just one equation for each reactive species and one equation for each reaction. Moreover, the equations can be easily constructed using a diagrammatic approach. We demonstrate the method for a set of astrophysically relevant networks of increasing complexity. It is expected to be applicable in many other contexts in which problems that exhibit analogous structure appear, such as surface catalysis in nanoscale systems, aerosol chemistry in stratospheric clouds and genetic networks in cells

    The Knudsen temperature jump and the Navier-Stokes hydrodynamics of granular gases driven by thermal walls

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    Thermal wall is a convenient idealization of a rapidly vibrating plate used for vibrofluidization of granular materials. The objective of this work is to incorporate the Knudsen temperature jump at thermal wall in the Navier-Stokes hydrodynamic modeling of dilute granular gases of monodisperse particles that collide nearly elastically. The Knudsen temperature jump manifests itself as an additional term, proportional to the temperature gradient, in the boundary condition for the temperature. Up to a numerical pre-factor of order unity, this term is known from kinetic theory of elastic gases. We determine the previously unknown numerical pre-factor by measuring, in a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, steady-state temperature profiles of a gas of elastically colliding hard disks, confined between two thermal walls kept at different temperatures, and comparing the results with the predictions of a hydrodynamic calculation employing the modified boundary condition. The modified boundary condition is then applied, without any adjustable parameters, to a hydrodynamic calculation of the temperature profile of a gas of inelastic hard disks driven by a thermal wall. We find the hydrodynamic prediction to be in very good agreement with MD simulations of the same system. The results of this work pave the way to a more accurate hydrodynamic modeling of driven granular gases.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Theory of the vortex matter transformations in high Tc superconductor YBCO

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    Flux line lattice in type II superconductors undergoes a transition into a "disordered" phase like vortex liquid or vortex glass, due to thermal fluctuations and random quenched disorder. We quantitatively describe the competition between the thermal fluctuations and the disorder using the Ginzburg -- Landau approach. The following T-H phase diagram of YBCO emerges. There are just two distinct thermodynamical phases, the homogeneous and the crystalline one, separated by a single first order transitions line. The line however makes a wiggle near the experimentally claimed critical point at 12T. The "critical point" is reinterpreted as a (noncritical) Kauzmann point in which the latent heat vanishes and the line is parallel to the T axis. The magnetization, the entropy and the specific heat discontinuities at melting compare well with experiments.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Stochastic Analysis of Dimerization Systems

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    The process of dimerization, in which two monomers bind to each other and form a dimer, is common in nature. This process can be modeled using rate equations, from which the average copy numbers of the reacting monomers and of the product dimers can then be obtained. However, the rate equations apply only when these copy numbers are large. In the limit of small copy numbers the system becomes dominated by fluctuations, which are not accounted for by the rate equations. In this limit one must use stochastic methods such as direct integration of the master equation or Monte Carlo simulations. These methods are computationally intensive and rarely succumb to analytical solutions. Here we use the recently introduced moment equations which provide a highly simplified stochastic treatment of the dimerization process. Using this approach, we obtain an analytical solution for the copy numbers and reaction rates both under steady state conditions and in the time-dependent case. We analyze three different dimerization processes: dimerization without dissociation, dimerization with dissociation and hetero-dimer formation. To validate the results we compare them with the results obtained from the master equation in the stochastic limit and with those obtained from the rate equations in the deterministic limit. Potential applications of the results in different physical contexts are discussed.Comment: 10 figure

    Onset of thermal convection in a horizontal layer of granular gas

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    The Navier-Stokes granular hydrodynamics is employed for determining the threshold of thermal convection in an infinite horizontal layer of granular gas. The dependence of the convection threshold, in terms of the inelasticity of particle collisions, on the Froude and Knudsen numbers is found. A simple necessary condition for convection is formulated in terms of the Schwarzschild's criterion, well-known in thermal convection of (compressible) classical fluids. The morphology of convection cells at the onset is determined. At large Froude numbers, the Froude number drops out of the problem. As the Froude number goes to zero, the convection instability turns into a recently discovered phase separation instability.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. An extended version. A simple and universal necessary criterion for convection presente
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