2,702 research outputs found

    New derivation for the equations of motion for particles in electromagnetism

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    We present equations of motion for charged particles using balanced equations, and without introducing explicitly divergent quantities. This derivation contains as particular cases some well known equations of motion, as the Lorentz-Dirac equations. An study of our main equations in terms of order of the interaction with the external field conduces us to the Landau-Lifshitz equations. We find that the analysis in second order show a special behavior. We give an explicit presentation up to third order of our main equations, and expressions for the calculation of general orders.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes. Closer to published versio

    Potentials of Constituency Development Catalyst Fund Act of 2009 in Enabling Implementation of CDCF Projects in Vwawa Constituency, Tanzania

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    Constituency Development Catalyst Fund (CDCF) Act is a legal instrument that provides directives in the planning and administering of the funds used to support development projects. This paper analyzed the potentials of CDCF Act of 2009 in enabling the implementation of CDCF progaramme in Vwawa Constituency, Tanzania. Data collection was through semi-structured interview, focused group discussion (FGD) observation and documentary review which were later transcribed and subsequently analyzed. The findings indicate that, the projects funded were proposed by the villagers, mainly from the existing projects that were already in process of implementation. It was also was found that, legal measures were taken against those who misappropriated and or assisted to misappropriate the CDCF. Based on these findings, the study concludes that, the process of initiation of the projects was not practical in a real sense since community members did not initiate new projects as per CDCF Act. As such, the paper recommends review of some of the CDCF Act, 2009 articles to include issues pertaining initiation of projects to be disbursed by CDCF that the CDCF Act should emphasize on selecting projects from among the existing projects rather than initiating new projects, because this is what is practical in the study area. Keywords: CDCF Act, CDCF Implementation, CDCF administration, Misuse of CDCF. DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-10-02 Publication date:October 31st 2020

    A sensor for vision-based navigation in underwater path tracking with color and edge segmentation

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    This paper aims the design and implementation of a visionbased sensor for navigation of underwater vehicles with adaptive attributes. The objective pointed out is a sensor for tracking of underwater lines. The sensor employs a basic structure with a pixel-wise AND operation of binarized frames of separated channels HSV and an edgesegmented frame. The basic sensor performs well by good illuminated scenes. By significant drops of luminance, the efficiency falls. So an adaptive sensor is proposed over the basic structure. It operates on the brightness channel carrying out a maximization of contains in the accumulator bins of a Hough transformation. It has proven to enhanced the identification of the tracked line increasing the success rate.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A sensor for vision-based navigation in underwater path tracking with color and edge segmentation

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    This paper aims the design and implementation of a visionbased sensor for navigation of underwater vehicles with adaptive attributes. The objective pointed out is a sensor for tracking of underwater lines. The sensor employs a basic structure with a pixel-wise AND operation of binarized frames of separated channels HSV and an edgesegmented frame. The basic sensor performs well by good illuminated scenes. By significant drops of luminance, the efficiency falls. So an adaptive sensor is proposed over the basic structure. It operates on the brightness channel carrying out a maximization of contains in the accumulator bins of a Hough transformation. It has proven to enhanced the identification of the tracked line increasing the success rate.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Decisions at the end of life: have we come of age?

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    Decision making is a complex process and it is particularly challenging to make decisions with, or for, patients who are near the end of their life. Some of those challenges will not be resolved - due to our human inability to foresee the future precisely and the human proclivity to change stated preferences when faced with reality. Other challenges of the decision-making process are manageable. This commentary offers a set of approaches which may lead to progress in this field

    Linear Confinement and AdS/QCD

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    In a theory with linear confinement, such as QCD, the masses squared m^2 of mesons with high spin S or high radial excitation number n are expected, from semiclassical arguments, to grow linearly with S and n. We show that this behavior can be reproduced within a putative 5-dimensional theory holographically dual to QCD (AdS/QCD). With the assumption that such a dual theory exists and describes highly excited mesons as well, we show that asymptotically linear m^2 spectrum translates into a strong constraint on the INFRARED behavior of that theory. In the simplest model which obeys such a constraint we find m^2 ~ (n+S).Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamical Generation of Noiseless Quantum Subsystems

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    We present control schemes for open quantum systems that combine decoupling and universal control methods with coding procedures. By exploiting a general algebraic approach, we show how appropriate encodings of quantum states result in obtaining universal control over dynamically-generated noise-protected subsystems with limited control resources. In particular, we provide an efficient scheme for performing universal encoded quantum computation in a wide class of systems subjected to linear non-Markovian quantum noise and supporting Heisenberg-type internal Hamiltonians.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; REVTeX styl

    Effective Conformal Theory and the Flat-Space Limit of AdS

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    We develop the idea of an effective conformal theory describing the low-lying spectrum of the dilatation operator in a CFT. Such an effective theory is useful when the spectrum contains a hierarchy in the dimension of operators, and a small parameter whose role is similar to that of 1/N in a large N gauge theory. These criteria insure that there is a regime where the dilatation operator is modified perturbatively. Global AdS is the natural framework for perturbations of the dilatation operator respecting conformal invariance, much as Minkowski space naturally describes Lorentz invariant perturbations of the Hamiltonian. Assuming that the lowest-dimension single-trace operator is a scalar, O, we consider the anomalous dimensions, gamma(n,l), of the double-trace operators of the form O (del^2)^n (del)^l O. Purely from the CFT we find that perturbative unitarity places a bound on these dimensions of |gamma(n,l)|<4. Non-renormalizable AdS interactions lead to violations of the bound at large values of n. We also consider the case that these interactions are generated by integrating out a heavy scalar field in AdS. We show that the presence of the heavy field "unitarizes" the growth in the anomalous dimensions, and leads to a resonance-like behavior in gamma(n,l) when n is close to the dimension of the CFT operator dual to the heavy field. Finally, we demonstrate that bulk flat-space S-matrix elements can be extracted from the large n behavior of the anomalous dimensions. This leads to a direct connection between the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in d-dimensional CFTs and flat-space S-matrix elements in d+1 dimensions. We comment on the emergence of flat-space locality from the CFT perspective.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figures. v2: JHEP published versio
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