1 research outputs found

    Critical thermodynamics of three-dimensional chiral model for N > 3

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    The critical behavior of the three-dimensional NN-vector chiral model is studied for arbitrary NN. The known six-loop renormalization-group (RG) expansions are resummed using the Borel transformation combined with the conformal mapping and Pad\'e approximant techniques. Analyzing the fixed point location and the structure of RG flows, it is found that two marginal values of NN exist which separate domains of continuous chiral phase transitions N>Nc1N > N_{c1} and NN>Nc2N N > N_{c2} where such transitions are first-order. Our calculations yield Nc1=6.4(4)N_{c1} = 6.4(4) and Nc2=5.7(3)N_{c2} = 5.7(3). For N>Nc1N > N_{c1} the structure of RG flows is identical to that given by the ϵ\epsilon and 1/N expansions with the chiral fixed point being a stable node. For N<Nc2N < N_{c2} the chiral fixed point turns out to be a focus having no generic relation to the stable fixed point seen at small ϵ\epsilon and large NN. In this domain, containing the physical values N=2N = 2 and N=3N = 3, phase trajectories approach the fixed point in a spiral-like manner giving rise to unusual crossover regimes which may imitate varying (scattered) critical exponents seen in numerous physical and computer experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure