29 research outputs found

    Hard loss of stability in Painlev\'e-2 equation

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    A special asymptotic solution of the Painlev\'e-2 equation with small parameter is studied. This solution has a critical point tt_* corresponding to a bifurcation phenomenon. When t<tt<t_* the constructed solution varies slowly and when t>tt>t_* the solution oscillates very fast. We investigate the transitional layer in detail and obtain a smooth asymptotic solution, using a sequence of scaling and matching procedures

    Inversionless light amplification and optical switching controlled by state-dependent alignment of molecules

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    We propose a method to achieve amplification without population inversion by anisotropic molecules whose orientation by an external electric field is state-dependent. It is based on decoupling of the lower-state molecules from the resonant light while the excited ones remain emitting. The suitable class of molecules is discussed, the equation for the gain factor is derived, and the magnitude of the inversionless amplification is estimated for the typical experimental conditions. Such switching of the sample from absorbing to amplifying via transparent state is shown to be possible both with the aid of dc and ac control electric fields.Comment: AMS-LaTeX v1.2, 4 pages with 4 figure

    Eradication of Krebs-2 primary ascites via a single-injection regimen of cyclophosphamide and double-stranded DNA

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    Previously, we reported on the development of a therapeutic regimen allowing eradication of primary murine Krebs-2 ascites transplants. This protocol involved multiple injections of dsDNA preparations administered during the NER and HR phases of repair of interstrand DNA cross-links induced by prior cyclophosphamide treatments. Mice treated under this protocol frequently developed secondary ascites, which indicated that some tumor-inducing cancer stem cells could survive the treatment and caused relapse. Further, we observed that animals receiving multiple dsDNA injections developed pronounced systemic inflammatory response. This prompted us to develop a more straightforward treatment regimen based on the synergistic activity of cyclophosphamide and dsDNA preparations, which would allow complete eradication of established primary Krebs-2 ascites and also be less toxic for the treated animals. This protocol relies on a precisely timed single injection of dsDNA during the NER/HR transition period of each repair cycle. Under this protocol, 8-day remission of Krebs-2 engrafted mice was achieved, which was similar to the results of the multiple-injection treatment schedule. We observed an increase in the average life span of Krebs-2- transplanted mice on a single-injection regimen, which was consistent with reduced toxicity of such treatment

    Analysis of different therapeutic schemes combining cyclophosphamide and doublestranded DNA preparation for eradication of Krebs-2 primary ascites in mice

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    In the present paper, we report on the series of experiments where multiple regimens of CP and dsDNA injections were tested for targeting the ascites form of murine Krebs-2 cancer in situ. We show that combining CP with cross-linked human and salmon dsDNA results in a synergistic toxicity for ascites-bearing mice, an observation supported by the histopathology analysis of organs and tissues of experimental animals. In contrast, using a composite mixture of native and cross-linked human and salmon DNA after CP injections leads to a significant increase in average lifespan of the treated mice. Further, we demonstrate that repeated rounds of CP+dsDNA injections result in dramatic anticancer effect. The timing of injections is chosen so that they target the cells that were insensitive to the previous treatments as they were in the G2/M phase. 3-4 rounds of injections are needed to eliminate the subpopulation of tumor-initiating cancer stem cells. Our experiments identified the regimen when complete resorption of the primary Krebs-2 ascites occurs in all of the treated animals, followed by a remarkable remission period lasting 7-9 days. Yet, this regimen does not prevent secondary site metastases (either solid or ascites form) from developing, which is likely caused by the migration of ascites cells into adjacent tissues or by incomplete eradication of cancer stem cells. To address these and other questions, we expanded the study and performed histopathology analysis, which indicated that secondary metastases is not the only cause of death. In fact, many animals displayed unfolding systemic inflammatory reaction which was culminated by multiple organ failure. Thus, we developed the concept for treating ascites form of Krebs-2 cancer, which allows elimination of the primary ascites

    Development of the therapeutic regimen based on the synergistic activity of cyclophosphamide and double-stranded DNA preparation which results in complete cure of mice engrafted with Krebs-2 ascites

