514 research outputs found

    Integrins (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Integrins are unusual signalling proteins that function to signal both from the extracellular environment into the cell, but also from the cytoplasm to the external of the cell. The intracellular signalling cascades associated with integrin activation focus on protein kinase activities, such as focal adhesion kinase and Src. Based on this association between extracellular signals and intracellular protein kinase activity, we have chosen to include integrins in the 'Catalytic receptors' section of the database until more stringent criteria from NC-IUPHAR allows precise definition of their classification.Integrins are heterodimeric entities, composed of α and β subunits, each 1TM proteins, which bind components of the extracellular matrix or counter-receptors expressed on other cells. One class of integrin contains an inserted domain (I) in its α subunit, and if present (in α1, α2, α10, α11, αD, αE, αL, αM and αX), this I domain contains the ligand binding site. All β subunits possess a similar I-like domain, which has the capacity to bind ligand, often recognising the RGD motif. The presence of an α subunit I domain precludes ligand binding through the β subunit. Integrins provide a link between ligand and the actin cytoskeleton (through typically short intracellular domains). Integrins bind several divalent cations, including a Mg2+ ion in the I or I-like domain that is essential for ligand binding. Other cation binding sites may regulate integrin activity or stabilise the 3D structure. Integrins regulate the activity of particular protein kinases, including focal adhesion kinase and integrin-linked kinase. Cellular activation regulates integrin ligand affinity via inside-out signalling and ligand binding to integrins can regulate cellular activity via outside-in signalling.Several drugs that target integrins are in clinical use including: (1) abciximab (αIIbβ3) for short term prevention of coronary thrombosis, (2) vedolizumab (α4β7) to reduce gastrointestinal inflammation, and (3) natalizumab (α4β1) in some cases of severe multiple sclerosis

    Integrins in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Integrins are unusual signalling proteins that function to signal both from the extracellular environment into the cell, but also from the cytoplasm to the external of the cell. The intracellular signalling cascades associated with integrin activation focus on protein kinase activities, such as focal adhesion kinase and Src. Based on this association between extracellular signals and intracellular protein kinase activity, we have chosen to include integrins in the 'Catalytic receptors' section of the database until more stringent criteria from NC-IUPHAR allows precise definition of their classification.Integrins are heterodimeric entities, composed of α and β subunits, each 1TM proteins, which bind components of the extracellular matrix or counter-receptors expressed on other cells. One class of integrin contains an inserted domain (I) in its α subunit, and if present (in α1, α2, α10, α11, αD, αE, αL, αM and αX), this I domain contains the ligand binding site. All β subunits possess a similar I-like domain, which has the capacity to bind ligand, often recognising the RGD motif. The presence of an α subunit I domain precludes ligand binding through the β subunit. Integrins provide a link between ligand and the actin cytoskeleton (through typically short intracellular domains). Integrins bind several divalent cations, including a Mg2+ ion in the I or I-like domain that is essential for ligand binding. Other cation binding sites may regulate integrin activity or stabilise the 3D structure. Integrins regulate the activity of particular protein kinases, including focal adhesion kinase and integrin-linked kinase. Cellular activation regulates integrin ligand affinity via inside-out signalling and ligand binding to integrins can regulate cellular activity via outside-in signalling.Several drugs that target integrins are in clinical use including: (1) abciximab (αIIbβ3) for short term prevention of coronary thrombosis, (2) vedolizumab (α4β7) to reduce gastrointestinal inflammation, and (3) natalizumab (α4β1) in some cases of severe multiple sclerosis

    Web-Based Organizing In Traditional Brick-And-Mortar Companies: The Impact On HR

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    This chapter introduces the notion of how old economy brick-and-mortar firms are adapting their HRM policies and practices and the roles of their HR departments in light of newly introduced Web-based business-to-business transaction practices. It argues that the Internet has introduced three new business models in old economy companies: the Internet as a marketplace, the Internet as a supply chain integrator, and the Internet as a catalyst for business model redefinition. These innovative ways of organizing are providing HR with opportunities to rise to new challenges and increase their added-value to the firm

    Tailoring the biofunctionality of collagen biomaterials via tropoelastin incorporation and EDC-crosslinking

