871 research outputs found
Kerronnallinen tutkimus taiteen ja luonnon esteettisistä kokemuksista sekä taideperustaisesta ympäristökasvatuksesta taidekasvattajien kertomuksissa
Tiivistelmä. Tämän Pro Gradu-tutkielman tavoite on selvittää, mitä asiantuntevat taidekasvatusopettajat kertovat taideperustaisesta ympäristökasvatuksesta sekä tarkastella heidän esteettisiä kokemuksia luonnosta ja taiteesta, jotka ilmenevät taidekasvatusopettajien identiteetissä. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on tuoda lisää tietoa kestävään elämäntapaan ympäristökriisin keskelle tutkimalla taideperustaisuuden merkitystä ja tarkoitusta ympäristökasvatuksessa. Opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (2014) ihminen nähdään olevan osa luontoa ja arvopohjassa korostuu kestävän elämän rakentaminen sekä ekososiaalisen sivistyksen edistäminen. Ympäristön tilaan ja ekologisesti kestävään tulevaisuuteen liittyvät pohdinnat ja toiminnot ovat osa opettajien, varhaiskasvatuksen ja perusopetuksen tehtävää. Myös taidekasvatuksella on näille pohdinnoille ja toiminnoille merkitystä ja annettavaa. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muodostui: “Mitä taidekasvatuksen opettaja kertoo taideperustaisesta ympäristökasvatuksesta ja sen paikasta omassa opettajuudessa?”
Tutkimus on kerronnallinen tutkimus, jossa haastateltiin kolmea asiantuntevaa taidekasvatusopettajaa. Aineistonkeruun muotona on avoin kertomushaastattelu. Aineistoa analysoitiin kaksijakoisesti. Narratiivisen analyysin keinoin tarkasteltiin opettajan esteettisiä kokemuksia luonnosta ja taiteesta sekä niiden ilmenemistä taidekasvatusopettajan identiteetissä. Narratiivisessa analyysissä käytettiin apuna odotusanalyysiä kertomuksen käännekohtien tunnistamiseen ja kertomukset juonennettiin kronologiseen muotoon. Narratiivien analyysin keinoin puolestaan tarkasteltiin taideperustaista ympäristökasvatusta ilmiönä taidekasvatusopettajien kertomana ja analyysissä teemoiteltiin aineistosta taideperustaista ympäristökasvatusta koskevat teemat.
Opettajien kertomuksista selviää, että erilaiset esteettiset kokemukset luonnosta ja taiteesta ilmenevät taidekasvatusopettajan identiteetissä ja täten myös vaikuttavat perustavanlaatuisesti opettajuuteen sekä pedagogiikkaan, joka näkyy taideperustaisessa ympäristökasvatuksessa. Taideperustainen ympäristökasvatus näyttäytyy myös motivoivana tekijänä taidekasvatusopettajan työlle. Opettajien kertomuksissa ilmenee taideperustaisen ympäristökasvatuksen ideologia ja osa-alueet, kuten kokemuksellisuus, yhteisöllisyys, paikkasidonnaisuus, toimijuus sekä maailmassa olemisen pohdinta. Kertomuksissa ilmenee myös haasteita taideperustaiseen ympäristökasvatukseen liittyen. Kertomuksissa ilmeni myös ilmastonäkökulma ja taideperustainen ympäristökasvatus kytkeytyy opetussuunnitelmassa ekososiaaliseen sivistykseen, joka tutkimuksen kertomukissa näyttäytyi luonnon ehdoilla toimivaan elinympäristöön viittaavana käsitteenä. Tutkimus avaa mahdollisuuksia lisätutkimukselle muille taiteenaloille sekä ympäristökasvatukseen. Taideperustainen ympäristökasvatus sekä esteettiset kokemukset luonnosta ja taiteesta tarjoavat pohdinnan ja toiminnan mahdollisuuden myös osaksi opettajankoulutusta sekä opettajien lisäkoulutusta
Mixing Time Scales in a Supernova-Driven Interstellar Medium
We study the mixing of chemical species in the interstellar medium (ISM).
Recent observations suggest that the distribution of species such as deuterium
in the ISM may be far from homogeneous. This raises the question of how long it
takes for inhomogeneities to be erased in the ISM, and how this depends on the
length scale of the inhomogeneities. We added a tracer field to the
three-dimensional, supernova-driven ISM model of Avillez (2000) to study mixing
and dispersal in kiloparsec-scale simulations of the ISM with different
supernova (SN) rates and different inhomogeneity length scales. We find several
surprising results. Classical mixing length theory fails to predict the very
weak dependence of mixing time on length scale that we find on scales of
25--500 pc. Derived diffusion coefficients increase exponentially with time,
rather than remaining constant. The variance of composition declines
exponentially, with a time constant of tens of Myr, so that large differences
fade faster than small ones. The time constant depends on the inverse square
root of the supernova rate. One major reason for these results is that even
with numerical diffusion exceeding physical values, gas does not mix quickly
between hot and cold regions.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures that include 7 simulation images and 19 plots,
accepted for publication at Ap
Angular momentum transport in convectively unstable shear flows
Angular momentum transport owing to hydrodynamic turbulent convection is
studied using local three dimensional numerical simulations employing the
shearing box approximation. We determine the turbulent viscosity from
non-rotating runs over a range of values of the shear parameter and use a
simple analytical model in order to extract the non-diffusive contribution
(Lambda-effect) to the stress in runs where rotation is included. Our results
suggest that the turbulent viscosity is of the order of the mixing length
estimate and weakly affected by rotation. The Lambda-effect is non-zero and a
factor of 2-4 smaller than the turbulent viscosity in the slow rotation regime.
