9 research outputs found


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    Purpose: the purpose of the study is to analyze, identify and structure the main trends of technical and technological development of regions and corporations in the Russian North.Methods: to achieve the purpose, methods of factor and system analysis, general economic approaches are used. For the structuring of processes, the methodological tools of indicators and indicators are of great importance, especially in conditions of a high degree of isomorphism of territories. Given the high degree of uncertainty of economic processes in the North, the presence of a large number of risks and threats, in some cases, expert methods and content analysis are used.Results: the main results of the research can be attributed to the relatively high degree of innovative activity of organizations in the regions of the Far North, in the industrial sector with a predominantly resource-resource orientation. The need for accelerating technical and technological transformations in connection with the strengthening of the "sanction" policy of the West is substantiated. Import substitution, especially in the areas of economic security, is, in effect, imperative.Conclusions and relevance: in the strategic perspective, the industrial complex of the northern regions will provide accelerated industrialization with orders for high-tech materials and equipment needed to develop the Arctic shelf. A certain scientific novelty is the conclusion that the northern regions and corporations have innovative demand and financial potential, therefore, despite the predominantly raw material profile, they can become a kind of "locomotive" of the national innovation dynamics. The structuring of perspective directions of state support for innovations in the North, where the need for support of the research sector is justified at the federal level, and the strengthening of attention to the system of general and secondary special education can have practical significance


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    Purpose: the purpose of the study is to analyze, identify and structure the main trends of technical and technological development of regions and corporations in the Russian North.Methods: to achieve the purpose, methods of factor and system analysis, general economic approaches are used. For the structuring of processes, the methodological tools of indicators and indicators are of great importance, especially in conditions of a high degree of isomorphism of territories. Given the high degree of uncertainty of economic processes in the North, the presence of a large number of risks and threats, in some cases, expert methods and content analysis are used.Results: the main results of the research can be attributed to the relatively high degree of innovative activity of organizations in the regions of the Far North, in the industrial sector with a predominantly resource-resource orientation. The need for accelerating technical and technological transformations in connection with the strengthening of the "sanction" policy of the West is substantiated. Import substitution, especially in the areas of economic security, is, in effect, imperative.Conclusions and relevance: in the strategic perspective, the industrial complex of the northern regions will provide accelerated industrialization with orders for high-tech materials and equipment needed to develop the Arctic shelf. A certain scientific novelty is the conclusion that the northern regions and corporations have innovative demand and financial potential, therefore, despite the predominantly raw material profile, they can become a kind of "locomotive" of the national innovation dynamics. The structuring of perspective directions of state support for innovations in the North, where the need for support of the research sector is justified at the federal level, and the strengthening of attention to the system of general and secondary special education can have practical significance.Цель: Целью исследования является анализ, выявление и структурирование основных тенденций технико-технологического развития регионов и корпораций на российском Севере.Методология проведения работы: Для достижения поставленной цели используются методы факторного и системного анализа, общеэкономические подходы. Для структурирования процессов серьезное значение имеют, особенно в условиях высокой степени изоморфизма территорий, методический инструментарий показателей и индикаторов. Учитывая высокую степень неопределенности хозяйственных процессов на Севере, наличие большого числа рисков и угроз, в отдельных случаях применяются экспертные методы и контент-анализ.Результаты работы: К основным результатам исследования можно отнести выявление сравнительно высокой степени инновационной активности организаций в регионах Крайнего Севера, в промышленном секторе имеющих преимущественно ресурсно-сырьевую ориентацию. Обоснована необходимость ускорения технико-технологических преобразований в связи с усилением «санкционной» политики Запада. Импортозамещение, особенно в сферах обеспечения экономической безопасности, становится, по существу, императивом.Выводы: В стратегической перспективе промышленный комплекс северных регионов будет обеспечивать ускоренную индустриализацию заказами на высокотехнологичные материалы и оборудование, необходимые для освоения арктического шельфа. Определенную научную новизну представляет вывод о том, что северные регионы и корпорации обладают инновационным спросом и финансовым потенциалом, поэтому, несмотря на преимущественно сырьевой профиль, могут стать своеобразным «локомотивом» национальной инновационной динамики. Практическую значимость может иметь структуризация перспективных направлений государственной поддержки инноваций на Севере, где на федеральном уровне обоснована необходимость поддержки исследовательского сектора, а на региональном – усиление внимания к системе общего и среднего специального образования