191 research outputs found

    Loss-tolerant quantum enhanced metrology and state engineering via the reverse Hong-Ou-Mandel effect

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    Preparing highly entangled quantum states between remote parties is a major challenge for quantum communications [1-8]. Particularly promising in this context are the N00N states, which are entangled N-photon wavepackets delocalized between two different locations, providing measurement sensitivity limited only by the uncertainty principle [1, 10-15]. However, these states are notoriously vulnerable to losses, making it difficult both to share them between remote locations, and to recombine them to exploit interference effects. Here we address this challenge by utilizing the reverse version of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect [16] to prepare a high-fidelity two-photon N00N state shared between two parties connected by a lossy optical channel. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the enhanced phase sensitivity can be directly exploited in the two distant locations, and we remotely prepare superpositions of coherent states, known as Schr\"odinger's cat states" [17, 18]

    Pharmacological evaluation polysaccharide complex flowers tansy

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    From flowers tansy extracted polysaccharide complex. Installed its qualitative and quantitative composition, have developed a technique standardizing the content of reducing sugars. By thin layer chromatography and high pressure liquid chromatography after acid hydrolysis installed monosaccharide composition: glucose, xylose, arabinose, galactose and mannose. It is proved that the polysaccharide has a high content of uronic acid, which allows it to include the class of pectin. The investigation of gastroprotective activity of polysaccharide in the prophylactic administration at model destruction of the gastric mucosa to indomethacin. Introduction polysaccharide prevents various types of erosive and ulcerative destruction. According to anti-ulcer activity of the drug is superior to ranitidine and comparable to omeprazol

    Efficiency of treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux with proton pump inhibitors depending on the <i>CYP2C19</i> polymorphism

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    Introduction. A treatment for LFR for many years, the superiority of PPIs over placebos is still controversial. Of particular clinical importance is the metabolic rate of PPIs in hepatocytes using the cytochrome P450 system with the participation of the isoenzyme CYP2C19 and partially CYP3A4Аim. We set a goal to study the efficacy of omeprazole 20 mg in the treatment of LFR symptoms without esophageal syndrome in patients with gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), depending on the polymorphism of the CYP2C19 genotype.Мaterials and мethods. After the exclusion criteria, 100 people took part in the study, 94 people completed the study.Results. According to the results, 26.6% of patients in the study group (residents of the Moscow region) with LFR symptoms without esophageal syndrome belong to fast metabolizers of CYP2C19, 4.2% to ultrafast metabolizers, 52.1% to normal metabolizers, 16% to intermediate metabolizers and 1.1% to slow CYP2C19.Conclusions. In patients with a rapid metabolism, within 1 month after discontinuation of omeprazole, it is necessary to increase the amount of omeprazole 20 mg intake up to 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening and reduce the duration of treatment to 6 weeks

    Effect of ABCB1 Gene Carriage and Drug-Drug Interactions on Apixaban and Rivaroxaban Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Deep Vein Thrombosis

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    Aim. To investigate the effect of ABCB1 gene carriage and interdrug interactions on apixaban pharmacokinetics and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and deep vein thrombosis.Material and methods. Patients hospitalized at Yudin State Clinical Hospital participated in the study. A total of 92 patients (50 patients received apixaban and 42 – rivaroxaban) with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and deep vein thrombosis were included. Genotyping was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Direct oral anticoagulants concentrations were measured using an electrospray ionization mass spectrometer in positive ionization mode.Results. In our study we found that in patients carrying the CT+TT ABCB1 (rs4148738) C&gt;T genotype encoding the carrier protein (P-gp), the plasma concentration of rivaroxaban was statistically significantly higher p= 0.026. In addition, we found that patients taking apixaban together with a CYP3A4/P-gp inhibitor were 3.5 times more likely to have hemorrhagic complications than those without inhibitors p = 0.004.Conclusion. Our study revealed that the plasma concentration of rivaroxaban was higher in patients carrying the ABCB1 (rs4148738) C&gt;T polymorphism T allele. And patients taking apixaban together with CYP3A4/P-gp inhibitor had higher risk of hemorrhagic complications in comparison with patients not taking such drugs. Further studies are needed on the influence of pharmacogenetics and pharmacokinetics on the safety and efficacy profile of apixaban and rivaroxaban, taking into account the trend of systemic approach to optimization of anticoagulant therapy of direct oral anticoagulants based on pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenetic biomarkers