We demonstrate that for Keplerian shear, the angular momentum transport can
change sign and be outward when the rotation period is greater than the
turnover time, i.e. when the Coriolis number is below unity. This result seems
to be relatively independent of the value of the Rayleigh number.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, published version. Version with higher
resolution figures can be found at http://www.helsinki.fi/~kapyla/publ.htm
How Can We Increase Postpartum Glucose Screening in Women at High Risk for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?
Women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are at increased risk for diabetes mellitus but postpartum followup is problematic for frequent nonattendance. Our aim was to increase coverage of postpartum oral glucose tolerance tests (ppOGTTs) and examine associated factors. This was a prospective observational study of altogether 266 high-risk women for GDM from 2005 to 2008 in four Finnish municipalities. The groups were as follows: women (n = 54) who had previously participated in early pregnancy lifestyle intervention study and high-risk women (n = 102) from the same municipalities studied within one-year after delivery. Furthermore, in two neighboring municipalities nurses were reminded to perform a ppOGTT on high-risk women (n = 110). The primary outcome was the prevalence of ppOGTT performed and associated factors. Overall the ppOGTT was performed in 35.7% of women. Only 14.7% of women returned for testing to health care centers, 30.9% after a reminder in municipalities, and 82.5% to the central hospital, respectively. The most important explaining factor was a special call or reminder from the central hospital (OR 13.4 (4.6–38.1), P < 0.001). Thus, additional reminders improved communication between primary care and secondary care and more attention to postpartum oral glucose testing in primary care are of great importance
Magnetic Flux Expulsion in the Powerful Superbubble Explosions and the Alpha-Omega Dynamo
The possibility of the magnetic flux expulsion from the Galaxy in the
superbubble (SB) explosions, important for the Alpha-Omega dynamo, is
considered. Special emphasis is put on the investigation of the downsliding of
the matter from the top of the shell formed by the SB explosion which is able
to influence the kinematics of the shell. It is shown that either Galactic
gravity or the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in the shell
limit the SB expansion, thus, making impossible magnetic flux expulsion. The
effect of the cosmic rays in the shell on the sliding is considered and it is
shown that it is negligible compared to Galactic gravity. Thus, the question of
possible mechanism of flux expulsion in the Alpha-Omega dynamo remains open.Comment: MNRAS, in press, 11 pages, 9 figure
GABA(A )receptor γ2 subunit knockdown mice have enhanced anxiety-like behavior but unaltered hypnotic response to benzodiazepines
BACKGROUND: Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA(A)-Rs) are the major inhibitory receptors in the mammalian brain and are modulated by a number of sedative/hypnotic drugs including benzodiazepines and anesthetics. The significance of specific GABA(A)-Rs subunits with respect to behavior and in vivo drug responses is incompletely understood. The γ2 subunit is highly expressed throughout the brain. Global γ2 knockout mice are insensitive to the hypnotic effects of diazepam and die perinatally. Heterozygous γ2 global knockout mice are viable and have increased anxiety-like behaviors. To further investigate the role of the γ2 subunit in behavior and whole animal drug action, we used gene targeting to create a novel mouse line with attenuated γ2 expression, i.e., γ2 knockdown mice. RESULTS: Knockdown mice were created by inserting a neomycin resistance cassette into intron 8 of the γ2 gene. Knockdown mice, on average, showed a 65% reduction of γ2 subunit mRNA compared to controls; however γ2 gene expression was highly variable in these mice, ranging from 10–95% of normal. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that γ2 protein levels were also variably reduced. Pharmacological studies using autoradiography on frozen brain sections demonstrated that binding of the benzodiazepine site ligand Ro15-4513 was decreased in mutant mice compared to controls. Behaviorally, knockdown mice displayed enhanced anxiety-like behaviors on the elevated plus maze and forced novelty exploration tests. Surprisingly, mutant mice had an unaltered response to hypnotic doses of the benzodiazepine site ligands diazepam, midazolam and zolpidem as well as ethanol and pentobarbital. Lastly, we demonstrated that the γ2 knockdown mouse line can be used to create γ2 global knockout mice by crossing to a general deleter cre-expressing mouse line. CONCLUSION: We conclude that: 1) insertion of a neomycin resistance gene into intron 8 of the γ2 gene variably reduced the amount of γ2, and that 2) attenuated expression of γ2 increased anxiety-like behaviors but did not lead to differences in the hypnotic response to benzodiazepine site ligands. This suggests that reduced synaptic inhibition can lead to a phenotype of increased anxiety-like behavior. In contrast, normal drug effects can be maintained despite a dramatic reduction in GABA(A)-R targets
Supersonic turbulence and structure of interstellar molecular clouds
The interstellar medium (ISM) provides a unique laboratory for highly
supersonic, driven hydrodynamics turbulence. We present a theory of such
turbulence, confirm it by numerical simulations, and use the results to explain
observational properties of interstellar molecular clouds, the regions where
stars are born.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures include
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