15,144 research outputs found

    Chastity, A Facilitator in Natural Family Planning

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    Properties of Information Carrying Waves in Cosmology

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    Recently we studied the effects of information carrying waves propagating through isotropic cosmologies. By information carrying we mean that the waves have an arbitrary dependence on a function. We found that the waves introduce shear and anisotropic stress into the universe. We then constructed explicit examples of pure gravity wave perturbations for which the presence of this anisotropic stress is essential and the null hypersurfaces playing the role of the histories of the wave-fronts in the background space-time are shear-free. Motivated by this result we now prove that these two properties are true for all information carrying waves in isotropic cosmologies.Comment: 15 pages, Latex File, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Gravitational Lensing by Cold Dark Matter Catastrophes

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    Intrinsically cold particle dark matter inevitably creates halos with sharp discontinuities in projected surface density caused by the projection of fold catastrophes onto the sky. In principle, these imperfections can be detected and measured with gravitational lensing through discontinuities in image magnification and image structure. Lens solutions are discussed for the most common universal classes of discontinuities. Edges caused by cold particles such as condensed axions and thermal WIMPs are very sharp, respectively about 10−1210^{-12} and 10−710^{-7} of the halo scale. Their structure can be resolved by stellar and quasi-stellar sources which show sudden changes in brightness or even sudden disappearances (sometimes within hours) as edges are crossed. Images of extended objects such as edge-on galaxies or jets can show sudden bends at an edge, or stretched, parity-inverted reflection symmetry about a sharp line. Observational strategies and prospects are briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, AASTeX. Final version, with explanatory figure added, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Shear-Free Gravitational Waves in an Anisotropic Universe

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    We study gravitational waves propagating through an anisotropic Bianchi I dust-filled universe (containing the Einstein-de-Sitter universe as a special case). The waves are modeled as small perturbations of this background cosmological model and we choose a family of null hypersurfaces in this space-time to act as the histories of the wavefronts of the radiation. We find that the perturbations we generate can describe pure gravitational radiation if and only if the null hypersurfaces are shear-free. We calculate the gauge-invariant small perturbations explicitly in this case. How these differ from the corresponding perturbations when the background space-time is isotropic is clearly exhibited.Comment: 32 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Metric Perturbation Approach to Gravitational Waves in Isotropic Cosmologies

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    Gravitational waves in isotropic cosmologies were recently studied using the gauge-invariant approach of Ellis-Bruni. We now construct the linearised metric perturbations of the background Robertson-Walker space-time which reproduce the results obtained in that study. The analysis carried out here also facilitates an easy comparison with Bardeen.Comment: 29 pages, Latex file, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Single-color two-photon spectroscopy of Rydberg states in electric fields

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    Rydberg states of atomic helium with principal quantum numbers ranging from n=20 to n=100 have been prepared by non-resonance-enhanced single-color two-photon excitation from the metastable 2 {^3}S{_1} state. Photoexcitation was carried out using linearly and circularly polarized pulsed laser radiation. In the case of excitation with circularly polarized radiation, Rydberg states with azimuthal quantum number |m_{\ell}|=2 were prepared in zero electric field, and in homogeneous electric fields oriented parallel to the propagation axis of the laser radiation. In sufficiently strong electric fields, individual Rydberg-Stark states were resolved spectroscopically, highlighting the suitability of non-resonance-enhanced multiphoton excitation schemes for the preparation of long-lived high-|m_{\ell}| hydrogenic Rydberg states for deceleration and trapping experiments. Applications of similar schemes for Doppler-free excitation of positronium atoms to Rydberg states are also discussed

    Gravitational Wave Propagation in Isotropic Cosmologies

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    We study the propagation of gravitational waves carrying arbitrary information through isotropic cosmologies. The waves are modelled as small perturbations of the background Robertson-Walker geometry. The perfect fluid matter distribution of the isotropic background is, in general, modified by small anisotropic stresses. For pure gravity waves, in which the perturbed Weyl tensor is radiative (i.e. type N in the Petrov classification), we construct explicit examples for which the presence of the anisotropic stress is shown to be essential and the histories of the wave-fronts in the background Robertson-Walker geometry are shear-free null hypersurfaces. The examples derived in this case are analogous to the Bateman waves of electromagnetic theory.Comment: 27 pages, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.
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