8,422 research outputs found

    Compact QED3 with theta term and axionic confining strings

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    We discuss three dimensional compact QED with a theta term due to an axionic field. The variational gauge invariant functional is considered and it is shown that the ground state energy is independent of theta in a leading approximation. The mass gap of the axionic field is found to be dependent upon theta, the mass gap of the photon field and the scalar potential. The vacuum expectation of the Wilson loop is shown to be independent of theta in a leading approximation, to obey the area law and to lead to confinement. We also briefly discuss the properties of axionic confining strings.Comment: 35 pages, LaTex, typing error correcte

    Automatic Electrical Appliances Control Panel Based on Infrared and Wi-Fi: A Framework for Electrical Energy Conservation

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    -Today, proprietary home automation targets very specific applications which operate mostly on a cable based infrastructure. In contrast to that, our implementation builds on a wireless platform for the automatic control of house hold electrical appliances. The nodes gather sensor readings in a home and transmit them to a central automation server. There, the readings are matched against a list of script statements. When there is a match, a specific action is performed. An important property of the system is that the control of all home appliances is done by means of the ubiquitous Infrared and Wi-Fi wireless technologies. This way, the co-operation between manufacturers is not a necessity in order to connect devices to the home automation network

    Descent Relations and Oscillator Level Truncation Method

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    We reexamine the oscillator level truncation method in the bosonic String Field Theory (SFT) by calculation the descent relation =Z_3<V_2|. For the ghost sector we use the fermionic vertices in the standard oscillator basis. We propose two new schemes for calculations. In the first one we assume that the insertion satisfies the overlap equation for the vertices and in the second one we use the direct calculations. In both schemes we get the correct structures of the exponent and pre-exponent of the vertex <V_2|, but we find out different normalization factors Z_3.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, Late

    Neutrino Phenomenology in a 3+1+1 Framework

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    Evidence continues to grow in the MiniBooNE (MB) antineutrino mode supporting a low-energy excess compatible with the MB neutrino mode and possibly also confirming the results of the LSND experiment. At least one sterile neutrino is required to explain the anomalies consistent with the observations of other experiments. At the same time, there is a strong tension between the positive signals of LSND and MB and the null results of nu_e and nu_mu disappearance experiments. We explore a scenario, first proposed in \cite{Nelson:2010hz}, where the presence of an additional heavy sterile neutrino (with mass well above an eV) can alleviate tension between LSND, MB and the null results of disappearance experiments. We compare and contrast this 3+1+1 scenario with the more standard 3+1 scenario and carry out global fits to all oscillation data including new 2011 MB anti-nu data. We find that the tension can be somewhat alleviated and that a phenomenologically viable window for the heavy neutrino, consistent with rare decays and BBN constraints, can be found if the fifth neutrino has a mass of order 0.3 - 10 GeV. We also find, however, that the 2011 MB anti-nu data exacerbates the tension with null experiments in both the 3+1 and 3+1+1 models when the lowest energy bins are included, resulting in little improvement in the global fit. We also discuss the implications of an additional neutrino for the reactor and gallium anomalies, and show that an oscillation explanation of the anomalies is disfavored by cosmological considerations, direct searches, and precision electroweak tests.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; replaced to reflect journal versio

    Nomadic Base Station (NBS): a Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Architecture for Capacity Enhancement in Mobile Communications Networks

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    In this research work, the problem of congestion that leads to dropped calls at GSM cell sites and drastic reduction in network capacity is addressed. We designed a novel GSM base station architecture named Nomadic Base Station (NBS) which is based on Software Defined Radio (SDR) architecture and simulated the LNA for its receiver front-end. The NBS receiver LNA selects and amplifies GSM signal bursts operating at 900MHz and 1800MHz Radio Frequency Band. The later stages translate the Radio Frequency (RF) signal to Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal. This implements the SDR technology by digitizing the IF signal into bit streams that can be processed on generic Central Processing Unit (CPU) using custom written signal processing software

    Effect of interchain coupling on conducting polymer luminescence: excimers in derivatives of poly(phenylene vinylene)