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    Cumulative evidence obtained in this series of studies has guided the logic behind the development of a novel composite dsDNA-based preparation whose therapeutic application according to the specific regimen completely cures the mice engrafted with otherwise lethal Krebs-2 ascites. The likely mechanism involves elimination of TAMRA+ tumor-inducing stem cells (TISCs) from Krebs-2 tumors. We performed quantitative analysis of TISC dynamics in Krebs-2  ascites following treatment with the cytostatic drug cyclophosphamide (CP) and untreated control cells. In intact ascites, TISC percentage oscillates around a certain value. Following CP treatment and massive apoptosis of committed cancer cell subpopulation, we observed relative increase in TISC percentage, which is consistent with reduced susceptibility of TISCs to CP. Nonetheless, this treatment apparently synchronizes TISCs in a cell cycle phase when they become sensitive to further drug treatments. We describe the regimen of synergistic DNA + CP activity against Krebs-2 ascites. This protocol results in a complete cure of 50 % of Krebs-2 engrafted mice and involves three metronomic injections of CP exactly at the timepoints when repair cycles are about to finish combined with dsDNA injections 18 hours following each CP injection. The “final shot” uses CP + DNA treatment, which targets the surviving yet highly synchronized and therefore treatmentsensitive cells. The first three CP/DNA injections appear to arrest Krebs-2 cells in late S-G2-M phase and result in their simultaneous progression into G1-S phase. The timing of the “final shot” is crucial for the successful treatment, which eradicates tumorigenic cell subpopulation from Krebs-2 ascites. Additionally, we quantified the changes in several biochemical, cellular and morphopathological parameters in mice throughout different treatment stages

    Есть ли связь обмена железа с течением СOVID-19?

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    The review analyzes possible epidemiological and molecular mechanisms responsible for hyperinflammation in patients with the severe course of COVID-19.Results: it highlights the similarities between this condition and hyperferritinemic syndrome which allows considering pathogenesis of COVID-19 with the direct involvement of iron metabolism. In the case of COVID-19 infection of moderate severity and especially in its severe forms, it is indicated to use of iron chelators and other methods of free iron elimination.Цель: по данным литературы провести анализ возможных эпидемиологических и молекулярных механизмов, ответственных за гипервоспаление у пациентов с тяжелой формой COVID-19, связанных с нарушением метаболизма железа.Результаты: подчеркивается сходство между COVID-19 и гиперферритинемическим синдромом, что позволяет рассматривать патогенез COVID-19 с прямым участием метаболизма железа. Очевидно, что при инфекции COVID-19 средней степени тяжести и особенно при тяжелых формах использование хелаторов железа и других методов элиминации свободного железа имеет обоснованные показания


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    The results of investigations showed that using of additional application of copper by means of wire cooling after diffused application of brass covering yielded positive results

    Therapeutic effects of cyclophosphamide, dsDNA preparations and combinations thereof against Krebs-2 ascites cancer cells and various cancer transplants

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    Existence of a small subset of cancer cells referred to as tumor initiating stem cells (TISCs) largely responsible for tumor progression and resistance to chemotherapeutic cytostatic drugs reperesent an important recent paradigm shift. The present work is the first report in the series of papers from our group where we describe the development of anticancer therapy based on the selective targeting of TISCs. Here were characterize a cytoreductive activity of cyclophosphamide (CP), double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and combinations thereof against the TISC population present in mouse Krebs-2 ascites. We evaluated engraftment potential of Krebs-2 cancer cells treated in ascites-bearing mice in vivo, followed by re-engraftment to congenic recipient mice in a form of a solid graft. These data indicate that with our approach TISCs can be completely eliminated even from a well-established ascites. We demonstrate that dsDNA-internalizing and CD34-positive cells are more sensitive to the synergistic effects of CP and dsDNA. When Krebs-2 ascites are treated with human DNA 1-12 hours post CP injection, this results in either elimination of cells that internalize TAMRA-labeled DNA (TISCs) or alters their phenotype, which is accompanied with the loss of surface expression of CD34. Next, we show that the timepoint 18 hrs post CP treatment is critical to the ongoing repair process in that it divides the repair into two phases: nucleotide excision repair + dsDNA break repair and homologous recombination. Importantly, both of these phases can be conveniently used for targeting the tumorigenic potential of the graft. In the context of monotherapy, CP is most effective against ascites grafts when administered as serial injections. To achieve maximum efficiency, the timing of consecutive injections must match the time when cancer cells found at G2/M during the first injection enter G1/S and/or the time of active repair via homologous recombination