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    Recreating the cell niche of virtually all tissues requires composite materials fabricated from multiple extracellular matrix (ECM) macromolecules. Due to their wide tissue distribution, physical attributes and purity, collagen, and more recently, tropoelastin, represent two appealing ECM components for biomaterials development. Here we blend tropoelastin and collagen, harnessing the cell-modulatory properties of each biomolecule. Tropoelastin was stably co-blended into collagen biomaterials and was retained after EDC-crosslinking. We found that human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), rat glial cells (Rugli) and HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells ligate to tropoelastin via EDTA-sensitive and EDTA-insensitive receptors or do not ligate with tropoelastin, respectively. These differing elastin-binding properties allowed us to probe the cellular response to the tropoelastin-collagen composites assigning specific bioactivity to the collagen and tropoelastin component of the composite material. Tropoelastin addition to collagen increased total Rugli cell adhesion, spreading and proliferation. This persisted with EDC-crosslinking of the tropoelastin-collagen composite. Tropoelastin addition did not affect total HDF and HT1080 cell adhesion; however, it increased the contribution of cation-independent adhesion, without affecting the cell morphology or, for HT1080 cells, proliferation. Instead, EDC-crosslinking dictated the HDF and HT1080 cellular response. These data show that a tropoelastin component dominates the response of cells that possess non-integrin based tropoelastin receptors. EDC modification of the collagen component directs cell function when non-integrin tropoelastin receptors are not crucial for cell activity. Using this approach, we have assigned the biological contribution of each component of tropoelastin-collagen composites, allowing informed biomaterial design for directed cell function via more physiologically relevant mechanisms. Statement of significance Biomaterials fabricated from multiple extracellular matrix (ECM) macromolecules are required to fully recreate the native tissue niche where each ECM macromolecule engages with a specific repertoire of cell-surface receptors. Here we investigate combining tropoelastin with collagen as they interact with cells via different receptors. We identified specific cell lines, which associate with tropoelastin via distinct classes of cell-surface receptor. These showed that tropoelastin, when combined with collagen, altered the cell behaviour in a receptor-usage dependent manner. Integrin-mediated tropoelastin interactions influenced cell proliferation and non-integrin receptors influenced cell spreading and proliferation. These data shed light on the interplay between biomaterial macromolecular composition, cell surface receptors and cell behaviour, advancing bespoke materials design and providing functionality to specific cell populations

    The properties conferred upon triple-helical collagen-mimetic peptides by the presence of cysteine residues

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    AbstractRecently, the ability of polymeric collagen-like peptides to regulate cell behavior has generated great interest. A triple-helical peptide known as collagen-related peptide (CRP) contains the sequence (Gly-Pro-Hyp)10. With Gly-Pro-Cys triplets appended to both of its termini, designated CRPcys, chemical cross-linking using heterobifunctional reagents generates CRPcys-XL, a potent, widely used, polymeric agonist for platelet Glycoprotein VI, whereas non-cross-linked, monomeric CRPcys antagonizes Glycoprotein VI. Here, we describe how cysteine in these triplets may also undergo random air-induced oxidation, especially upon prolonged storage or repeated freeze–thawing, to form disulphide bonds, resulting in a lesser degree of polymerization than with chemical cross-linking. We investigated the monomeric and polymeric states of these and other cysteine-containing collagen-derived peptides, using gel filtration and dynamic light scattering, allowing the size of a CRP-XL aggregate to be estimated. The effect of cysteine thiols upon peptide adsorption to surfaces and subsequent platelet responses was investigated. This demonstrated that cysteine is required for strong binding to glass coverslips and to plastic plates used in ELISA assays

    Crosslinking and composition influence the surface properties, mechanical stiffness and cell reactivity of collagen-based films.

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    This study focuses on determining the effect of varying the composition and crosslinking of collagen-based films on their physical properties and interaction with myoblasts. Films composed of collagen or gelatin and crosslinked with a carbodiimide were assessed for their surface roughness and stiffness. These samples are significant because they allow variation of physical properties as well as offering different recognition motifs for cell binding. Cell reactivity was determined by the ability of myoblastic C2C12 and C2C12-α2+ cell lines (with different integrin expression) to adhere to and spread on the films. Significantly, crosslinking reduced the cell reactivity of all films, irrespective of their initial composition, stiffness or roughness. Crosslinking resulted in a dramatic increase in the stiffness of the collagen film and also tended to reduce the roughness of the films (R(q) = 0.417 ± 0.035 μm, E = 31 ± 4.4 MPa). Gelatin films were generally smoother and more compliant than comparable collagen films (R(q) = 7.9 ± 1.5 nm, E = 15 ± 3.1 MPa). The adhesion of α2-positive cells was enhanced relative to the parental C2C12 cells on collagen compared with gelatin films. These results indicate that the detrimental effect of crosslinking on cell response may be due to the altered physical properties of the films as well as a reduction in the number of available cell binding sites. Hence, although crosslinking can be used to enhance the mechanical stiffness and reduce the roughness of films, it reduces their capacity to support cell activity and could potentially limit the effectiveness of the collagen-based films and scaffolds

    Optimisation of UV irradiation as a binding site conserving method for crosslinking collagen-based scaffolds.

