34 research outputs found

    The Use of Mechanically Activated Micronized Coal in Thermal Power Engineering

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    Coal is one of the main energy resources and development of new promising technologies on its basis is certainly topical. This article discusses the use of new technology of gas and fuel oil replacement by mechanically activated micronized coal in power engineering: ignition and stabilization of pulverized coal flame combustion, as well as gasification of micronized coal in the flow. The new technology coal combustion with two stages of grinding is suggested. Optimization of the scheme of two-stage combustion is calculated. The first experimental data on the combustion process are obtained. The first demonstration tests on gas and heavy oil replacement by micronized coal during boiler ignition were carried out in the real power boiler with the capacity of 320 tons of steam per hour

    Эффективность действия препаратов ФОС и фитоверм против иксодовых клещей

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    The purpose of the research is studying the efficacy of FOS and Fitoverm drugs against ixodid ticks.Materials and methods. The study objects were ixodid tick species Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930), Dermacentor reticulatus (Hermann, 1804) and D. marginatus (Schulzer, 1776) in the imago stage. Ticks were collected in the environment of the Altai plains and mountains from vegetation to the flag under the methodology. The efficacy of drug acaricidal activity was assessed according to the methodological guide. In the laboratory, the ticks were placed in a chamber at a temperature of 7 оC. The effect of drugs was assessed by observation every hour for 2-3 days. Live ticks (20 individuals) were contacted with the drug by immersion three times in the working solution in a permeable fabric container. Neostomosan was used as control. Further tests of FOS and Fitoverm were carried out in the field environment. Briz 25% e.c. was used as control. The plots on which the number of Ixodes had previously been recorded was treated using a sprayer on June 1-2 in the morning. The number of live ticks in the plots was counted 1-2 days after the treatment. The biochemical composition of grass stand on various treated grounds was studied according to standard methods. The results were processed statistically.Results and discussion. The Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture has developed a series of environmentally friendly drugs based on natural biologically active substances that have shown high efficacy against Ixodes. These are FOS and Fitoverm, which provided a 100% lethal effect against Ixodes in working concentrations of 3–4% and 0.1–0.3% under laboratory conditions. Treatment with Fitoverm 0.3%, FOS 3% and synthetic industrial drug Briz 25% of e.c. 0.75% of grass stand at the stage of grazing for cattle in pasture conditions statistically significantly reduces the number of ticks by 71–79%.Цель исследований – изучить эффективность препаратов ФОС и фитоверм против иксодовых клещей.Материалы и методы. Объектами исследований были иксодовые клещи Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930), Dermacentor reticulatus (Hermann, 1804), D. marginatus (Schulzer, 1776) в стадии имаго. Клещей собирали в условиях равнинного и горного Алтая с растительности на флаг в соответствии с методикой. Эффективность действия акарицидных препаратов оценивали по методическому руководству. В лаборатории клещей помещали в камеру при температуре 7 оС. Действие препаратов оценивали путём почасового наблюдения в течение 2-3-х суток. Контакт живых клещей (по 20 особей) с препаратом осуществляли методом трёхкратного погружения в рабочий раствор в проницаемой матерчатой ёмкости. За эталон принимали неостомозан. Дальнейшие испытания препаратов ФОС и фитоверм проводили в полевых условиях. В качестве эталона взяли препарат Бриз 25% э. к. Обработку делянок, на которых предварительно учитывали численность клещей Ixodes, проводили 1-2 июня в утренние часы из опрыскивателя. Численность живых клещей на делянках подсчитывали по истечении 1-2-х суток после обработки. Биохимический состав травостоя на различных фонах обработки изучали согласно стандартным методикам. Полученные результаты обрабатывали статистически.Результаты и обсуждение. Во НИИ садоводства Сибири разработана серия экологически безопасных препаратов на основе природных БАВ, показавших высокую эффективность против клещей Ixodes. Это препараты ФОС и фитоверм, которые в рабочих концентрациях 3–4% и 0,1–0,3% обеспечили 100%-ный летальный эффект против клещей Ixodes в условиях лаборатории. Обработка травостоя в стадии стравливания на корм крупному рогатому скоту в условиях пастбища фитовермом 0,3%, ФОС 3%, синтетическим промышленным препаратом Бриз 25% э.к. 0,75% статистически достоверно способствует уменьшению численности клещей на 71–79%

