41 research outputs found

    High-quality genome assembly of Capsella bursa-pastoris reveals asymmetry of regulatory elements at early stages of polyploid genome evolution

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    © 2017 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Polyploidization and subsequent sub- and neofunctionalization of duplicated genes represent a major mechanism of plant genome evolution. Capsella bursa-pastoris, a widespread ruderal plant, is a recent allotetraploid and, thus, is an ideal model organism for studying early changes following polyploidization. We constructed a high-quality assembly of C. bursa-pastoris genome and a transcriptome atlas covering a broad sample of organs and developmental stages (available online at http://travadb.org/browse/Species=Cbp). We demonstrate that expression of homeologs is mostly symmetric between subgenomes, and identify a set of homeolog pairs with discordant expression. Comparison of promoters within such pairs revealed emerging asymmetry of regulatory elements. Among them there are multiple binding sites for transcription factors controlling the regulation of photosynthesis and plant development by light (PIF3, HY5) and cold stress response (CBF). These results suggest that polyploidization in C. bursa-pastoris enhanced its plasticity of response to light and temperature, and allowed substantial expansion of its distribution range


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    The influence of parameters of mechanical activation (MA) on the structure and phase composition of the Ni–Al reaction mixtures as well as the products that are formed from them during the subsequent self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) is investigated using optical and electron microscopy, X-ray structural analysis, electron probe microanalysis, and laser diffraction. Optimal MA modes of reaction mixtures and optimal synthesis conditions of porous cakes are determined. Special functional additives of Al2O3, BN, and WC powders, which increase the cake porosity and facilitate the subsequent grinding, are selected; and their amount is determined. It is revealed that boron nitride and tungsten carbide additives most efficiently promote the destruction of NiAl particles. Submicron powders with the NiAl-based nanoblock structure are prepared.С использованием методов оптической и электронной микроскопии, рентгеноструктурного и рентгеноспектрального анализов, лазерной дифракции исследовано влияние параметров механического активирования (МА) на структуру и фазовый состав реакционных смесей Ni–Al, а также образующихся из них при последующем самораспространяющемся высокотемпературном синтезе (СВС) продуктов. Определены оптимальные режимы МА реакционных смесей и условиясинтеза пористых спеков. Выбраны специальные функциональные добавки нанопорошков Al2O3, BN и WC , которые увеличивают пористость спеков и облегчают последующее измельчение, и определено их количество. Выявлено, что наиболее эффективно способствуют разрушению частиц NiAl добавки нитрида бора и карбида вольфрама. Получены субмикронные порошки с наноблочной структурой на основе NiAl

    Selection and Validation of Reference Genes for Quantitative Real-Time PCR in Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) Based on Transcriptome Sequence Data

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    Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is one of the most precise and widely used methods of gene expression analysis. A necessary prerequisite of exact and reliable data is the accurate choice of reference genes. We studied the expression stability of potential reference genes in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) in order to find the optimal reference for gene expression analysis in this economically important crop. Recently sequenced buckwheat floral transcriptome was used as source of sequence information. Expression stability of eight candidate reference genes was assessed in different plant structures (leaves and inflorescences at two stages of development and fruits). These genes are the orthologs of Arabidopsis genes identified as stable in a genome-wide survey gene of expression stability and a traditionally used housekeeping gene GAPDH. Three software applications – geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper - were used to estimate expression stability and provided congruent results. The orthologs of AT4G33380 (expressed protein of unknown function, Expressed1), AT2G28390 (SAND family protein, SAND) and AT5G46630 (clathrin adapter complex subunit family protein, CACS) are revealed as the most stable. We recommend using the combination of Expressed1, SAND and CACS for the normalization of gene expression data in studies on buckwheat using qRT-PCR. These genes are listed among five the most stably expressed in Arabidopsis that emphasizes utility of the studies on model plants as a framework for other species

    Chloroplast genomes: diversity, evolution, and applications in genetic engineering

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    Long-term indapamide retard therapy in adolescents with Stage I arterial hypertension