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    Short wavelength (λ = 254 nm) UV irradiation was evaluated over a range of intensities (0.06 to 0.96 J/cm(2)) as a means of cross-linking collagen- and gelatin-based scaffolds, to tailor their material characteristics whilst retaining biological functionality. Zero-link carbodiimide treatments are commonly applied to collagen-based materials, forming cross-links from carboxylate anions (for example the acidic E of GFOGER) that are an essential part of integrin binding sites on collagen. Cross-linking these amino acids therefore disrupts the bioactivity of collagen. In contrast, UV irradiation forms bonds from less important aromatic tyrosine and phenylalanine residues. We therefore hypothesised that UV cross-linking would not compromise collagen cell reactivity. Here, highly porous (~99 %) isotropic, collagen-based scaffolds were produced via ice-templating. A series of scaffolds (pore diameters ranging from 130-260 μm) with ascending stability in water was made from gelatin, two different sources of collagen I, or blends of these materials. Glucose, known to aid UV crosslinking of collagen, was added to some lower-stability formulations. These scaffolds were exposed to different doses of UV irradiation, and the scaffold morphology, dissolution stability in water, resistance to compression and cell reactivity was assessed. Stabilisation in aqueous media varied with both the nature of the collagen-based material employed and the UV intensity. Scaffolds made from the most stable materials showed the greatest stability after irradiation, although the levels of cross-linking in all cases were relatively low. Scaffolds made from pure collagen from the two different sources showed different optimum levels of irradiation, suggesting altered balance between stabilisation from cross-linking and destabilisation from denaturation. The introduction of glucose into the scaffold enhanced the efficacy of UV cross-linking. Finally, as hypothesized, cell attachment, spreading and proliferation on collagen materials were unaffected by UV cross-linking. UV irradiation may therefore be used to provide relatively low level cross-linking of collagen without loss of biological functionality.The authors would like to thank the British Heart Foundation (Grants NH/11/1/28922 and RG/15/4/31268), The Welcome Trust (Grant 094470/Z/10/Z), the ERC Advanced Grant 320598 3D-E and EPSRC Doctoral Training Account for providing financial support for this project. D. V. Bax is funded by the Peoples Programme of the EU 7th Framework Programme (RAE no: PIIF-GA-2013-624904) and also supported by an EPSRC IKC Proof of Concept Award.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10856-015-5627-

    The synthesis and coupling of photoreactive collagen-based peptides to restore integrin reactivity to an inert substrate, chemically-crosslinked collagen.

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    Collagen is frequently advocated as a scaffold for use in regenerative medicine. Increasing the mechanical stability of a collagen scaffold is widely achieved by cross-linking using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). However, this treatment consumes the carboxylate-containing amino acid sidechains that are crucial for recognition by the cell-surface integrins, abolishing cell adhesion. Here, we restore cell reactivity to a cross-linked type I collagen film by covalently linking synthetic triple-helical peptides (THPs), mimicking the structure of collagen. These THPs are ligands containing an active cell-recognition motif, GFOGER, a high-affinity binding site for the collagen-binding integrins. We end-stapled peptide strands containing GFOGER by coupling a short diglutamate-containing peptide to their N-terminus, improving the thermal stability of the resulting THP. A photoreactive Diazirine group was grafted onto the end-stapled THP to allow covalent linkage to the collagen film upon UV activation. Such GFOGER-derivatized collagen films showed restored affinity for the ligand-binding I domain of integrin α2β1, and increased integrin-dependent cell attachment and spreading of HT1080 and Rugli cell lines, expressing integrins α2β1 and α1β1, respectively. The method we describe has wide application, beyond collagen films or scaffolds, since the photoreactive diazirine will react with many organic carbon skeletons.The work was supported in Department of Biochemistry by New Horizons and Programme grants from British Heart Foundation (NH/11/1/28922 and RG/09/003/27122) and a Biomedical Resource grant from the Wellcome Trust (094470/Z/10/Z). In Department of Materials Science, funding was from the Peoples Programme of the EU 7th Framework Programme (RAE no: PIIFGA-2013-624904, to DVB), a Proof of Concept grant from the EPSRC Medical Technologies IKC, and an ERC Advanced Grant 320598 3D-E (to REC).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.01.04
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