    Взаимосвязь строения и химического состава прибрежно-морского и озёрного льда в районе мыса Марре-Сале, Западный Ямал

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    The texture, structure, ionic and trace element composition of samples of fast (coastal-sea) and lake ice collected in 2014 in the area of Cape Marre-Sale (the North-Western Siberia) were analyzed. The following main types of the ice structure were identified in ice sections: firn ice with randomly oriented small crystals; lake large- and small-crystalline bubble ice; layered fast sea ice with small isometric and vertically elongated crystals. The upper part of the lake ice is formed by recrystallized snow containing marine aerosols and lake water. The coefficient of involvement of the main ions from the solution during the ice formation varies for lake ice from 0.02 to 1.51, for sea ice – from 0.10 to 0.23, and for coastal-marine - from 0.03 to 0.04. The difference in the degree of ion involvement into the lake ice is related to the sources of components entering the process of formation of firn and large ice crystals from lake water. Coastal sea ice has high concentrations of trace elements relative to the clarks of sea waters. The income of trace elements into the coastal sea ice is probably determined by continental runoff. It is established that the mineralization of seasonal ice increases with a decrease in the size of crystals. The dependence of the values of the Europium anomaly on the rate of ice formation was revealed. The Europium anomaly in coastal sea ice is inherited from seawater, and the upper part of lake ice is inherited from precipitation.Проанализированы текстура, структура, ионный и микроэлементный состав озёрного и прибрежно-морского льда, отобранного в районе мыса Марре-Сале (Западный Ямал) в 2014 г. Верхняя часть озёрного льда представляет собой фирнизированный снег, имеющий в химическом составе признаки влияния морского аэрозоля. Прибрежно-морской лёд характеризуется слоистой структурой и высокими содержаниями микроэлементов относительно кларков морских вод, источником которых служит континентальный сток. Установлено, что минерализация сезонных льдов увеличивается с уменьшением размеров кристаллов

    Impact Factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?

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    A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between citing and cited documents, the deceptive display of three decimals that belies the real precision, and the absence of confidence intervals. These are minor issues that are easily amended and should be corrected, but more substantive improvements are needed. There are indications that the scientific community seeks and needs better certification of journal procedures to improve the quality of published science. Comprehensive certification of editorial and review procedures could help ensure adequate procedures to detect duplicate and fraudulent submissions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Гетерогенное строение полигонально-жильных льдов в торфяниках Пур-Тазовского междуречья

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    Structure of arctic peatlands with massive ice and structure-forming ice were studied in drained lake («khasyrey») of the Pur-Taz interfluves (the north of West Siberia). The period of accumulation of two-meter thickness of the peat was established to be changed from 8413±90 to 897±90 years BP. Composition of the peat deposits is represented by Betula nana, Sphagnum  sp., Vaccinium oxycoccos, Eriophorum  sp., Equisetum sp. The massive ice is represented by ice wedges with large shoulders and young ice wedges. The central part of the ice wedge is composed by recrystallized crystals of ice veins. Melting zones (elongated crystals of segregated ice and closed-cavity ice) were found in the shoulders of the ice wedge and in the upper part of the young ice wedge. Young ice wedges in the central and lateral parts the main wedge have a similar structure in the cross-section, but they are built by different genetic types of ice: the ice veins or closed-cavity ice with segregated ice. Ice-rich peat contains different types of ice inclusions and subhorizontal ice belts and ice lenses. Ice lenses in the peat can be formed by the segregated ice and/or infiltrated-segregated ice. The hydrochemical composition of the ice wedges, ice lenses, surface water samples and the aqueous extract from peat was analyzed. Hydrochemical analysis did show that polygonal-core ice has basically similar composition with the present-day atmospheric precipitation and surface waters of the polygonal bath; in the area of the shoulder – the composition is intermediate between the ground waters of peat and the central part of the vein. The hydrochemical composition of the ice lenses is similar to the composition of the lake water and peat underlying the active layer. The methane concentrations and its distribution within the ice wedges, peat and lens ice were determined. The closed-cavity ice doesn’t contain methane; the ice wedges with ice veins have minimal methane concentrations; large ice lenses have differentiation of methane concentrations. High concentrations of methane are typical for the frozen peat with inclusions of closed-cavity ice in the uppermost part of permafrost layer; the maximum methane concentration was determined inside the peat with ice lenses. The heterogeneous ices inside the ice wedges, distribution of hydrochemical compounds and methane distribution were conditioned by dynamics of the melting depth during the peatland formation under changing climate of the Holocene in the Arctic.Изучены состав и строение голоценового торфяника возрастом от 8413±90 до 897±90 радиоуглеродных лет. В строении жилы установлены генетически разные типы льда: элементарные жилки, термокарстово-полостной, сегрегационный. Определёны химический состав водно-растворимых соединений, а также концентрация метана во льду и торфе, которая связана с динамикой глубины протаивания в условиях меняющегося климата в голоцене