    Statin-Induced Myopathy

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    Scientific relevance. Being the main class of medicinal products for dyslipidaemia treatment, statins are widely used in clinical practice in various patient populations. However, statins can cause statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS), which are the most frequent and, in some cases, even life-threatening adverse reactions associated with these medicinal products.Aim. The study aimed to perform a systematic review of the epidemiology, classification, and physiological pathogenesis of SAMS, risk factors for this complication, and clinical guidelines for primary care physicians regarding the identification and treatment of patients with SAMS.Discussion. SAMS is an umbrella term that covers various forms of myopathies associated with satin therapy. According to the published literature, the prevalence of SAMS varies considerably and may depend on the study design, inclusion criteria, and the medicinal product used. SAMS has multiple putative pathogenic pathways that include genetically determined processes, abnormalities in mitochondrial function, defects in intracellular signalling and metabolic pathways, and immune-mediated reactions. The main known risk factors for developing SAMS include high-dose statins, drug–drug interactions, genetic polymorphisms, female sex, older age, Asian race, history of kidney, liver, and muscle disease, and strenuous physical activity. Given the lack of universally recognised algorithms for diagnosing SAMS, clinicians should consider the clinical presentation and the temporal relationship between statin therapy and symptoms. Other factors to consider include changes in muscle-specific enzyme levels and, in some cases, the results of blood tests for antibodies to 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase.Conclusions. To ensure the safety of statin therapy, it is essential to raise clinicians’ awareness of the risk factors for SAMS, indicative clinical and laboratory findings, and the need for dynamic patient monitoring, including the involvement of clinical pharmacologists

    Эффективность применения локальной инъекционной терапии при болевых синдромах пояснично-крестцовой локализации

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    The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of local injection therapy in patients with lumbosacral pain during medical blockades.Methods and materials. The results of treatment of compressive lumbosacral radiculoischemia were studied in prospective trial with placebo control. One of the most valuable criteria of medical effectiveness was decrease of pain intensity by visual analog scale and McGill’s questionnaire. 58 patients were included in the study. Comparison between the groups was carried out depending on the treatment: first group was treated with combination of anesthetic with corticosteroids (diprospan), second group – only anesthetic. Rate of pain decrease was assessed during the first day and for 14 days.Results. In patients with lumbosacral pain treated with combination of anesthetic with corticosteroids, decrease of pain intensity was obtained by visual analog scale and McGill’s questionnaire point. Local corticosteroids use was the most effective with effect in a short time – during the first 24 hours.Conclusion. Short course of local injection therapy had high effectiveness in patients with lumbosacral pain syndrome.Цель – оценить эффективность применения локальной инъекционной терапии у больных пояснично-крестцовыми болями при проведении медикаментозных блокад.Методы и материалы. В проспективном исследовании с плацебо-контролем изучены результаты лечения при компрессионных пояснично-крестцовых радикулоишемиях. Одним из ключевых критериев достижения лечебного эффекта являлось снижение интенсивности боли по визуально-аналоговой шкале и опроснику Мак-Гилла. Выборка наблюдений соответствовала 58 наблюдениям. Сравнение между группами проводили в зависимости от проводимого лечения: в 1-й группе комбинирование анестетика и глюкокортикостероидного препарата (Дипроспана). Во 2-й – без основного вещества. Оценивалась быстрота снижения боли в течение 1-х суток наблюдения и на протяжении 14 дней.Результаты. При введении лекарственных препаратов (анестетик в комбинации с глюкокортикоидным препаратом) у пациентов с пояснично-крестцовой болью достигнуто значительное улучшение по интенсивности боли при использовании визуально-аналоговой шкалы и опросника Мак-Гилла. Более быстрый и выраженный эффект достигается при использовании глюкокортикостероидов локального действия. Улучшение наблюдается в короткие сроки – в течение 1-х суток.Заключение. Короткий курс локальной инъекционной терапии обеспечивает бóльшую эффективность у больных с пояснично-крестцовой дорсалгией