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    Aim. To study the dynamics of office blood pressure (BP) levels, autonomic balance, endothelial dysfunction, and vascular remodelling in adolescents with Stage I arterial hypertension (AH), treated with indapamide retard (IR). Material and methods. In total, the study included 41 adolescent boys, aged 16-18 years, with Stage I AH (main group, MG), and 27 healthy adolescents (control group, CG). The MG participants received, IR (1,5 mg/day) for 6 months. At baseline and in the end of the study, all participants underwent office BP measurement, echocardiography, veloergometry, and the assessment of heart rate variability (HRV), endothelial dysfunction (reactive hyperemia test, endotelin-1 levels), microalbuminuria (MAU), and vascular parameters, such as large artery rigidity and intima-media thickness. Results. Target BP levels were achieved in all MG patients by Week 4 of the treatment, with normal BP values registered throughout the follow-up period. Indapamide therapy was associated with decreased hemodynamic cardiovascular load, normalized endothelial function, and MAU disappearance. IR monotherapy had beneficial effects on HRV, due to moderate parasympathetic stimulation. Conclusion. IR is an effective and safe medication for long-term treatment of adolescents with Stage I AH

    Effects of various antihypertensive therapy strategies on the circadian blood pressure profile, hemodynamics, and endothelial function in adolescents with essential arterial hypertension

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    Aim. To assess the effect of graduated physical exercise and extended release indapamide on the main parameters of circadian blood pressure (BP) profile, hemodynamics, and endothelial function in adolescents with Stage I essential arterial hypertension (EAH). Material and methods. The study included 114 adolescent boys with EHA (mean age 16,6±0,12 years) and 27 healthy boys. All EAH patients were divided into three groups. Group I (n=37) included adolescents with labile EAH, according to the 24-hour BP monitoring results. These participants were administered graduated aerobic physical exercise (GAPE). Groups II and III included patients with stable EAH. Group II (n=41) received indapamide retard (Arifon Retard,Servier,France; 1,5 mg once a day, in the morning). Group III (n=36) received the combination of GAPE and indapamide retard. The therapy duration was 6 months. All participants underwent 24-hour BP monitoring, echocardiography, veloergometry (VEM), assessment of endothelial function, and measurement of endothelin-1 levels. Results. In adolescents with Stage I EAH, both labile and stable variants of hypertension were confirmed by the 24-hour BP monitoring data. GAPE improved circadian BP profile, endothelial function, and hemodynamic parameters in patients with labile EAH. In stable EAH, indapamide retard demonstrated a rapid and consistent BP normalisation and improvement in endothelial function, VEM parameters, and endothelin-1 levels. In high-risk patients with EAH, the antihypertensive effect of the combination of GAPE and indapamide retard was comparable to that of indapamide monotherapy. Conclusion. Graduated physical exercise could be used in patients with labile EAH. In adolescents with stable EAH, indapamide retard (as monotherapy and in combination with GAPE) is both effective and safe in normalising circadian BP profile and delivering cardioprotective and vasoprotective effects


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    Aim. To study dynamics of the indices of heart rate variability (HRV) and heart remodeling in response on combined therapy with fosinopril and simvastatin in postmenopausal metabolic syndrome (MS). Material and methods. 95 women were dynamically examined (before and after 12 months of therapy with fosinopril and simvastatin) to assess heart rhythm variability (time and spectral domains) and remodeling with Holter ECG monitoring and echocardiography. Results. Fosinopril has resulted in blood pressure decrease, reduction in heart remodeling andmyocardial heterogeneity , which accompanied HRV rise with increase in parasympathetic activity. Simvastatin potentiated fosinopril positive effects on left ventricular hypertrophy , myocardial electric heterogeneity and autonomic modulation due to its prominent hypolipidemic and pleiotropic effect. Conclusion. In patients with postmenopausal MS medicines, which modified different elements of MS (ACE inhibitor and statin), not only have antihypertensive and hypolipidemic action, but also reduce the heart remodeling and improve the autonomic nervous system balance


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    We herewith present our experience of complex treatment with enalapril combined with б-tocopherol and endovascular laser blood radiation in 86 hypertensive patients with LVH. We have established complex therapy for a year to promote complete and earlier beginning LVH regression compared to monotherapy with enalapril