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    Optical excitation of a chain in a polymer film may result in formation of an excimer, a superposition of on-chain excitons and charge-transfer excitons on the originally excited chain and a neighboring chain. The excimer emission is red-shifted compared to that of an on-chain exciton by an amount depending on the interchain coupling t⊥t_\perp. Setting up the excimer wavefunction and calculating the red shift, we determine average t⊥t_\perp values, referred to a monomer, of 0.52 eV and 0.16 eV for poly(2,5-hexyloxy pp-phenylene cyanovinylene), CN-PPV, and poly[2-methoxy, 5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1, 4 p-phenylene vinylene], MEH-PPV, respectively, and use them to determine the effect of interchain distance on the emission.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 1 PS figure, replaced version of cond-mat/9707095, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communicatio

    A Rigorous Derivation of Electromagnetic Self-force

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    During the past century, there has been considerable discussion and analysis of the motion of a point charge, taking into account "self-force" effects due to the particle's own electromagnetic field. We analyze the issue of "particle motion" in classical electromagnetism in a rigorous and systematic way by considering a one-parameter family of solutions to the coupled Maxwell and matter equations corresponding to having a body whose charge-current density Ja(λ)J^a(\lambda) and stress-energy tensor Tab(λ)T_{ab} (\lambda) scale to zero size in an asymptotically self-similar manner about a worldline γ\gamma as λ→0\lambda \to 0. In this limit, the charge, qq, and total mass, mm, of the body go to zero, and q/mq/m goes to a well defined limit. The Maxwell field Fab(λ)F_{ab}(\lambda) is assumed to be the retarded solution associated with Ja(λ)J^a(\lambda) plus a homogeneous solution (the "external field") that varies smoothly with λ\lambda. We prove that the worldline γ\gamma must be a solution to the Lorentz force equations of motion in the external field Fab(λ=0)F_{ab}(\lambda=0). We then obtain self-force, dipole forces, and spin force as first order perturbative corrections to the center of mass motion of the body. We believe that this is the first rigorous derivation of the complete first order correction to Lorentz force motion. We also address the issue of obtaining a self-consistent perturbative equation of motion associated with our perturbative result, and argue that the self-force equations of motion that have previously been written down in conjunction with the "reduction of order" procedure should provide accurate equations of motion for a sufficiently small charged body with negligible dipole moments and spin. There is no corresponding justification for the non-reduced-order equations.Comment: 52 pages, minor correction

    An Electronic Protection Unit for Diesel Engine Standby Generators

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    Today diesel engine-driven standby generators for backup power supply have been adopted for residential, commercial, and industrial use—especially in some developing countries where power from the utility company is highly erratic. Although many of these generators function well in operation, certain engine conditions, such as low oil pressure, high oil and water temperature, abnormally high speed, etc., could lead to malfunction, failure, or complete breakdown of the engine. Therefore, the focus of this work is to present the implementation of a simple, but effective electronic protection unit (EPU) capable of mitigating the adverse effect which may arise as a result of these conditions. It is composed of two major sub-circuits—the main protective sub-circuit and the timing sub-circuit—realized using a combination of passive and active components. Unlike the common electrical relay-based protection system, this unit has an additional advantage of being able to keep the faultindicating system of the generator working even after engine shutdown, thereby facilitating fault tracking. The unit has been tested on a diesel engine-driven generator and found to function satisfactorily. The test results are shown

    From neurons to epidemics: How trophic coherence affects spreading processes

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    Trophic coherence, a measure of the extent to which the nodes of a directed network are organised in levels, has recently been shown to be closely related to many structural and dynamical aspects of complex systems, including graph eigenspectra, the prevalence or absence of feed-back cycles, and linear stability. Furthermore, non-trivial trophic structures have been observed in networks of neurons, species, genes, metabolites, cellular signalling, concatenated words, P2P users, and world trade. Here we consider two simple yet apparently quite different dynamical models -- one a Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model adapted to include complex contagion, the other an Amari-Hopfield neural network -- and show that in both cases the related spreading processes are modulated in similar ways by the trophic coherence of the underlying networks. To do this, we propose a network assembly model which can generate structures with tunable trophic coherence, limiting in either perfectly stratified networks or random graphs. We find that trophic coherence can exert a qualitative change in spreading behaviour, determining whether a pulse of activity will percolate through the entire network or remain confined to a subset of nodes, and whether such activity will quickly die out or endure indefinitely. These results could be important for our understanding of phenomena such as epidemics, rumours, shocks to ecosystems, neuronal avalanches, and many other spreading processes
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