    Drug-Induced Atrial Fibrillation / Atrial Flutter

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    Drug-induced atrial fibrillation / flutter (DIAF) is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication of pharmacotherapy. Purpose of the work: systematization and analysis of scientific literature data on drugs, the use of which can cause the development of DIAF, as well as on epidemiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, risk factors, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of DIAF. Analysis of the literature has shown that many groups of drugs can cause the development of DIAF, with a greater frequency while taking anticancer drugs, drugs for the treatment of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and central nervous systems. The mechanisms and main risk factors for the development of DIAF have not been finally established and are known only for certain drugs, therefore, this section requires further study. The main symptoms of DIAF are due to the severity of tachycardia and their influence on the parameters of central hemodynamics. For diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an electrocardiogram (ECG) and Holter monitoring of an ECG and echocardiography. Differential diagnosis should be made with AF, which may be caused by other causes, as well as other rhythm and conduction disturbances. Successful treatment of DIAF is based on the principle of rapid recognition and immediate discontinuation of drugs (if possible), the use of which potentially caused the development of adverse drug reactions (ADR). The choice of management strategy: heart rate control or rhythm control, as well as the method of achievement (medication or non-medication), depends on the specific clinical situation. For the prevention of DIAF, it is necessary to instruct patients about possible symptoms and recommend self-monitoring of the pulse. It is important for practitioners to be wary of the risk of DIAF due to the variety of drugs that can potentially cause this ADR


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    The need to maintain a high quality of life against a backdrop of its inevitably increasing duration is one of the main problems of modern health care. The concept of "right drug to the right patient at the right time", which at first was bearing the name "personalized", is currently unanimously approved by international scientific community as "precision medicine". Precision medicine takes all the individual characteristics into account: genes diversity, environment, lifestyles, and even bacterial microflora and also involves the use of the latest technological developments, which serves to ensure that each patient gets assistance fitting his state best. In the United States, Canada and France national precision medicine programs have already been submitted and implemented. The aim of this review is to describe the dynamic integration of precision medicine methods into routine medical practice and life of modern society. The new paradigm prospects description are complemented by figures, proving the already achieved success in the application of precise methods for example, the targeted therapy of cancer. All in all, the presence of real-life examples, proving the regularity of transition to a new paradigm, and a wide range  of technical and diagnostic capabilities available and constantly evolving make the all-round transition to precision medicine almost inevitable


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    This paper presents the experience of practical use of the technology of computer stabilography with biological feedback in rehabilitation of patients suffering from lumbar-sacral dorsopathies and diagnosed large lumbar hernias. The data of high diagnostic and rehabilitation effectiveness of stabilometry systems was obtained during the 14-days observation period of 16 patients with clinical manifestations of L5-S1 radiculopathy and dorsalgia. The method was used in assessment of neurology deficit and secondary myotonic disturbances. The decrease of intensity of pain and recovery of axial balance and coordination were achieved. As a statistically significant improvement of the equilibrium, the Romberg’s coefficient was decreased from 670 to 295% (p&lt;0.05) during the drug therapy and 10 trainings on stabiloplatform. The achieved data show the improvement of segmental motor and sensory functions, decrease of disturbances in statics and dynamics of vertebral column in patients with radicular syndrome and large hernias after the rehabilitation course with the application of the technology of computer stabilometry.Представлен опыт практического использования технологии компьютерной стабилометрии с биологической обратной связью в реабилитации пациентов с пояснично-крестцовыми дорсопатиями при выявлении грыж межпозвонковых дисков больших размеров. При наблюдении в течение 14 дней у 16 пациентов с клиническими проявлениями радикулопатии L5-S1 и дорсалгией получены данные, указывающие на высокую диагностическую и реабилитационную эффективность стабилометрических систем. Методика применялась для оценки неврологического дефицита, вторичных мышечно-тонических нарушений. Отмечено уменьшение интенсивности болевого синдрома, нормализация осевого баланса и координации движений. Установлено статистически значимое улучшение баланса равновесия в виде снижения коэффициента Ромберга с 670 до 295 % (p&lt;0,05) на фоне медикаментозной терапии и 10 процедур тренировки на стабилоплатформе. Полученные данные свидетельствуют об улучшении сегментарной двигательной и чувствительной функции, регрессировании нарушений статики и динамики позвоночника у пациентов с корешковым синдромом при грыже диска больших размеров по окончании курса реабилитации с применением технологии компьютерной стабилометрии.