    Строение и формирование ледогрунтовых жил второй озёрно-аллювиальной террасы на севере Гыдана в позднем неоплейстоцене–голоцене

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    The syngenetic ice and ice-ground composite veins in khasyrey (alas) and interalas plateaus were studied on the second lake-alluvial terrace located in the North of the Gydan Peninsula near the village of Gyda. On the basis of the radiocarbon dating, the time of formation of deposits containing veins from was established – from 16 640 to 854 BP. The peat deposits are mainly represented by the following species: Carex sp., Eriophorum  sp., Betula nana, Equisetum  sp., Calamagrostis  sp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Drepanocladus  sp., Empetrum sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, Rubus arcticus, Petasites sp. It is established that the polygonal-veined ice of khasyrey and interalas plateaus, except for vertical-striped «clean» ice, contain areas with vertical wavy streaks of ice-ground. Ice of elementary veins and segregation ice were revealed in the composition of veins according to structural and textural features in polarized light. Elementary ice veins compose «clean» ice sections of veins and segregation ice which are their ice-ground sections. Elementary veins are indicative of the predominance of the process of frost cracking during the formation of polygonal-vein ices. The presence of inclusions of ice-ground in the structure of veins points is evidence of a manifestation of local thermokarst processes under the growth of polygonal-vein ice. Ice-ground veins were formed by repeated thawing of the initial ice veins. The formation of ice-ground veins during syngenetic freezing of sediments of the second lake-alluvial terrace is related to uneven manifestation of thermokarst in different facies situations and and climate changes at the Early Pleistocene and Holocene.Изучены сингенетические ледяные и ледогрунтовые жилы, а также сезонно- и мёрзлые отложения на севере Гыданского полуострова. Включение сегрегационного льда в состав полигонально-жильного проходило в период сингенетического промерзания осадков второй террасы на севере Гыдана в динамичной озёрно-аллювиальной обстановке и связано с неравномерным проявлением термокарста во второй половине сартанского периода и в голоцене

    The efficacy of FOS and Fitoverm drugs against Ixodes ticks

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    The purpose of the research is studying the efficacy of FOS and Fitoverm drugs against ixodid ticks.Materials and methods. The study objects were ixodid tick species Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930), Dermacentor reticulatus (Hermann, 1804) and D. marginatus (Schulzer, 1776) in the imago stage. Ticks were collected in the environment of the Altai plains and mountains from vegetation to the flag under the methodology. The efficacy of drug acaricidal activity was assessed according to the methodological guide. In the laboratory, the ticks were placed in a chamber at a temperature of 7 оC. The effect of drugs was assessed by observation every hour for 2-3 days. Live ticks (20 individuals) were contacted with the drug by immersion three times in the working solution in a permeable fabric container. Neostomosan was used as control. Further tests of FOS and Fitoverm were carried out in the field environment. Briz 25% e.c. was used as control. The plots on which the number of Ixodes had previously been recorded was treated using a sprayer on June 1-2 in the morning. The number of live ticks in the plots was counted 1-2 days after the treatment. The biochemical composition of grass stand on various treated grounds was studied according to standard methods. The results were processed statistically.Results and discussion. The Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture has developed a series of environmentally friendly drugs based on natural biologically active substances that have shown high efficacy against Ixodes. These are FOS and Fitoverm, which provided a 100% lethal effect against Ixodes in working concentrations of 3–4% and 0.1–0.3% under laboratory conditions. Treatment with Fitoverm 0.3%, FOS 3% and synthetic industrial drug Briz 25% of e.c. 0.75% of grass stand at the stage of grazing for cattle in pasture conditions statistically significantly reduces the number of ticks by 71–79%